Confusing…but not….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Confusing… but not.

When any of us with this disease decides to embark on a protocol that could supposedly change our life for the better, it is without a doubt the most exciting and daunting thing ever. Most of us will have had this debilitating disease for a number of years and most likely be extremely limited and restricted in our physical functionality. I personally think I’m lucky because I never took any of the prescribed drugs which wether you can accept or not all have seriously long term almost irreversible side effects.

My attitude that was partly created by my work with Dr Hal Huggins and partly just because I’m me, has always been to address the cause and to do it naturally.

Getting back to my point, this protocol, the ABP, created by Ann Boroch who painstakingly healed herself over a four year period, does what it does little by little and that in itself can be a little confusing, but not…

The symptoms of MS are many and are caused by the inability of the blood, glands and organs to function as intended. Over a number of years and that will vary with everyone of us because of the severity of individual symptoms and our dedication plus a thousand other reasons we will clear the Candida, the fungus, the yeast, the parasites that exacerbate the disease. The confusing part is that it seems we are getting better one day only to feel as if we’re taking a step backwards the next. That’s the confusing part but in reality it’s not….it’s hard to try and look at this with an unbiased view, but think about it….. you… me…. didn’t go to bed one night perfectly healthy then wake up the next morning with multiple sclerosis, it took several years for the symptoms to get as bad as they are and the same logic applies to the opposite end of the scale. We feel better and to a certain extent try to act as we’d like to, often doing more than our body is capable of, then negating the improvement and psychologically feeling worse.

The lesson we should all learn and act on is that healing will happen,  and contrary to what we individually think, want or expect… our incredible body knows best.

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