3 Dangerous But Common
Fat Loss Recommendations You Must Avoid
Doctors Don’t Always Know What’s Best … This Amazing, All-Natural Solution Activates the Body’s Fat Loss Mechanism, Suppresses Appetite, and Contradicts Everything You Think You Know About Ridding Yourself of Unwanted Weight
Sometimes, following the doctor’s orders can be deadly. Not only do the 3 most commonly prescribed weight loss plans simply fail to work … but they are also highly dangerous and can even be fatal. If you truly want to rid yourself of excess fat, it’s crucial that you avoid the 3 most dangerous doctor-recommended methods.
Instead, you need to know about a proven, research-backed method that works with your body’s natural design to flip on all your fat-burning switches. Doctors and devotees of standard weight loss methods are astounded by this strategy. It works far more effectively and much more safely than the 3 methods most commonly prescribed by doctors. Furthermore, it costs far less. In fact, it will save you thousands of dollars in medical expenses over your lifetime.
#1: Weight Loss Drugs—The Worst Fat Loss Scheme of All
The single most harmful recommendation you may hear is to use drugs to lose weight. Doctors routinely write prescriptions for expensive weight loss medications in the face of studies showing those same prescriptions cause depression, panic attacks, bleeding, stroke, heart attacks, and worse.
In spite of the proof revealed by scientific studies that document the dangers of these drugs, doctors continue to prescribe them for weight loss. Due to their hectic schedules, doctors have difficulty staying abreast of cutting-edge information. Consequently, drug companies become a top source of information and influence for doctors. Drug companies spend millions of dollars “educating” (that is, selling and bribing) physicians on the promised benefits (all too often false) of their products.
Along with marketing efforts aimed directly at doctors, drug companies also target the general public—you and me. Primetime commercials chant the names of seemingly magical weight loss pills, encouraging individuals to ask their doctors for the drug by name. The fact is, these drugs are dangerous and should be avoided.
But prescription pills are just one of the 3 physician-approved methods of weight control that are both ineffective and could even threaten your life.
# 2: Starving Yourself—The Skinny Lie of Starvation Diets
For many doctors, the first line of defense (even before prescribing) is to recommend cutting your caloric intake. While this may sound sensible, many people can reduce their food consumption below the starvation point without significant results. Even those who initially achieve success using a starvation diet are unable to maintain the results.
Starvation diets are unhealthy and unsustainable. Long-term dieting teaches the body to store fat. While some see initial improvement, starvation dieting is not a viable option. If you need further proof, ask yourself this: how many ‘skinny’ people do you know who don’t eat?
# 3: Extreme Exercise—The Myth of Aerobics
The third method doctors typically recommend to those striving to lose weight is aerobic exercise. This is seemingly the most harmless, but may ultimately be the most deceptive. Aerobic exercise is extremely unlikely to lead to permanent decreases in body fat.
After all, have you ever wondered how it’s possible that you exercise every day, and still can’t shed fat? Traditional cardio routines, such as 40 minutes of exercise 3 times a week, do burn fat, but not in an optimal way. This type of exercise plan may be more advantageous to weight loss than simply sitting on a couch, but not by much.
The truth is that unless you are exercising with perfect form, you will probably trigger something called “the wasting effect” which decreases your muscle mass.
Over time, low-intensity exercise reduces your resting metabolic rate. To your fat loss efforts, this is the kiss of death.
Isn’t it sad that the major roadblock between you and your ideal weight may very well be the lies you’ve been told about the best ways to lose weight? All-or-nothing approaches to diet and exercise crop up daily, each packaged as the ultimate tool. In the end, these fads scramble your metabolism and halt your body’s natural fat burning process.
No matter how much superhuman discipline you summon, the fanaticism will burn you out long before your fat is gone. However, there is a proven recipe for fat loss that sends your body’s metabolism into overdrive—no risky drugs, extreme exercise, or overly restrictive diets required.
Tighten Your Belt While Padding Your Wallet
Using the breakthrough method known as ‘The Kitchen Remedy for Fat Loss’ you can look and feel as if you were one of the lucky, genetically gifted souls for whom weight has never been an issue. Chances are you already have the necessary ingredients on your shelves, but if you don’t, you can purchase them from your grocery or health food store.
Unlike other weight loss remedies, this effective solution rids you of the underlying cause of your weight problems: your desire to overeat.
By making small, maintainable changes, you can join the ranks of the thousands who have melted away fat and rebooted their metabolisms and overall health. Forget about starving yourself, or spending hours sweating on the treadmill. This scientifically proven method relies on two simple ingredients—a spice and a mineral—that cost pennies on the dollar.
Click here to enjoy a free presentation explaining how this specific, laboratory-confirmed spice-mineral combination burns glucose and fuels fat loss—plus dozens more affordable or free ways to begin immediately melting fat permanently. But hurry. This video may not be online for long. Big Pharma has already taken it down more than once because the information it contains is valuable, proven … and entirely drug free! Don’t delay, check out this free presentation now and get the most powerful, proven fat-burning methods available … while you still can
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