Down but not out..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Down but not out…


So over the last 10 years my life has taken some twists and turns, my wife went off with a hispanic guy she worked with which I’m sure you can imagine played havoc with my mind and and my health, but as the title of this piece say’s I was down but not out.


At this time we’d moved to Castle Rock, my work with Dr. Huggins was in Colorado Springs about 35 miles south so I moved down there to be closer to my work as client service director which occupied most of my time.


Studying with doc opened my eyes to what was happening to millions of people in the US, studying his work and nutrition became my priority as helping others was, and still is so rewarding. Each day I’d talk with a lot of doc’s patients and new clients. Looking back I must have talked with more than 17,000 people over the three and a half years I was with him.


All this time I studied my blood tests to see what changes showed up as I tried following his protocol and recommendations, over the years working so closely with this great man I felt like a sponge soaking up every comment and snippet of information uttered from his mouth. I’d gone through body chemistry re-balancing and extensive dentistry so I was optimistic for the future.


Moving forward several years to where I am now, I’m not in as good a position as I’d hoped and my optimistic self believed but there are justifiable reasons for this. Because of my health and potential risks of physical accidents at work I lost my job. At the time I was very upset and hated my employer Dr. Huggins for this but now I can understand his reasoning. Yes it probably was selfish on his part but at the end of the day he was the boss.


So I’m attempting to “fix” myself using the knowledge I gained while working for doc and as much research that I can do now, which is limited to reading and re-reading books and literature written by informed knowledgeable people.

Tomorrow I’ll explain what my passion and a 5,000 piece jigsaw have in common.


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