Do you know me..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Do you know me…

Over the many years I’ve been lucky enough to have been alive I think I’ve met and become friends, proper friends not just someone I’ve met,  probably a few thousand people. But most of those knew me during a phase of my life not all of it. Even family, my brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces have obviously known me for longer periods but not closely during some of the phases. I have changed in many ways as we all do simply ageing and growing into life and family. Looking at this I’m sure a large percentage don’t really know me, prior to moving to the USA I had been a very physically active man, always running the streets or riding my mountain bike or skydiving. I often visited friends and relatives in various parts of the country, it didn’t matter if they lived a couple of hours away, I just jumped in the car and went to see them. People might remember me as a humorous person, laughing and joking or someone always willing to help regardless of the time and effort required to do it. In the States I met a lot of people through my work, clients, patients, doctors, dentists and PhDs that knew me in a very different way. Since coming back to England I’m the relative or neighbour that’s sick with a disease and stays in his flat 24/7,  talks to one person each day, one five times each week and the other twice. But in my head I’m not the sick unspoken to relative or the physically active guy, I’ve been all of those people, the one that has travelled around the world, been physically active, helped thousands of people and loved doing it. Do you know me? I don’t think you do…

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You’ll be asked to enter the email of the person which is me and my email is [email protected]

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