Just imagine if you saw a dog wander off and into the road then a car comes around the corner and hits the dog, you know the owner so after calling the police you go to the owner’s house and tell him the bad news. You are shocked when for some inexplicable reason he starts shouting and blaming you.
Ok my point is this, when you have a health problem the standard response is to go see the doctor, probably 90% of the time he or she gives you a prescription for a drug, I hesitate to say medicine because in most cases it’s not actually a medicine to fix the cause, it’s often a drug that in the main masks the symptoms.
Symptoms are messages from your body, an organism far more advanced than a state of the art computer. So by simply masking the symptom all you are doing is fooling the receptors in your brain into ignoring the actual problem. Imagine coming home and seeing the kitchen floor soaking wet. Do you grab a few blankets and throw them down to mop up the water? Symptoms and drugs!!!! or do you go and turn the tap off and pull the plug out of the sink, duh.
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