There are roughly 23 million families in the UK, approximately 27 million people working full time, there are just over 65 million people living on this island, so there’s lots to take into consideration for the Prime Minister…
A difficult and challenging job, of that there’s no doubt, but in reality that doesn’t mean a lot to me because I personally have a different agenda… I have to make decisions regarding my body, I’m trying….. trying to save my life…
Now let’s put the PM’s job and mine into perspective….
My heart is beating about 70 times each minute, meaning it’s pumping more than 2,000 gallons of blood each day., sounds a lot doesn’t it until you realise that there are not just millions of functions happening every Second…. No, there are Billions of functions, every second and Trillions of individual cells that at this time have all been influenced by two things, … I have multiple sclerosis, a life threatening disease in its own right, and unbeknownst to 99.9% of people it’s being exacerbated by a seemingly innocuous problem called Candida…… Candidiasis is the result of eating certain foods that contain specific substances, this then makes what was already a supposedly incurable problem into a speeded up version.
So putting the PM’s job into perspective compared to mine….HAH!!!!