Change happens…
I’m a firm believer in being positive and not allowing negativity into my life, of course things happen outside of my own personal control, and when that happens, there’s no benefit in being annoyed or p’eed off, it’s happened, just accept it, if it can’t be changed and get on with life.
The reason I absolutely know I will be completely healed, not just better than I was, but healed is because I’ve been on a high in life, I’ve also been on a low, so low I really couldn’t see any way out…. I loved one and hated the other, now I know about and following an already proven method… the ABP and I will never, ever give up.
Winners make it happen and quitters make excuses…
I’m in the first group.
Think about your life, your struggles, your pain…
Change happens, when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of making the change.