Six unique and surprisingly easy ways to experience more energy every day
As we try to keep up with hectic activity demands by consuming more caffeine, sugar, and other energy “boosters” we become more frazzled, get less quality sleep, and add more chronic stress.
It’s that sort of vicious cycle that leads into a downward spiral of poor physical and/or mental health. There are natural solutions we can begin to practice, increasingly allowing new habits to replace our energy draining-behavior and rejuvenate depleted energy naturally.
Mild dehydration that is often not apparent can be a source of fatigue. Drink good water if you’re feeling run-down from a reliable source, not sodas or caffeinated beverages.
Minimize discharging energy and maximize recharging
1. Sleep is the foundation of recharging your energy. It’s the quality of sleep more than the amount of hours that allows your immune system to re-organize and recharge. Make sure you give yourself some time to unwind before retiring. Restful music or a relaxing walk in nature can help.
When you hit the sack, make sure sounds and lights are non-existent, unless you’re sleeping outdoors or on a porch. Turn off EMF-emitting devices or keep them far away. More on quality sleep in the sleep article, source below.
2. Getting rattled, upset, and fretting about imagined future situations drains your energy. Two psychological methods for that are witnessing and humor. When you witness, you observe attentively from a neutral, non-attached and non-controlling.
For example, getting upset about traffic and traffic lights, banging on the steering wheel and cursing everyone around you is actually exhausting. But so is suppressing your emotions.
Work at doing neither. Practice at becoming an impartial observer and witness without negative emotions. Realize that you can’t control all external activities, but you can control your reactions to them.
A helpful gimmick is humor. Whenever the absurdity of any situation begins to irritate you laugh or at least snicker, either at the situation or the absurdity of your rising temper. Laughter is a great tension release valve.
3. There are mild exercise routines that are meant to relax and center you while giving you more energy. Yoga, especially if climaxed with the corpse pose correctly, is the most commonly adopted energy expanding exercise from India.
Tai chi is also designed to increase our energy. Qi gong or chi gong is the esoteric predecessor to popularized tai chi, and it has proven to heal chronic maladies as well. And now there’s a newly imported routine known as the Five Tibetans. See two Five Tibetan demos below.
4. If your work involves lots of indoor sitting, standing and moving moderately while changing your field of vision is helpful. Standing and moving your body a bit works muscles enough to release tension and get bodily fluids moving.
Looking at interesting sights outside windows or anywhere but you computer screen can help you become alert again. These things should be done briefly but often throughout your work day. Each event should be done long enough to refresh you. You’ll wind up getting more work done with less anxiety.
5. Grounding is an ancient technique that is even more appropriate for our electronically polluted environment. It literally lets you discharge pent-up electrical charge from your body into the earth. All it takes is going barefoot outdoors.
Some prefer to stroll on a beach or in a park. But most grounders recommend simply standing outdoors barefoot with feet together. After some or several minutes, you should feel refreshed.
6. Meditation is the top energy recharger most ignored. It certainly will let you unwind before retiring if you use it to relax and let go rather than attempt to anxiously grind out the events of the day.
There are groups and classes if you think you could use some direction within an encouraging environment. Some focus on breath, or a body part, or a mantra. While meditating, whatever comes up mentally, allow it to come and go without trying to control it.
Steady meditation practice has been proven to improve heart health, overall immunity, and even restore youthful energy (
Sources for this article include:
Sleep Article