Everyone wants…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Everyone wants……
The world doesn’t owe you anything, it isn’t your right to be healthy, rich, happy in a loving relationship…… nothing is your right… it doesn’t matter if your relative or friend or someone you know is really happy and successful…. you have no idea what they’ve done to get there…. it’s weird how the people that work hard, that keep trying just seem to get luckier and luckier everyday..
Work…. life… health…. the same applies… fall down….get up….fall down….get up… fall down.. get up !!!! For more than thirteen years I thought I knew I would beat multiple sclerosis, I just didn’t know how, I tried to remain optimistic, it was getting harder and harder everyday as I was getting weaker and sicker everyday. That was how it was until I heard about Ann Boroch and read her book, fortunately for me I was contacted by Janet Orchard and was able to start the correct way on the ABP.. now I’m not telling you there is only one way of beating this disease, but I am telling you that the Ann Boroch Protocol, the ABP is a tried and tested and proven way that is currently and has previously been followed by thousands….
So no complaints, no “Woe is me”, there no, “but it’s too hard”…. nothing great is easy, fantastic gymnasts and sportsmen didn’t just become great.. successful businesses didn’t become successful overnight.. in every case, the people had to try, try and try again….
Watch motivational YouTube videos, read books, do whatever is necessary…. Whatever…. and believe… don’t have the slightest doubt, regardless of whatever setback befall you..
Everyone wants to be healthy, successful or whatever, not everyone wants it enough, if you do, you’ll get there..

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