Different world…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

When I stop and think about it, the world we now live in is very different to the one I was born in, today almost anyone in the western world can just say hi to a friend, be it someone that lives in the next house, next street, next city, next country or around the world. Using their mobile phone that can hide in their back pocket, slightly different to the first mobile phone I was so proud to be using while walking the streets of Cambridge back in the 80’s. Mind you I’d developed a really strong left arm while carrying the battery pack as big as my briefcase and almost shouting into the handset as the signal was crap.

I think you’d need to be over 40 to truly appreciate the differences, it’s not the fault of the younger generation, I’m not moaning at or about them but as a kid I didn’t have a mobile phone or an X-Box to play with, I didn’t have a Tablet or Kindle with 100 apps to chose from, no the only thing I could play was OUTSIDE and avoid the occasional car.

Not a complaint just an observation, I still live in England but now it’s a very Different World.


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