Dr. Joel Wallach..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Dr Joel Wallach.

Going back to my mid 30’s I was interested in nutrition, just slightly more concerned than most people, I’d been in the army so fitness was obviously part of my life. I ran 3 or 4 times each week and would be on my mountain bike or at the gym on the other days. Nutrition was something I was aware of but nothing like my understanding now.

About ten years ago the knowledge I gained from my time working for Dr Huggins in Colorado completely blew my mind, nutrition and body chemistry re-balancing changed the way I lived and my attitude towards the garbage being fed and forced into the minds of people absolutely sickened me. The sad thing is that money and profits played a big part in what happened in most of the western world, the U.S. primarily with the U.K. following a close second.

There is no doubt about the well documented bribes that have taken place that have enabled big food and pharmaceutical companies to mislead and basically con the public into using synthetic nutritionally bereft foods that has severely damaged the minds and bodies of a large percentage of the population. Around 56% of Americans take a prescription medication for problems caused by poor nutrition, I don’t know the figure for the U.K. but I bet it’s not far behind.

Dr Joel Wallach is one of the founders of “Youngevity” a company whose supplements are based on what he refers to as the Mighty 90. This is 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 2 essential fatty acids that the human body needs to function correctly. How often? the same as Air and water, everyday…..

Dr Wallach is a naturopathic physician, a pathologist and a veterinarian which is where his interest in health began. His experience of performing almost 30,000 autopsies on animals and humans has enabled him to see exactly why death has occurred and why so many organs have simply failed.

I started using the Mighty90 about 7 months ago and I have noticed a significant difference in how I feel both mentally and physically, it might not be glaringly obvious to others but living 24/7 in my body it’s obvious to me.

Reading about me extolling the virtues of his work is one thing but seeing it yourself is completely different, if you search for “Dr Joel Wallach, someone should go to jail” on YouTube you’ll be shocked and amazed. Do yourself and your loved ones a favour and watch  part 1 and 2 today, you won’t regret it.


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