Common sense.
Some days I wonder why it is that common sense doesn’t prevail. If you just look at a cup of caster sugar and next to it was a cup of salt, the fine grounds of caster sugar look very similar to the salt. If you poured the sugar into a glass of cold water and put the salt into another glass, gave them a quick stir and waited a minute, what would you see? The salt would have dissolved but the sugar wouldn’t. They look the same dry but act differently in water, ok now taste them, polar opposites in taste but they look the same.
Ok now let’s look at wood… apart from variation in colour wood basically looks the same , wood is wood isn’t it…. no it’s not, there are massive differences, in fact there are 29 different softwood and 116 different hard woods.
Bear with me here, there is a point, a very important one, the two I previously mentioned are very basic substances on the grand scale of things but even those two are made up of hundreds of individual components.
The human body, ok I’m getting to it, in comparison to the above are millions of times more complicated and detailed but are taken for granted and treated like crap. Even bags of sugar are stored in dry containers, in the main wood is looked after and dusted and polished but the most valuable thing, your body, the place you live is ignored.
The skin, organs, glands, enzymes and blood are comprised of billions of different organisms, cells and molecules that in order for them to work and function seamlessly, in harmony with each other requires very little effort from you. You just have to provide the fuel, no not petrol or diesel or gas or electricity, it needs the correct nutrition.
Every second the millions of actions that take place in your body need vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids, it doesn’t need herbicides, pesticides, preservatives, genetically modified organisms, pharmaceuticals or any other crap that has no right, no need to be in a human body.
Stop and think for a minute, just because companies are adding things like monosodium glutamate and other excitotoxins that have the “Moorish’ factor doesn’t mean it’s good for your body. Your tongue and brain might be saying it tastes nice but Its not….. wake up, use your common sense.