Different agendas.
I personally think that the world, or the people of the civilised world have slowly but surely become a sad bunch, not everyone but a very large percentage. The reason for what I believe to be people with no concern for life, or should I say quality of life, is that it’s become perfectly acceptable for people to be overweight and unhealthy. These days there are constant commercials and advertisements for unhealthy foods, admittedly they taste good and it’s normal to taste or drink them and want more. Very few processed foods are actually good for you, the prominent lettering shouts that it’s healthy and has been enriched or that it’s fat free and other misleading verbiage. The reality is that most processed foods are riddled with additives like MSG, monosodium glutamate is an Excitotoxin that fools your brain into wanting more, you know when you eat some Pringles it’s hard to stop at six or seven, you’re not hungry but you just want to cram more into your mouth. The clever advertisers portray them as something good, you’ll have more friends and have a great time. What they don’t tell you is that the nutritional value is probably equal to the container it came in….. really!!!
Foods that are quite basic such as crisps or beans or peas should be just that, basic!! but they aren’t are they… read the label, look and actually read and comprehend, why does just about everything have sugar in it or ten unpronounceables that quite frankly shouldn’t be in a human body
They make foods from crops that have been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides, to do what? kill insects, guess what if it kills insects then enough of it will kill you. Why do 75% or 80% of people take an Over the counter, OTC or prescription medication. They’re all scratching each other’s back, Big Pharma, Food Companies, Advertisers, you see, you buy, you get sick and go to the doctor who prescribes a drug that does no more that ease a symptom. You continue to eat, drink or cover your body with more toxins and the cycle continues. Whose to blame…. the Money grabbing pariahs, but it’s you that’s enabling them, use your common sense, don’t be a slave to your taste buds because “they” and “you” should have completely different agendas.