No, it just means…

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No!!! It just means…

Firstly I have to say that in life, we all have to have an open mind…
None of us know everything!!!
When the medical fraternity say that from their experience that a particular disease is incurable, does that mean it is incurable?
It just means that they have been told by the pharmaceutical giants that its incurable.
Does That mean it’s incurable?
It just means that from their point of view it’s not financially viable to find a cure..
They probably could invent a “fix all pill” but in reality they can make much more profit by adding customers for however long their life will be.
Think about it?
When Ann Boroch was diagnosed with MS, there wasn’t a FIX ALL PILL, there still isn’t!!!
What she did was painstakingly research to find specifically what was causing the problems that cumatively are bunched together and called multiple sclerosis. She then set about creating what is now known as the Ann Boroch Protocol.
It doesn’t happen overnight.
But it does happen.
Buying the book, studying what she said.
Following the protocol correctly, and then after 4 or 5 years multiple sclerosis will not be a problem in your body.
There’s no “quick fix “, it just means that You will help your body to Heal itself…

I can and…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I can and…

Every day is a challenge for most people, but even more so when you have one of the many “so-called incurable diseases” in my particular case, it’s multiple sclerosis.
Now I said “so called incurable diseases.” Because in my opinion most are not incurable, it’s just that the pariahs known a big pharma make billions in profit every year by glamourising their supposed efforts to find a cure and they use very clever advertising to make the uninformed public think they are, when in reality that’s never going to happen.
It’s a sad state of affairs when the genuine medical professionals are hampered by the giants that are happy to revel in extortionate profits at the expense of people who are dying.
You only have to look at one of the many true health pioneers, Ann Boroch who completely healed her body after she had been diagnosed with the same hideous disease I was told I had, multiple sclerosis.
Where’s Ann know? years after she healed herself, as have thousands of others that followed her protocol. Many of us know the truth, in that her life was taken by those that would rather gain lifelong customers.
I’ll not be specific, but I’m sure you can work it out yourself.
As far as I’m concerned from an MS standpoint, because of the ABP, that’s history, a fall because of my own overconfidence and the massive backlog in operations through the pandemic has kept me bedbound, but I’m 100% committed to repairing my leg damage and ĺiving again rather than existing.
Anyone who knows me will genuinely know that I can, and I will…

True problem…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I was told, as 99% of other sufferers that I had multiple sclerosis which in the eyes of just about every conventional medical professional was an incurable disease.
In reality, an incurable disease is a disease that the medical professionals by way of the pharmaceutical industry say is incurable, or that they: big pharma haven’t found a drug that can fix it.
In reality, they aren’t and never have looked for a definitive way of genuinely healing any illness, let alone MS.
So, your choices are, according to them, to take the prescribed drugs that can ease one of the many symptoms.
What they don’t tell you is what the problem is or the scientifically proven side effects of the drugs that they, medical professionals that are supposedly looking out for your health.
Everyone knows what multiple means, so the sclerosis part?
According to Google;

Sclerosis: pathological hardening of tissue, especially from overgrowth of fibrous tissue or increase in interstitial tissue. also : a disease characterized by sclerosis. : an inability or reluctance to adapt or compromise.

My understanding of what was told to me by numerous neurologists is that an auto immune disease is basically a disease that the immune system is confused and in trying to protect you is attacking itself..

As I said, the NHS and every other conventional medical practice will only ever consider a form of treatment that is recommended by the pharmaceutical giants who in reality are not interested in anything but increasing their customer base and profits.

So after being diagnosed with MS, your genuine choices are to take the Dmd’s which as far as true health is concerned will do bugger all to help, or look for a genuine way of healing the body… Notice I said healing the body…  the Ann Boroch Protocol will do that,and not trying to cure MS, because the real problems have been caused by yeast, mould, gluten, dairy, and sugar.
These have exacerbated the rapid growth of Candida, which is the…
True problem…

The cholesterol myth…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I  have wanted to write a post on cholesterol for a while now especially after reading so much crap posted by so called experts in the field of health. If not daily then at least weekly there is another article condemning this much needed requirement for good health.

if makes me so mad to see misinformation in the media, be it TV, radio or the internet rammed down the throats of the uninformed public, it is so dangerous to constantly take statin drugs to lower cholesterol.

i know in this country (UK) and my previous home for 11 years the USA that the percentage of church goers is rapidly diminishing, however I think there is still a large population of believers in God. That being said let me ask you a question. “Do you  think God would have made mankind to be inherently faulty”. Well my thought is no he wouldn’t, so why are so many misinformed people screaming about something they know so little about. Cholesterol is natural, approximately 45% of it is made by the body.

A large percentage of the brain (25%) is cholesterol and 23% of the cell membrane of the red blood cells is cholesterol, without it they couldn’t flex and contort and get through the various capillaries which could then result in heart attack or stroke.Cholesterol.

Cholesterol is guilty by association, if you did a survey on the accidents in your local town you’d find that with every motor vehicle accident there is always an ambulance present. So if you take away the ambulance which is the common denominator would there be less accidents. Obviously not, but that is what’s happening with cholesterol.

Cholesterol is the second biggest natural detoxifier in the body, Albumin being the first. When you have toxins and contaminants in the body, Cholesterol is sent by your body to remove them. 

So by taking statin drugs to lower cholesterol you are just creating an environment in your body that allows the bad guys…toxins to run riot. The body can’t cope, you have a heart attack or stroke and the doctor claims that you addressed the problem too late. NO….what you did was remove the body’s own natural defense.

Cholesterol is not broken down into good and bad cholesterol or HDL and LDL. Cholesterol is there for a reason and there is HDL, LDL and VLDL or very low density lipoprotein and they all have a very specific role to play in the body.

LDL which is constantly being touted as bad cholesterol is actually very important, it combines with bilirubin in the blood to become bile which is then used to break down foods into digestible and absorbable components or to be excreted through feces or urine.

I doubt my little article will make a difference to the majority of people but if this can help one person then I’ll be happy.

I’f you find this useful you might enjoy my blog which is

Stefan Cairns.. 

I’d always ask…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I’d always…

Have you noticed that a much larger percentage of people these days are sick, even if it’s only that they are taking prescription or OTC drugs? The reason for this is twofold, Firstly its that 99% of non organic foods and drinks are loaded with taste enhancers and additives in general, and secondly, because of the symptom addressing drugs. So, these two are perpetuating the lines of customers.
Anyway, that’s what I believe everyone already knows but ignores.

I talked about blood tests and why the real problem when having them done, is not the actual blood test, but the way they are interpreted.
Sounds strange, yes!
When I worked for the late Dr. Hal Huggins we would analyse 34 components, there’s more but the 34 we looked at were deemed more relevant to genuine health.
Now this is where it gets difficult to describe, so bear with me.
Each one of them were listed as being within a certain range, what “They” do, as in conventional medical professionals is widen the range of what is acceptable because so many people are functioning badly because of the widespread use of non organic foods and pharmaceutical drugs. So, if we looked at Hematocrit, for instance, we would say an acceptable range was between 3 and 5, but “they” would say anywhere between 2 and 8 is perfectly fine because that’s what the majority of people were fitting into.
So, we’d see a person suffering from an illness, but had been told their BW was perfectly fine when Hematocrit was showing at 6.75.
Obviously, I’m using terminology that isn’t something used by medical professionals, just a way of explaining.
It wasn’t just Dr. Huggins that interpreted BW this way, but several others that understood the changes in how people had been affected in todays toxic pharmaceutical laden world.
I hope my explanation makes sense. Unfortunately, I don’t have a list of doctors that interpret correctly so when you are given results, I’d always ask questions…

When followed…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

When followed…

Being sick, especially having one of the so-called incurable diseases, is extremely frustrating and painful, especially when prior to the illness you were a very active person, actually it’s horrible for anyone regardless of their previous level of fitness.
But what does “incurable” mean, well it means that the pharmaceutical companies haven’t found a drug that will cure the problem, not that they’ve actually been trying to cure anything, what big pharma do is spend millions on developing drugs that are basically putting a “bandaid” on the problem, that way they create and keep an ever growing line of customers and disgusting profits.

The strange thing is, is that doctors and drugs don’t cure anything. Yes, when someone is admitted to the hospital for “trauma” such as a fall or car accident, they reset bones, etc, and give anti-life pills. Oops, sorry, I used the English translation of anti-biotic, but they aren’t mending the bone, Yes, they re connect the broken end’s, but it is still broken…
It’s the body healing itself as it was originally designed to cć takes a little time, but it heals it.

In my humble opinion, we should all help ourselves to heal naturally, which is exactly what Ann Boroch did when she healed herself of multiple sclerosis, which I say again is another of the so-called incurable diseases.
The protocol is not rocket science, she painstakingly tried and failed on numerous occasions, and eventually developed a protocol that, when followed exactly,
WILL HEAL the body.

By following..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Over the past 15 or 20 years there has been several very special people that have gone out on a limb to help the millions suffering from what the so called experts say is an incurable disease, I’m referring to multiple sclerosis here, Dr. Terry Wahls and Ann Boroch R.I.P. to name two, because of my direct experience, I’m biased towards Ann Boroch.

I think for anyone initially experiencing the frustration and humiliatings symptoms, it’s almost a relief to be diagnosed by a neurologist and told that there are drugs that can help them.

What “They” also say is that there is no cure for the disease, so basically you’ll go downhill from now on and be taking pharmaceutical drugs for as long as you’re a customer, oops my bad, patient.
It’s strange really because western medicine is so much more advanced now than it was 50 or 60 years ago but the general attitude of most medical professionals these days is primarily based on addressing symptoms as opposed to locating and correcting the root cause of why a person is suffering.

The human body is an amazing thing and is constantly trying to function correctly, this involves regeneration of old and damaged cells, so why is it that the” experts ” don’t use the self diagnostic system every human has, why do they insist on using completely unnatural pharmaceutical drugs that do nothing good to the body while fooling the brain into thinking its helping,
oh, I know why.. massive profits…

I know for a fact that a blood test and urine test will show exactly what’s in the body, the components, and the percentages of what should and shouldn’t be there. MS diagnosis is different from many other illnesses in that there isn’t a specific marker of pathogen that when seen and identified doesn’t immediately show as multiple sclerosis, a blood test doesn’t reveal MS specifics.
Diagnosis is made when other bodily functions aren’t working correctly, and they don’t understand why, so they lump all the symptoms together and call it MS.

Getting back to blood tests, a perfectly health. y person’s results will differ from a person who’s sick. In my mind, it seems logical to help the sufferer remove the toxins and replace them with good nutrients.
But if that were done, then the multi billions in profits extorted fom suffering people wouldn’t be billions but only millions, Ahh poor Big pharma.
So, getting back to healing the body with the proven, tried, and tested way of eliminating multiple sclerosis which they say is not possible, and they are right, if your sole aim is to build your customer base, and make massive profits, but it is when the sufferer makes the commitment to not take side effect laden pharmaceutical drugs and by following

The Ann Boroch Protocol…

Quality of my book…

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My first book….

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is now available as an e-book on Amazon. I am very proud and honored to say that two extremely well qualified dentists, doctors of integrative medicine have written the forwards in the book.

Dr Blanche Grube and Dr John Rothchild have this to say:


According to a recent survey by the American Dental Association,
52% of dentists in America are no longer placing mercury amalgam fillings in
previously decayed teeth. The United
Nations is now preparing a worldwide treaty to ban the use of mercury in all
industrial, medical and dental manufactures.
That’s all good news but there are still thousands of mercury amalgam
fillings being placed everyday and millions of fillings still in the mouths of
people. If your mouth is one of the ones that still has black amalgam fillings
and you’re looking for the safest way to remove them, then this book is for

Stefan Cairns gleaned the absolutely essential teachings
of Dr. Hal Huggins and placed them in the hands of the everyday person. I say everyday person because most doctors
and scientists now know that mercury is incredibly toxic. In fact, Dentists are taught that it is to be
treated as a poison prior to
placing it into the mouth and treated as hazardous waste after placing it in the mouth. It never occurred to most dentists, me
included, that it would escape the “solid” filling and be doing harm to the
patient while in their mouths.

It wasn’t until Dr. Hal Huggins wrote his now famous book
“It’s All in Your Head” and the dental world was shaken that informed dentists
would seriously reconsider the use of amalgam.
If for some reason, you are not able to “sit at the masters’ feet” and
learn directly from Dr. Hal Huggins, then reading Stefan Cairns book is your
best choice.

Blanche D. Grube, DMD, IMD


I met Stefan about three and a half years ago at his very
first Alliance Meeting of Huggins trained dentists. He was a newbie. I had just given a presentation to the group
on Oxygen/Ozone therapy. He was full of questions and enthusiasm. We sat
together at dinner that night. He asked
so many questions that evening about dentistry.
This guy, I thought, really wants to know this information about the
science of mercury fillings, root canals, infections and the immune system of
the human body. As a Huggins trained dentist and practicing now
for over 31 years, I have had many conversations with Stefan and witnessed the logarithmic learning he has
achieved. Stefan learned from 17,000
patients, their problems, their symptoms, their failures, and their

Stefan quickly became a leader and advisor in the Huggins
organization. Now, I may not agree with
Dr. Huggins’ method 100%, I feel that his protocols are some of the best in the
dental field for dental revisions and building up the immune system to achieve
a healthy body and mind. He has been
revered by many patients and dentists throughout the world. Stefan has followed Dr. Huggins obsessively
for those years, not only through shadowing him but also “walking the
talk”. He has gone through an extensive
dental revision and detox and has gained health and wellness and experience
through it. God only knows what kind of
mess Stefan would be physically and mentally if the forces had not brought
him to the Huggins Center.

Stefan is knowledgeable and experienced. You don’t work with that many people 24/7 and
not gain the ability to counsel patients affectively. This guy knows a lot! Trust him (as I do) with his knowledge and
let him lead you on a path of wellness!

It is an honor to write this forward for Stefan Cairns.

John A. Rothchild, DDS, FAGD, MAGD, DAAPM, NMD,

Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Dentistry and Naturopathy

Assistant Professor Emeritus, Capital University School of
Integrative Medicine

Former Dean, School of Integrative Biological Dental

For two people with over sixty years of experience to have spoken so highly of me and the book, speaks volumes to the
quality of the content.

Giving in to…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Giving in to…

I firmly believe that our lives are dictated by the choices we make, every individual is faced with literally thousands of choices to make every day. The majority are “just done” as they are as basic as “should I get up today” or what underwear to wear today”. So they are not necessarily seen as important, but they are choices nevertheless.

I know so many choices throughout our lives are made by the simple decision of “do I like the taste”, but the foods we eat more often than not especially as we enter our adult life tend to need a little more thought especially if they contain large amounts of sugar, dairy or gluten.

I’m a strong believer in “positivity”, I am seriously affected by negativity. I seem to have no choice in the matter when faced with stressful or overwhelming situations so I make an effort to not allow negativity in my life. Some people think of themselves as “realists” but to me it’s just pessimism which I have no time for.

As each day presents a more stressful challenge for me as is the case for everyone inflicted by a life threatening disease. My choice is to be optimistic, I want a better life than the one forced on me by having this disease, so when I first heard of the Ann Boroch Protocol I decided that I would absolutely do it and not just sulk and be full of “woe is me, or things can only get worse”.

I made the choice to not accept the depressing option of “this is as good as it gets”. No, my choice is that I will be healthy again and I will lead an active life by sticking with this proven method of “Healing the body”.

As the song by Richard Ashcroft states..
Drugs don’t work.

Yes I know the meaning in the song is completely different to what I’m referring to, but the fact works for me.

Multiple Sclerosis is exactly what the drug pushers say, its incurable, but thats not what Ann Boroch set out to do. She healed her body by eliminating the nutrionless foodstuffs we have all burdened our bodies with.

The sad fact is that in the last 50 or 60 years, the medical professionals who we’ve always respected have changed their medical approach from “Curing” to addressing one of the many symptoms caused by a health condition. These people aren’t to blame, its the profiteering pharmaceutical giants who’ve brainwashed them into using drugs.

The body is an amazing thing and will rebuild and heal itself in time with a little help. If healing yourself is important enough, then following the protocol is going to be far easier than giving in to your taste buds…

Regardless, I will…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

There is no doubt in my mind that the decision I made to follow and stick with the Ann Boroch Protocol four and a half years ago was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. At the time all I could see was that in an undetermined period of time that the horrid life sucking disease I had would be eliminated. I had
no idea that the first two or three months would be as difficult as they were, I definitely had a couple of days when my commitment was fading but with the help and encouragement from Janet, primarily, I persevered, thankfully.
As I was genuinely improving massively I became over confident and sadly and
unfortunately for me I had a fall in March 2020 that seriously damaged my knees, as the Pandemic had just started there was very little chance of me getting a knee operation and as we all know now my chances are slim to none of getting an operation through the NHS now. This has resulted in being bedbound ever since which as I’m sure you can imagine has resulted in serious muscle atrophy in my thighs exacerbating the weakness issue.
So in my mind I’ve had to come up with another plan of action, rest assured that the ABP is my forever eating plan but from a supplement point of view I’m diversifying.
For 15 years I’ve extolled the incredible benefits of Lipospheric Vitamin C, a few years back  I did megadose with it for a few weeks, it definitely helped so I decided to do this again but this time with an even higher dose and for at least two months.
I started 9 days ago and to be honest the improvements are not just ones that I feel but ones that are commented on by my carers.
Financially this is putting a great strain on me but I’d  love to go private if I had the money to afford it, not realistic at thist time, but I believe that it along with the ABP will restore me to health and genuine life again, mindset is so important and I “know” that I will succeed…