Complete acceptance.
I think to a certain extent that the progress I’m making by following the ABP is greatly influenced by my mental attitude, during the first two months as I’d have bad days which was only expected, instead of feeling depressed and despondent, I’d tell myself that the bad would follow the good so it was nothing to worry about. On those bad days which gradually became fewer and further between I’d just go to my bed, rest and meditate and look forward to the following day because I knew it would be good or at least not another bad day. Following the plan, the ABP and the Candida Cure, regardless of the illness, disease or condition someone is in, will help, it will have a positive effect on the body. It’s been proven thousands of times by others that were also sceptical and had doubts. So a big part of enabling this protocol to work is not just sticking to it, it’s your own confidence, you have to “believe” !!!!! That voice that constantly natters in your head, has to be 100% convincing, it has to ignore minor setbacks because they are just speed bumps on the road, nothing more. You can’t just say to family and friends that you think it should work, that simply isn’t the way… it has to be something you absolutely believe, no doubts or concerns, it has to be total and complete acceptance.