
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

29 months in to this truly life changing protocol and I’m reasonably confident of my dietary understanding, I occasionally make mistakes, but hey… I’m only human not the superman a part of my male ego thinks. Over the last year I’ve found foods that are not just nutritious and compliant, but tasty as well, so I’m happy with my progression… mainly..
Occasionally, as happens to us all, I experience “issues” that appear to have no rhymn or reason and although I’m not taking a step backwards, I feel like I’m standing still and a little confused.
As I’ve said before, the human body is an extremely complex thing, the 37 trillion cells all with an aim and memory are easily contaminated but are not easy to repair especially when influenced by foods, water and many other things including emotions, which in reality can have a far greater impact on healing than the majority of people think. In my particular case, my emotions have been extremely mixed, I have to remember I left America where I’d lived in the beautiful state of Colorado for 11 years then moved again only a year after starting on the protocol. My wife back in 07 had been unfaithful then divorced me only 5 years after I’d moved from England, so there was a lot of negative emotions crammed into my brain.
But I’ve been very lucky of late in that I firstly accepted that what had happened in the past, was just that… the past, not now and it wasnt all my fault, yes obviously I was equally responsible for all that had happened, but there’s absolutely no point, no benefit in holding on to any negative emotions, so I forgave myself..
I can honestly say that there has been another change, this time for the better in my life, yes I’ve publicly stated how another feeling, a very special emotion has now taken over my life…. I fell in love, not just a crush or really liking someone, no this is completely different, this is unconditional love and I know Gaby has the same feelings for me.
So when I started on the ABP in September 2017 my goal was to heal myself and to live again. Now however not only have I accepted my situation and forgiven myself but I also have the benefit of knowing I’m not just doing this for myself, now the beauty of succeeding is so much more, so now other people’s views and opinions are theirs and they are entitled to them, but acceptance and love are mine and knowing that means in order to heal, I’m happy and will do….
Whatever it takes

I can and…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I can and…
Firstly I must apologise for my misunderstanding yesterday, I made a comment about something I should have understood, but obviously I didnt..
Now… on to the main influence in our lives, that hideous disease that is sapping the life from millions of sufferers… multiple sclerosis.
Addressing it head on is far and away the best course of action, but sadly, very sadly the healthcare industry has morphed over the years into a Sickcare industry that manages symptoms instead of actually doing what they’re supposed to do, as in heal people. This travesty has come about simply because companies in the pharmaceutical industry have stumbled upon ways of making exorbitant profits by keeping people uninformed.
Think about it, do you know of any drug, masquerading as medicine that actually cures an illness or disease…. I can tell you now, there isnt, in fact it goes a whole lot further and gets much, much worse… Drugs treat symptoms and have dreadful side effects which perpetuate the problem……in fact they often add to it by convincing you there’s no hope. Go to the website of any over the counter or prescription drug and you’ll see a long list of all the possible side effects, these are real problems that happened to the initial testers..
I know the longer I think about these things the angrier I get, so I’ll move on…
I want you now to think about the books you’ve read or movies you’ve seen, in the main there’s a central character who has either been persecuted, dumped, tortured or subject to wrongful action. We feel for them and want them to get out of trouble or win their loved one back or kick the butt of the person or people that put them through terrible pain. We want them to win, to overcome and to succeed against all odds.
Well…. in order for me, for you, for everyone to succeed at the Ann Boroch Protocol we have to be like Ann, be like Janet, they aren’t stronger, it wasnt easier, they weren’t just lucky… but they were 100% focussed and committed and guess what…. that’s how I am…….Beating MS and being healthy is my goal, you have to believe, you have to have complete faith… I know…
I Can and I Will..

My Reason…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

My reason…
When a doctor or neurologist issues that dreadful statement that you unfortunately have multiple sclerosis, he or she will be told that the disease is incurable, well in the neurologists view they are telling the truth and will attempt to make the inevitable downward spiral as easy to cope with as possible. They will also say that the current drugs available will ease your pain and make it less of a shock to your system, but the trillion dollar industry making billions and billions in profit simply dont have an answer. In reality the have never….. never actually looked for an answer because my friends that is just not a financially viable option….
So they go to great lengths financially to lobby, to persuade, to advertise and promote drugs that do no more than confuse the brain and mask the many symptoms that combined are called multiple sclerosis.
The results for 99% of the worlds MS sufferers is that muscles get weaker and waste away, the immune system becomes nigh on useless allowing other toxins and pathogens to take a greater hold leading to other disease, blindness, brittle bones and numerous other serious problems.
Not a nice prognosis and definitely very frightening…
There are some of us, thousands actually that see things very, very differently because we have ignored the nay sayers (doctors) and have done or doing the Ann Boroch Protocol which does’nt treat symptoms, it does’nt mask the problem, it addresses the CAUSE..head on…
It takes time, but in reality healing the body, the place you will live for life is by far a better option.
Option one: Take drugs, get weaker by the day, lose control of your body, be in pain, oh yes… And die early..
Option two: Start the Ann Boroch Protocol, have a difficult first three months but slowly improve and be pharmaceutical drug free, oh yes, be symptom free in four or five years..
I’m 2 years and 4 months in and massively better than I would have been, why is that, simple…. I chose option two because…
Living is my reason

State of mind…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

After two years and four months on the protocol I think I’ve become reasonably well versed in the foods I should and shouldn’t eat because of the positive and negative effects they have on the body. A confusing aspect of them is that the bad effects are almost instant but the good can take a while to materialise. In some ways that can be very informative and helpful, in others, as in the good parts we have to be more open minded and objective. In my early months I was almost desperately searching for pleasing, nice tasting alternatives to what had been daily snacks, sadly, most of them although tasting very acceptable, actually created problems sometimes within minutes, so they were never to pass my lips again. Sticking to the protocol however might well have been boring from a tastebud aspect but had great results.
As I was saying, I believe I’m probably halfway to healing and my diet consists of the same foods on a weekly basis with a few alternatives, but I’m not bored with it at all, I actually have some fairly basic but tasty dishes…
I have lamb mince seasoned with Mrs Dash chipotle and bone broth with steamed veggies at least twice weekly, the same applies to chicken chunks with none dairy cheese and white sauce using almond milk or coconut milk.
I’ve found seaweed thins to be tasty and beneficial.
I’m just getting over a “bug” that’s been made worse by a bout of D.O. which I’m nearly over, but all in all I’m feeling great, definitely a damn site better than I would have been if I hadn’t started on the ABP.
Yes the protocol is strict, yes the foods we can and cant eat are restrictive but the biggest yes is that the long term effects are so good, your choices are to eat lots of things that taste good but make your life a misery, or accept the food limitations and get your life back… it might seem difficult but it’s not, it’s just a …
state of mind


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

About a year or so ago, I had flu like symptoms which as I’m sure you can appreciate can be even harder to cope with if, like me you have a serious disease, hence a majorly compromised immune system. I stand by my actions of refusing conventional western medicine , a.k.a. drugs that treat symptoms and do more long term harm than good. Several days ago, the bug hit me again and has been causing terrible problems, but the stubborn “I will not be beaten, regardless of what you hit me with” me, has remained strong. It’s been really hard, I’ve hardly slept, I’ve been completely exhausted and in a greater level of pain and discomfort than usual. Thankfully I’m reasonably confident I’ve broken it’s back and am feeling so much better, thankfully. Sunday afternoon was a “pig”…. about 4.30 I had a serious bout of spasms that resulted in me sliding off my bed, it probably looked like a “Mr Bean” comedy scene as I had my head wedged between the bedside table (nightstand) and my bed. My legs were twisted in a weird position and my naked ass pointing at the ceiling, but trust me there was nothing humorous about the pain I was in or the frustration of simply not having the strength to move.
After about 30 minutes of totally exhausting my head, untwisted my legs and moved into a better position, fortunately that was when my carer Kay arrived, I reassured her that it looked worse than it was so absolutely no need to call an ambulance.. another carer Sara was on hand and with a little assistance I was able to get back in bed.
It’s now about 20 hours later although I’m not back to my normal self but I am definitely a lot better, as you can see from being able to write about it.
For anyone on the life changing, life saving system I’m doing, The Ann Boroch Protocol, staying away from drugs that are simply treating symptoms is so important. We have a disease “dis-ease” that is trying every trick in the book to make you believe that nothing will help, nothing will restore your health..
But… we know that’s not true… we know the ABP will do it… in order for that to happen… You my friend have to help it to help you..
Believe in the Ann Boroch Protocol, believe in yourself!!!
I constantly remind myself that I’m strong enough to win this war, I constantly watch positive YouTube videos and affirm, then re-affirm my commitment.
In this scenario, multiple sclerosis is the devil
One of my favourite T shirts confirms this..

Another day…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Another day…
A lot of people will tell you that they are very strong mentally and see things for what they are, the ones that look at the bad things that happen in life and tell you “it is what it is” so “deal with it”. When I was younger this seemed like the best way to move forward, being a “Realist” was being strong mentally. As I got older my view, my attitude to life changed, fortunately… I remember once when my skydiving team were jumping into the Ponsborn Park Hotel trying to get sponsorship from Lowenbrau.
I had a banner strapped to my leg which was supposed to drape behind when I came under canopy, unfortunately it came adrift in freefall and was streaming behind me. I new that if I deployed my main chute it would become tangle with the banner and not open. Now remember I was falling at around 125 miles per hour, or terminal velocity. So, as all skydivers would do I didn’t panic even though I was less that twenty seconds before the earth and I would meet… The banner was tied to my harness, then a ten foot rope extended from that with a small sandbag which would keep it tight below me, before being deployed it was inside my jumpsuit. So as the seconds ticked by and each one made me 176 ft closer to earth you can understand in order to get the bag out of my zipped jumpsuit, I had to remain calm. Obviously I did it and deployed my canopy about 500 ft above ground, that’s less than three seconds from impact, so if I’d still been a realist and said “it is what it is”, I would have “gone in” and wouldn’t have had the incredible memories I’ve had.
Why am I telling you this? What has it to do with MS and the Ann Boroch protocol? Well in 2004 I was told by a neurologist in Denver, Colorado that I had an incurable life threatening disease…
I didn’t accept his prognosis, I didn’t say “okay, it is what it is, I’ll just take the drugs and wait to die”…
The feeling was exactly the same as that skydiving incident, no I didn’t have 20 seconds to save my life, I have much longer, so although I’ve tried fifty plus things that haven’t worked, the ABP IS….and my eternal optimism has enabled me to stay alive and….
Fight another day

What it wants…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

What it wants
This past week I think I let myself down, let me clarify that negative statement and my reasoning. As I’ve said many times before, I don’t think I’m better than anyone else but I know for a fact that I’m different…. It might seem narcissistic but I’ve always been proud of my physical abilities. I’ve loved working out, be it with weights in the gym, hiking, road running or mountain biking. I’ve written about my skydiving and several other sports that were major parts of my life, so going from an adrenaline junkie to an MS suffer was a huge culture shock in my life. But I’ve always tried to beat MS and never ever taken the med’s (drugs) the doctors wanted me to poison my body with.
About a month ago I stopped exercising as I had been, let me make this very clear for the “testa cuadra”…. I just stopped of my own volition… What happened because of this is what happens to everyone with MS, muscle atrophy takes over, my legs became weaker so physical movement became extremely difficult, my arms and shoulders which I’ve always been proud of, now performed like an old mans, yes I know I’m 64 but that just wasn’t acceptable to me.
On Sunday I think something clicked in my head and I gave myself a good slapping (verbally) then started exercising again, I appreciate Trevor and his efforts are great for the majority of others, but as I said, I’m different and have always been able to inspire and motivate myself. Over the last three days I honestly believe I’ve made a huge difference mentally and it’s definitely helped physically.
What I’ve done, even though I was exhausted, is to do things I struggled to complete, but I’m feeling so much better, what I’ve done is what my body needs, not….
What it wants

Join me…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Two years.
Is it really two whole years, that’s 730 days..or.17,520 hours…. Wow….that seems amazing to me because after day one on the ABP which was September 1st 2017 I really, really thought there was absolutely no way I could do this. As far as I was concerned the bad day I’d had was far worse than any of my previous MS days. Obviously it was much worse for me than it was for anyone else, well that was going through my mind, that was how I was justifying to myself why this supposedly successful method to heal the body just couldn’t possibly work for me.

Fast forward two years and I realise that everyone doing this has exactly the same thoughts, sadly not everyone has the same inner strength to persevere, the protocol is strict, it requires determination and absolute belief. As I said it’s probably only 25% of starters that see it through, that being said you have to understand that doing this properly makes you a very lucky and extremely special person. Lucky because you Will be healed and special because You will have beaten what the world’s medical experts say can’t be done and in my book that makes you an amazingly special person.

Since starting two years ago, I’ve written just over 200 posts, I think it’s obvious that I enjoy doing it, but it’s not just because I’m indulging myself, I write as a way of hopefully inspiring others on this journey and also to constantly remind myself of the progress I’m making. There has been occasions when I’ve struggled but we all do, it’s a necessary step we all make. I want others to see that 95% of the time at this stage I feel that I’m moving forward but now and then something I’ve eaten kicks my butt. Luckily those times are rare and it usually is only an issue for a matter of hours.

At the end of the day multiple sclerosis is a sneaky, evil, hideous and misunderstood disease. It takes great pleasure in knocking me down whenever I give it the chance because that’s what’s happening. If I give in to my taste buds and eat something I know is wrong then all the good work I’ve been diligently doing is temporarily pushed aside. Fortunately with patience and determination I get back up.

I’m 100% committed in completing what I started, why?….. Because I want to live again not simply exist as a prisoner…
I’m not unique, thousands have gone before me and done what I know I’ll do as well, I don’t think I’m better than anyone else, but I do know that I’m one of a very special group that are healed or are healing.
I don’t know you personally but I’m asking all like minded warriors to..
Join me.

Obviously not….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Obviously not…
During the 63 years I’ve been alive I think lead an interesting and varied life, the early years in Liverpool were hard as I’m sure you can imagine, 9 of us living in a two up two down house with no bathroom just an outside loo with a chain pull cistern, no toilet seat and had to use torn up newspaper. As number three in the clan of seven kids it was no harder or easier for me, a difficult black and white life with very little in the way of home comforts taught me a great deal, I learned how to cook and look after myself and so many life skills not needed by the kids of today.
The Army as a boy soldier also put me on a four year learning curve that helped me so much in my adult life, I can’t say it was brilliant but I think I did reasonably well in computer sales and management leading up to a $500,000 house in the USA then becoming the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins who was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing.
Not bad for a Liverpool lad that had nothing but plenty of love and guidance from my amazing mum who I love and talk with at least twice each week. During my time with Dr Huggins, I am confident in saying that I helped many of the thousands I talked with. It’s in my nature to help others and I think I’ve done that since my return 6 years ago.
What I don’t understand is that my son hasn’t seen me or even called me in 7 years, my daughter came to see me a couple of months after I came back but since then she got married and has had 2 kids, none of those things she told me about, that information came via others who heard about it on social media.
It’s very sad and I try not to think about but inevitably do and have a cry, not a tough cookie after all…. whatever!!!, I’d like to think I’m a good man and I’m sure there are many others that think that way, I’d hoped my daughter Lucy and son Joshua thought the same…. Obviously not..

What if…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

What if…
Since I started on the Ann Boroch Protocol a year ago it filled me with something more than hope, it changed the very inner me…. does that make sense!!… it sort of strengthened my resolution to keep trying and fight through the pain and discomfort no matter how difficult it got….
Over my first year there’s been times, not days or hours but minutes and then only seconds when I had doubts…. seconds that would fade away as I took deep breaths and reminded myself that it’s working, that overall I’m feeling stronger, more balance and stability and it had gotten easier to become accustomed to feeling better so that when a slight very temporary negative happened I let that take a dominant role…it was easy to forget that in reality I’d been diagnosed with what the world of traditional medicine, the neurologists, the people that are perceived to be experts in their profession all say… categorically state the disease I have is incurable. That’s their view, their opinion , that’s not what I know… not what I think or my misguided opinion… it’s what I know!!!!.
So take a second and think about what I’m saying and the difference between the multi billion dollar world of medicine, the doctors and neurologists, them and then me, they have an opinion, but I know and….. what if I’m right…