Yesterday evening and how I felt was confirmation that the hold up in my quest for health was indeed the coconut water, at the end of the day my movement which of late has been quite frighteningly limited, was a lot better. No I wasn’t able to walk like a normal person of course but I wasn’t desperately clinging to the door frames as if my life depended on it, it was much more comfortable and far less anxious. This morning I was able to get into my bath with magnesium chloride, that’s been a Godsend to me it really has, anyway after an hour soak my usual struggle to get out was actually quite easy, well easy in comparison to previous times so it was far less stressful. That may seem a little strange to you but being able to get out at first attempt and not slip back in sending a tidal wave over the bath and soaking the floor which takes thirty minutes and four towels to mop up was really good.
I’ve had to make some serious changes to my shopping cart, delivery of course, and I know there will be some experimentation as I get accustomed to not having the occasional treat, but in reality that’s a very small price to pay.
I think for anyone that is faced with the option of staying sick or getting healthy, not with every disease, but with most, the challenge is there, be confident that this will work and have the courage of your convictions.