Your Choice…

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Your choice…

Sickness in any of the thousands of guises is a pain in the ass, not prevebially necessarily, the “experts”… hah!!! still only treat the symptoms, and to the opposite end of the scale the so called “incurable” diseases like MS, MND and Cancer plus at least another 30 are condemned to a life, no, not life, just an existence of pain, frustration and drugs.
So why are they classed as Incurable… is it because they are genuinely incurable, or is it that the medical world is influenced, no…DOMINATED by the pharmaceutical giants, you see its an incredibly profitable business to brainwash the masses and to financially cajole the medical profession starting at its roots (medical school) to doctors surgeries and hospitals, they all succumb to one sort of incentive or another and say the same thing which is that no disease is curable without the use of a pharmaceutical drug.

So what is a disease… a disease is any toxin or pathogen that is alien to the body, over the past 150 years or so there’s been at least 100 new or previously unknown “diseases” categorised in medical journals around the world.
Diseases that now affect every organ or gland including the blood. Are they known of now purely because of medical research, well that’s what big pharma would have you believe but that isn’t strictly true.
Okay they weren’t known of before, but thats because the didn’t exist before, so many diseases have been created, yes created by man, not intentionally but because of the intake of additives such as MSG (monosodium glutamate) and artificial flavorings and preservatives and hundreds of other non natural synthetics added to foods that over time the body just can’t cope with.
The human body is an incredibly complex thing, we all take living for granted, but its estimated by those more qualified than me that the human brain is made up of 86 billion cells, and that there is more than 32 Trillion cells in the whole body and amazingly they all communicate with each other.
So every cell gland organ and our blood is designed to work in harmony with each other, and that’s happened for a couple of thousand years, until, one smart arse dabbled with the idea of putting “things” into foods. The original idea of improving the health of mankind was good, but that developed into flavorings, colourings preservatives and overall bastardization of natural foods.

Our natural immune system, 70% of which resides in the gut, without getting into specifics the immune system is like an umbrella keeping all the bad guy’s away from our cells and organs.

The human body can protect itself under normal conditions but sadly as we’ve moved on in life since about 1900 when life as we knew it became more and more affected by synthetics its having to fight a lot harder and sadly that fight has become like getting into a boxing ring with Tyson Fury, hard enough but now we have one arm tied behind our back.

So it all comes down to choice, I know in simplistic terms the answer will always be.. I want to live, sadly the majority are not given that choice or are not aware that that decision needs to be made until a step further is one step too many.
I urge you all now, accept that there are things you are ingesting that probably taste good or make you feel happy, temporarily but are genuinely damaging the very basis of life in you.
There are great nutrionally healthy herbs, spices and foods that might not appeal to your tastebuds initially that can and will save your life or synthetic cannibalised junk that tastes great to the indoctrinated tastebuds that over an unspecified period of time can suck away your will to live.
Your choice…

Because I’m trying…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Because I’m trying…

In life there are three types of people, we’ve all met everyone of them, and they all consider that their way of thinking is right.
If there was a glass that could hold 400ml of water but only had 200ml in it, the three “types” would see it very differently, one would say “oh crap, it’s half empty”… that’s the pessimist…

Then there’s the one that says ” oh well, now there’s only one big drink left… I’ll just have a few little sips and that’s it… the realist.

Then there’s the one that says “”this is great, I’ve had a big slurp and I’ve still got a half glass full, and I know I’ll be able to refill it although I’m not sure how at this time”.. the optimist.

Now as I said they all think that their view is the right one to have, but in my opinion two of them are wrong, the pessimist thinks that they are Realists.
The realists are really Pessimists..
Whereas the optimist.. me… doesn’t accept the negativity of either of the other two.

When shit happens in life, you can either just say oh crap, things are bad and now it’s getting worse or you can say, okay it’s not ideal but I’ll find a way to make things better.

It’s strange how we all take great pleasure in watching Neo in The Matrix fighting against Agent Smith and avoiding the Sentinels… or John McClane whupping the ass of the terrorists in Die Hard.
But when faced with major problems, some people are so quick to adopt there’s no point in trying attitude of the two afore mentioned types.

I’m definitely an optimist, things might appear unbeatable or incurable when it comes to a disease like the one I have, but I have to keep looking, I have to keep trying.
Why, when 99.9% say its impossible.
Because I’m trying to save my life…

Nothing has…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized


I’m not going to harp on about all I’ve done physically, the skydiving hang gliding and Scuba diving etc or being a qualified pilot, or my 25 years in I.T. sales and Management or as the Client service director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing.
The fact that MS took away my physical ability to do those things anymore hasn’t changed the person in my head.
I still have a competent clear thinking mind, I’m still me…no I can’t compete physically, but I still have determination and focus and more will power than most. I am beating what the worlds experts in the medical field think is impossible. So the way I see things is that I’m damn good. I might not be as physically capable as I was but I’m still Stefan, so…
Don’t write me off, I’m still me.
Nothing has changed…

Consider yourself to be…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Consider yourself to be…

What I take everyday is not typical of those attempting to beat the so called incurable disease called multiple sclerosis, I say “so called” because as thousands already know its only incurable if all you do is take disease modifying drugs to ease the symptoms.
Whereas the select group of individuals that have a strong will and determination to genuinely remove the hideous life sucking pathogen then good health is on the horizon,
yes it can be hard at times and yes you will experience pain and frustration, but becoming healthy and actually “Living” again is genuinely possible.
As I said, the multitude of supplements I take daily isn’t specifically required, so don’t be put off by what I take, what is required is to make the commitment necessary to only eat the compliant foods.
I want to put things into perspective, my condition and situation is tough on me living alone, but there are many others worse off than me so I’m not complaining.
I’ve had MS for 18.5 years, I’m alone apart from 1.5 hrs per day.
The fall I had 27 months ago has kept me in bed 23.5 hrs per day.
I can’t lay on my side or front as I can’t roll over meaning I’m in the same position permanently, sleeping in a sitting position trying to keep warm in winter or cool in summer isn’t a comfortable thing to do.
I have to use a catheter 6 or 7 times a day, my carers get me onto a commode at lunchtime everyday which can be a little frustrating and inconvenient as my bowels don’t always want to comply with my forced regimen.
But as I said I know some others have a much tougher time, so I am always grateful to those carers helping me and count my blessings daily.
Now I know some people gripe about taking supplements or simply forget on some days. Again, what I take isn’t typical, this is the number of tablets or capsules I take daily…
6.30 a.m….. 41
11.30 a.m. … 36
6.00p.m… 36
8.30 p.m. 5
So that’s 113 each day, that’s broken down into 33 different groups, so don’t use the excuse of taking ten or so caps that Will help save your life.
Following this protocol WILL change your life…. rest assured if you do what’s required it will happen, as I said at the start by doing this properly, you can consider yourself to be in..
A very special group of people…

How much…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

How much…

Looking at life when you have a severely incapacitating disease can result in a depressing and a no point in trying attitude, I mean the longer you have the freaking, hideous life draining disease the worse and harder it gets to not just “try” but also think it’s worth putting yourself through more pain, frustration and demoralising heartache.

On top of being one of the 2.3 million MS sufferers out of a population of around 7.5 billion….. hmm… if MS was a good thing it would make me a very lucky and special person, but sadly its not, it’s a life sucking problem, so ontop of that I had a fall 27 months ago that buggered my knees which has kept me in bed 23.5 hrs per day, which also means my once powerful thighs have wasted away and I have a butt that feels like I’m permanently sat on a drawing pin because of bed sores, so even moving a little trying to get a tiny bit more comfortable is horrible and knowing my seated position is how I am all day and night, yes I have to try and sleep sat up… not easy and a tad frustrating.
So… when I see these poor people suffering because hey haven’t been on holiday …”for two years” !!!! Ahh…poor people…
I think to myself, stop bloody complaining, my Lockdown has meant being sat in the same position in my bed for 27 months, I’ve only been out of my house once in 44 months, my own situation is bad but in reality there are millions and millions that have it so much worse.

Sorry, I’m digressing, getting back to us as in MS sufferers and me specifically.
I’ve always been the type of person that doesn’t just accept the bad things that happen in life, I try to make things better, not cover them up or ignore or sweep them under the carpet, but look for a way to genuinely fix it.
It’s not because I’m a scouser with a German (by birth) mother, I also survived Liverpool in the 50’s 60’s and 70’s and had a tough, “don’t look at me that way”dad who’s hand and my ass knew each other really well.
I don’t think any of that makes an ounce of difference in my attitude to this disease. Even before learning about the lifestyle and life changing Ann Boroch Protocol I was constantly looking for and trying whatever I could to beat and remove MS from my body..
I try then get knocked down, so I try again then get knocked down again but get back up and keep trying, I’m feeling stronger everyday and after 18 yrs and 4 months genuinely believe I’m sooo close..
Multiple Sclerosis isn’t incurable, well it is if you give up and stop trying.
The way I see it is, I can…. you can stop being a victim, make the decision to be a winner, it all comes down to…
How much to you want to live again…

More than…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

More than!!!

In life there are some people, no… a lot of people that often want to do something but don’t, they stop because they have a suitcase full of excuses, it might be the ” it just wasn’t right for me” or the ” I’ve tried everything but it just didn’t work” or “It’s too hard” or the old faithful “I just don’t like doing it”.
In reality those people will never truly get what they want, they just tell themselves and anyone that asks that they couldn’t get whatever it was because they’ve tried everything but its simply not possible, so they accept what they have is as good as it gets.
I can’t live like that…
There are things that I would like to happen, they’re not obviously achievable but the way I see it is that if it’s not worked, if I’ve been knocked down or backwards I have to suck it up, take it on the chin and try again.
Just look at anything that’s been done in the past, they didn’t just happen…
There are things nowadays that when considered to what was normal a hundred years ago seem absolutely incredible, just look at transport in general and the quality of millions of developments that today we just take for granted.
A thousand mistakes or failed attempts have happened but perseverance is key.
I’m not saying that our efforts are on a par with the Einstein’s of the past but we have to genuinely try and not give in just because we stumbled.
Thinking back to when this protocol was developed.
Ann made mistakes..
Janet made mistakes and was in pain.
I’ve made mistakes and I’m in pain 24/7..
Martha has made mistakes, but what we haven’t done is make excuses and give up.
You, yes You…
Have to adopt the attitude of “I will succeed”.
Believe in what you’re doing, believe in yourself.
Tens of thousands have failed… why ? because of the suitcase I mentioned earlier, but guess what? Thousands HAVE succeeded because they refused to accept defeat.
I see myself, and you should too as being the difference that will make a difference, and then TELL YOURSELF.

” I am more than Enough”…

It’s not that…. its this…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

It’s not that!!! It’s this..

There is a big difference in the importance of choices we make if a person is healthy or unhealthy.
For the majority it’s simply down to one thing or the other…do I like it or not..?
Sadly its a little more complicated when you are one of the people like myself that has an illness the medical fraternity have all chosen to accept the catorization of being “incurable”… so when all of the so called experts…. HA!!!
have given up, its so much harder to remain firm in your belief that there must be a way, surely the continuation of being alive has got to be more than just “existing”.
Getting back to choices, having an illness, a serious life debilitating illness
like MS and always having the option of “do I accept defeat” and just exist in pain, frustration, humiliation and solitude or do I make the choice of No !!! I’m not giving up!!! I’m going to keep trying…

When you’ve made that choice, you have to be strong and committed to make choices you don’t like. I would love to have a pizza or Big Mac or ice cream occasionally but I know it would have serious implications, it would jeopardise my longterm plan to heal my body. So the choice of do I like and want it or not doesn’t matter…
It’s not that, it’s this..
Will it help or hinder me in my quest to Live again…

Everyone gets knocked down…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Everyone gets knocked down…

I was diagnosed with one of the so called “incurables” back in February of 2004, only 2 years previously I’d moved from England, got married, to an American woman, was working in the computer s/w industry and taken out a massive mortgage on a far too big for two and my wife’s cats house in Castle Rock in the beautiful state of Colorado.
As you can imagine, the news cut me to the bone, prior to my attempted sleep and during the many waking hours I genuinely felt like swallowing a bottle full of sleeping pills and downing them with a quart of Jack Daniels.. That didn’t happen of course and when I finally came to my senses as the sun shine highlighted the incredible Rocky Mountains a few miles away I changed my attitude from “oh poor me” to “okay, time to kick butt” and search for a genuine answer, a tough job knowing the pharmaceutical giants said they’d already tried to no avail.
I think having the attitude inherited from my mum, R.I.P. who’d survived every atrocity inflicted on her during WW11 that I’ve been able to cope with the many, many disappointments incurred while attempting therapy after therapy after operation that didn’t work.
I must admit that I was so close to giving up before being told about Ann Boroch and her amazing protocol.
I am over four years into the ABP and if it wasn’t for the horrendously painful accident which has seriously damaged my knees, taken the majority of my leg strength and has kept me in bed for 25 months, I’m as weak generally as a drunken pensioner…. oh yes I am a pensioner, not touched any alcohol since a glass of wine at Sunday lunch 5 years ago but yes very weak in comparison to my former self.
Over the years, the experience and knowledge I’ve gained through various sports and work I’ve realised that doing anything in life, especially something more than a little challenging can be tough, in fact not just tough but damn hard and demoralising, but if the end result is what you really want, then getting knocked down is always a possibility but as the boxing coach said, everyone gets knocked down, but it’s…
Winners that get back up…

A lot closer…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

As we all get older, we tend to use the excuse of ” well it happens to everyone as we age, there’s nothing we can do about that”… yes thats partly true, as in time and tide wait for no man, or woman of course. But ageing should mean… more experienced and capable of making better choices, not lots more weight, more wrinkles and food induced sickness.
Yes of course there are far more tasty foods nowadays than in previous decades and its so much more convenient to just wolf some “fastfood” down while on the way to or from work or after because the kids need feeding. But the more we indulge and give in to our yearning tastebuds, the more those with “pure profits” on their agenda will continue to make and advertise fast or faster nutrionless crap ladled with hundreds of unpronounceable additives that do nothing good to our body.
Over the past twenty or so years I’ve tried to become more aware of the dangers in processed foods in general. I’m not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, prior to MS I would definitely have a Big Mac occasionally or another non compliant food, but it was only now and then, it wasn’t my staple diet.
I was the Client Service Director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing so was fortunate to meet several other leaders in the field of nutrition and “Natural health”… not the synthetic and chemically reduced symptoms and temporally healthy advocates..
When I was diagnosed with MS back in 2004, I was initially quite despondent especially after being told that everything would go downhill from that moment on. But being the type of guy I am, I saw that statement as a bit of a challenge… okay the world health experts all say the same, that MS is incurable and “you’ll never beat it”… Ha!!! I’m from Liverpool, my mum, God rest her soul was born in Berlin, so I’m half German as well so the neurologist saying that to me was like a dare, go on.. I dare you to beat MS..
Challenge accepted…
Eighteen years later, still no pharmaceutical drugs and still optimistic, I’ve not beaten it yet, but I’m definitely well on the way to doing it, thanks to the ABP.
As I’ve said before, the only obvious symptom I have now is weakness, quite an issue for me knowing how physically active I was, but… total healing from this hideous disease hasn’t happened but let me say this in all honesty.
I’m definitely a lot closer than they expected…

It’s simply…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

In some ways I look at life in general in a different way than most other people, but more specifically its health that I tend to have a very different opinion of.
Prior to being diagnosed with what the neurologist told me was incurable, a disease called multiple sclerosis I’d been what most people would term an extreme sportsman, I’ll not go into them all now but trust me, 99.9% of people wouldn’t do them. So because I also had and have a great interest in nutrition and as Hippocrates said “Let food be your medicine” I refused to take the pharmaceutical drugs recommended by the neurologist…. looking back to that day which was in February 2004 I had some stern words said to me, but, that didn’t change my opinion and to this day I’m still pharmaceutical drug free.
I’ve mentioned that I have tried numerous different ways to beat this hideous disease, some helped a little, including a full dental revision with the late Dr Hal Huggins who was my boss, I’ve also had CCSVI, Bee venom therapy and many others. It wasn’t until my eyes were opened to a genuinely true way of healing the body by following the Ann Boroch Protocol did I embark on my healing journey.
If it wasn’t for a fall 25 months ago I truly believe that my healing would be complete, but its only muscle weakness that is an obvious problem now.
There are a couple of “Compliant” supplements that I’ve added specifically to strengthen my immune system and build muscle which I’ll talk about in another post but rest assured they are compliant.
So going back to the heading, there are numerous diseases that specialists… actually that should say paid for by the pharmaceutical industry specialists to give a biased opinion, in reality if they were honest they’d say that it’s simply
It’s not in our best financial interest to find an answer…