Expect different…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Expect different…

Following up from my previous post, looking at the facts, not my opinion but facts..
There is a massive difference in the population of China and that of the UK.

The total number of coronavirus deaths in China with a population of almost 1.5 billion is 4,636 that’s four thousand six hundred and thirty six.
The total number of deaths in the UK is 150,000.
Meaning one in every 323,554 people in China have died but in the UK with a population of 67 million means, one in every 446 people have died, so living in the UK means you are 725 times more likely to die from coronavirus than you are if you live in china.
Again I must reiterate that this is NOT MY OPINION…these are statistical FACTS…

When a person contracts the virus and is or isn’t showing symptoms but is wearing a mask and has had two or three jabs all that’s happening is every exhaled breath is trapped within the mask so is just inhaled again making your own situation so much worse.

You can’t keep doing the same things and expect different results.

I’m not a scientist nor do I profess to know the definitive answer, but I do know that the methods presently being used are not working.
I also know for a fact that lipospheric Vitamin C kills ALL KNOWN VIRUS…

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