Consistently surprising…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Consistently surprising.

I start each day the same way, I can imagine my days would probably seem to be extremely boring to most people but it’s not to me even though in my pre MS life I was an extremely active man. I Start each day and make an assessment as to my overall condition and how the day is likely to proceed based on my ability to move around and if I’m feeling particularly weak or in pain. Well I’m always weak and in pain in comparison to a healthy person so it’s more a case of the levels of them. What is surprising me, very pleasantly is that I’m noticing far more positives than negatives, it isn’t a case of any improvements that happen remain at that level and can be added to positives from previous days, no they slide back. But what I am becoming more aware of is that a month ago I’d go one step forward and two steps back, that’s all changed now, the reverse is happening, now it’s two steps forward but only one back. So although there are daily improvements and negatives I’m more aware of my condition now as a positive in comparison to a few weeks ago. There are definitely specific times that I could complain of my weakness or uncoordinated movement but in reality there are improvements that are consistently surprising me. If you were to take a snapshot of the good and bad now and compared them to snapshot of good and bad a month ago, the good would be significantly better and the bad wouldn’t anywhere near as bad. I’ve said this many times before and I’m probably going to say it another thousand times, thanks Janet.

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