What does it mean? When you notice changes in your physical and mental self, you get concerned and worried, it’s only natural to wonder, to think of the possibilities, I know I did. Back in 2001 I’d been staying with my sister Suzie who at that time lived about an hour from central London.
I went to her local GP who after my blood test proclaimed I was just suffering from a minor viral infection and would be back to normal in a few days. He was right about one thing, I felt good again in a week so for the time being I just forgot about it. The new business I was starting, a web based company www.only4norwich.com required me to be there in Norwich obviously so off I went.
Over the next 9 months or so I didn’t experience any significant health issues so when the opportunity to move to Colorado came up I had no hesitation and made the leap of 5,000 miles or so in February of 2002.
It was exactly two years later that the horrible symptoms struck again and after a couple of doctors visits and three days in hospital I was told of the disease I apparently had. They couldn’t be specific about the time I’d had it but we’re confident it was MS and had been in the Remitting/Relapsing stage for at least three years.
As I’ve said before I didn’t at the time and never have taken any of the prescribed drugs they shamefully describe as medication. I know there is something wrong, something evil and horrible living inside me. After studying how the amazing human body will constantly try it’s very best to heal itself when given the natural nutritional supplements, rest and meditation I know I will not just improve my health, I will cure…….CURE myself.
What does the doctors and neurologists diagnosis mean? it means they just don’t understand whats truly happening in me or how powerful I am…
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