Why the ABP…
Almost three years and two months ago I started meticulously following the Ann Boroch Protocol. For those that aren’t aware of what that is, its a 4 year plus dietary program designed to progressively eliminate the foodstuffs, the main offenders from our diet, not temporarily, permanently and with the aid of certain supplements we can gradually rejuvenate the internal workings of our body, when done properly to self heal the ravages done by multiple sclerosis. I say multiple sclerosis because that is the “supposedly incurable disease” that Ann Boroch had been suffering from, but in reality the protocol will provide the same results for people suffering from many other diseases.
The protocol is not some weird and wonderful quick fix, its not a miracle pill that “cures” any disease. Far from it, the protocol doesn’t “cure” anything, what it does do is enables your body, that amazingly complex organism that “you live in” to “Heal itself”…..there’s no “curing” involved….its just removing the roadblocks restricting your blood, your organs and enzymes from doing what they were designed to do.
Getting back to September 1st 2017, which will always be thought of by me to be the day my new life began. Admittedly September was a pig when looking back as thats the month, month one, that’s when the majority of the bad effects of food elimination kicked my ass…
It would have been easy to just stop what I was doing which on the surface made me feel so much worse. But because I’d read the book, “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch and because of the wonderful support from Janet, I was able to “stick with it”….
Month two and three were much easier, its just a case of reading, rereading the book and believing that the healing will happen.
As I said, its not a quick fix, ridding the body of the multiple “symptoms ” takes time, its not 4 years specifically, its however long it takes, it might be 4 1/2 or 5 years, its a “lifestyle change”.
So three years and two months in and I’m genuinely happy with the progress I’m making, a fall that was my own fault has created some problems and slowed my progress down a little, but I’m still healing my body.
The title of this post is a question….
“Why the ABP”….
The answer is….
Because it works…
Trust me, I’m not…
As I was saying in an earlier post, our bodies are made up of cells, 37 trillion of them… to put that into perspective is very difficult for anyone to genuinely comprehend..
Most people know when amounts of money are involved when the term “Millionaire or Billionaire” are mentioned, a thousand million’s is a billion…… so, a thousand billion is a trillion…
Now think about that in terms of the average life span of a human, let’s say that is 75 years, that means there are 1.8 billion cells for every day in your life….
Whats that got to do with this post? I’m just attempting to put the number of cells that make up the human body into perspective.
Everything in your body is made-up of cells, the cells are generated, re-generate and de-generate as we age depending on nutrients we put into the body… the cells don’t have a hidden agenda or opinion or are influenced by taste or smell, they just are!!!!… simple….
Every organ has a job to do, they aren’t there to fill in spaces, they are there specifically to enable the body to function efficiently. Sadly because of various reasons which have just been accepted as human nature, foods, drinks, other substances and actions that appeal to our taste buds and desires have gradually restricted the efficacy of the organs in our body, resulting in sickness, disease and premature death…. you, me, everyone is guilty of succumbing to these.
Okay, now I’ll hopefully get to the point of this post, which is the muscle and connective tissue, ligaments and tendons which are made from proteins, the proteins are amino acids, we are talking about billions of amino acids, 22 different types, 13 of them can be made, synthesised by the body from foods we eat, but the other 9 specifically need to be added so they are referred to as essential, these have the letter “L” in front when naming them, they are made up of cells…I’m getting there…. trying to explain this in a non medical-speak way so everyone can understand isn’t easy so please bear with me.
That terrible fall I had and being in a position where both legs were twisted beneath me for an hour and a half has resulted in being bedridden since the week before lockdown in March. Trying to build muscle in my thighs is nigh on impossible knowing the damage done to my knees. But having done so much research (being confined to bed enables that) on Amino acids, specifically the nine essential ones, has encouraged me to include them into my daily regimen.
I’ll just clarify that, regardless of what certain naysayers and negative people think, the Ann Boroch Protocol is healing my body of multiple sclerosis, this is happening and that is a fact.. its not my opinion, its a FACT…..
The amino acids I’m taking are specifically the nine essential ones, these are: Histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
threonine, tryptophan, and valine, I’m taking 5 tablets three times daily.
In only three full days I’m seeing very positive improvements, its as if I can actually feel changes taking place in my thighs and my knees.
Again, the ABP is healing my body of MS, the essential amino acids are building the specific proteins that are rebuilding the damaged connective tissue and generating muscle, thats not my opinion, its happening, I’m so confident of this that I genuinely believe I’ll be out of bed walking, with the aid of a walker within two weeks….. two flipping weeks, after over seven months confined to bed…
So I’m putting my money where my mouth is…two more weeks and I’ll be writing specifically about the incredible changes…
Trust me, I’m not a doctor…
But I’m still…
Seven months is a long time, well its not when considered in comparison to a life span, or the length of time it takes to walk from Lands End to John O’Groats..but when thought of as being confined to bed, which I have it is a long time.
Seven months ago I had a nasty fall that resulted in some serious damage to both knees.
So apart from 30 minutes in the bathroom each day, my lockdown has been in my bed.
Yesterday was good and bad, I actually went out for the first time in 22 months, experiencing cool, cold fresh air was soooo good, I was taken in an ambulance to Bassettlaw hospital which is about 25 minutes away for an x-ray on both knees.
As I’ve said before I have what I consider to be a Hummingbird bladder, water passes my lips and minutes later it leaves…. not wants to leave, but leaves regardless of where I am, so I made significant changes in the quantity of water I drank in the morning before I left. I know that a lack of water is terrible for me, I knew I could get very weak with limited water and lack of electrolytes.
That was the second good part, as in I didn’t need to “go” while out.
The bad part was when I got home, I live in a 350 yr old converted barn which is lovely.
My bedroom is downstairs but because of a chest of drawers and my bed it wasnt possible to get the wheelchair close.
So one of the guys, not paramedics, went infant to help me off the wheelchair and onto my bed…
Uh oh… what happened was I stood but because of a lack of water and added electrolytes primarily, my legs buckled beneath me, the pain was excruciating for what seemed an eternity until the second guy could get over the wheelchair. The noise coming out of my mouth must have sounded horrendous to my poor sister watching.
They eventually got me onto and into bed, I was in quite a lot of pain for several hours yesterday but okay…ish today.
I’ve worn a very strong knee brace for part of the day which has helped a great deal and I was able to get out of bed and onto the comode without help, and fortunately I’m not in pain today.
I think it will be a couple of weeks before I see results of the x-ray and unlikely to have an operation this year, but this is just a speedbump on my road to recovery and has nothing to do with the life changing problem I’m dealing with..
I’m not sure multiple sclerosis has ben talked of as a problem I’m dealing with, the world of medicine think of it as an incurable disease. Not me or thousands of others currently following or have successfully completed the Ann Boroch Protocol.
Yes Seven months being confined to bed has been a pain in the proverbial.
But this is me so I’m looking at the big picture, it might take a little longer to heal than I originally thought…..
But I’m still optimistic
Looking back on my life so far its been, hmm how should I describe it… different, interesting exciting… all of the above, it certainly hasn’t been boring.
I know I’m in an unenviable position now but rest assured that I’ve a lot more to do in my life and I’m 100% positive I’ll achieve it.
I was born in 1955 in a tiny 2 bedroom house with no bathroom, at that time in Liverpool it was only posh wealthy people that had bathrooms..(kids these days have no idea how lucky they are).
We played in the street with a ball or climbed in the houses that were derelict after ww2, affectionately known as “the bombdees”..
In 1971 (May 4th) I left school and joined the army… well I actually went to the Army Apprentice College at Chepstow in South Wales to further my education. I got my degree in Building Construction and Building Science…and I also
qualified for my City and Guilds as a carpenter and joiner and then became a Combat Engineer in the Royal Engineers, years later I married and after a two year spell running my own small Handyman business, I got into sales and I had more than 24 years in the I.T. industry.
During those years I did almost a thousand skydives, I qualified as a Hang glider pilot, a SCUBA diver and I got my pilots licence in only 43 hours, quite good as the national average in the USA where I qualified is 75 hours.
I was in the Guiness Book of Records in 1989 as I was part of the 60 way skydiving formation which at the time was the biggest in the UK. After my 2nd divorce I moved to the USA and lived in the beautiful state of Colorado for 11 years, during which I was the Client service director for Dr Hal Huggins who at the time was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing, I learnt a great deal and personally helped thousands of people.
Between the army and 2008 I’ve had 3 marriages, the first I was an idiot…but had 2 children who for some unbeknown reason haven’t talked to me in 8 years. My 2nd wife cheated on me and left me for her personal trainer. The 3rd ran off a Hispanic guy she worked with and took me for everything, then left me with a $125,000 debt.. luckily all cleared now.
This isn’t a post to brag about some of my achievements, its to say I’m quite happy about the full life I’ve lead thus far, especially looking back to when as an 18 yr old squaddie I was asked what I’d be doing when I was 50 yrs old…
My reply was…”50….50..yrs old!!! I’ll be dead before I’m 50… 50 yrs old is ancient”.
And as yesterday was my 65th birthday and I’ve proved 4 neurologists wrong who stated… categorically stated that I’d be in a wheelchair permanently if I didn’t take their drugs… sorry prescribed medication, that was 16 yrs 8 months ago and I’ve never have taken any MS medication.
Admittedly I’m in bed now, but thats not because of multiple sclerosis, its because I had a nasty fall, buggered my knees and getting a surgery is unlikely because of the Pandemic..
The point of this post is to emphasise that regardless of the good and bad things that have happened, my choice is to accept that those good, bad, exciting, frustrating things are in the past… nothing can be done about the past…
Its now that matters, Now!!! Do whats necessary to make sure you have a future…
I developed multiple sclerosis almost 17 years ago but I’m 3 years into the Ann Boroch Protocol which may take 4 or 5 years in total before my body is healed. Considering that the neurologists have said that MS is incurable, I am very happy about the progress I’m making and I honestly believe eating the protocol foods from now on is a very small price to pay to have my life back.
Sadly, primarily because of the crap thats been added to foodstuffs these days, such as additives, preservatives, GMO’s and others that improve shelf life and the taste enhansers to make you want more, the health of mankind in the western world has become less important to growers and makers of our daily nutritional need. This improves profitability for them and the pharmaceutical industry as some people look for temporary ways to ease the nasty symptoms caused my the crap that they’ve eaten, so they take drugs…
I’ve heard so many people say things like….. “I know its not good for my health, but I’ve got to have some tasty things because I really love them”…. thats monosodium glutamate talking…
Your taste buds are a natural part of your body, they tell you personally if you like it or not.
They don’t tell you if its good for you or not….
But as I said, with the use of synthetic, chemical and completely alien additives, some manufacturers have over ridden our natural safe guards to fool and convince our minds into eating more and more of their shite…. excuse my language…sorry.
When this happens, so many people ignore the information being clearly shown to them and instead of not having them anymore they just take a pill which eases the symptom.
The symptom maybe pain or discomfort or muscle loss or weakness or weight gain..
But this is your body telling you that something you’re doing or eating or drinking isn’t right, its not good for you… ignoring them won’t help you live a better and longer and healthier life, it just puts more money into the pockets of the people that Don’t care about anything but their own profits.
Lots of people refuse to face facts and maintain that the taste of things are more important than the damage being caused, thats an addiction….
Sugar is more addictive than heroin, just because some foods don’t taste sweet doesnt mean that sugar or one of the 50 plus variations are not in it, look at the label, just about anything ending in “ose” is sugar.
Getting back to discomfort and pain.. they are messages from Your body…
Don’t shoot the messenger..
A thousand years….
I know it might sound rather amazing, but everyone is blessed with their own personal army specifically to protect you!!!!
We’ve all heard of the “Immune System”…. well thats it and just like every other army there is a tiered progression of who is needed and when they need to be deployed…
Now I know after I post this that there will be some comments disputing my words from the more traditional so called experts in the Allopathic medical world, but remember that I’m avoiding some of the medical terminology that often confuses and misleads regular people.
So getting back to my point….your army…
As I said they are basically divided into 5 groups or 5 different levels of necessity…
Lymphocytes are your first line, the police that are their for basic disturbances, you know the scratches, cuts and bruises.
Monocytes… when things get out of hand, its the military, the foot soldiers….
Okay when things get a little more serious, the next group are the Armed guard, these guys have got weapons and will use them if necessary… they are called.
If these guys are overwhelmed by the invaders, then your body gets serious and calls for help from the penultimate group, these guys have Tanks and take no prisoners, who are they?
They are called..Eosinophils…
So when you have a problem, initially its the Lymphocytes then Monocytes, then Neutrophils then Eosinophils, but the police, the Army, the Armed guards and the Tanks have all tried to beat off the bad guys to no avail, so now what?
You’ve asked the invaders nicely, you’ve tried your best to take it easy on them but now its time for the big guns, these guys are going to do some serious damage… the last line is the…..
Sadly the invaders are getting worse and worse, they are getting stronger and stronger because they are inadvertently being helped…
Their helpers actually aren’t doing this on purpose to hurt people. They don’t realise or understand, at least I hope they aren’t…
These added bad guys have been created, actually invented by companies, not to harm you but to fool you, to mislead you into wanting more and to not know it Will harm you…
They come in the form of “E numbers” Preservatives and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)….
So the poor old innocent human body at this time hasn’t been able to adapt or reinvent itself yet.
But not to worry, we know from history books and encyclopedias that it will happen eventually, we just have to hang around for another…
Thousand years..
The best…
In one week I’ll have completed three years on the Ann Boroch Protocol, its been difficult at times especially when I’ve succumbed to the dreaded taste buds nagging away at me to just have a little bit of something that could possibly be okay. Admittedly I should have known better, I should have read the label.. properly and not fooled myself into believing it wouldn’t create a significant problem…
Duh!!!! Hello!!!!
But in the main I feel happy about what I’ve been doing for 1,088 days so far.
I do a lot of research into specific symptoms that appear to be bothering me more so than I think normally should be clinging on as the protocol is eliminating others.
The weakness that seems to become worse around midday regardless if whether I’ve eaten or not. I would say that that my overall strength can drop by 50% for a few hours and be restored without any rhyme or reason.
The second and more worrying thing for me is how dramatically I’m affected by heat and humidity.. not even excessive heat like the 30c plus days like we’ve had recently, but mid 20’s and high humidity seem to suck the life out of me to the extent that I really need physical assistance. But as I said, when that happens its only for very short periods of time.
Apart from the two instances I truly believe that the cumulative symptoms described as multiple sclerosis are becoming fewer and less frequent in me.
I think from an outside observers point of view, seeing me in bed since the week before lockdown they would assume differently. But it was a fall that was partially my own fault thats resulted in the ligament, tendon and cartilage damage thats keeping me here.
The exercise I can do is rather limited, but there is improvement slowly but surely so I’m optimistic about resuming my progress prior to my fall.
The title of this post is referring to the choice I made to attempt to emulate the results of the young woman that ignored the worlds medical experts and pain stakingly formulated what we know as the Ann Boroch Protocol (ABP) …
I truly believe that making that choice is saving my life and in my mind is the best decision I’ve ever made..
Why and How….
There are thousands of people, not just a few lucky ones, but literally thousands that didnt and did believe…
No thats not a stupid grammatically incorrect thing to state, what I’m referring to is the people who categorically didn’t believe the doctors, neurologists and the so called specialists when they looked you in the eye and stated that the disease you had contracted, that was illegally living in your body was impossible to remove…
At the time of being told that in February 2004 I didn’t know what i know now, but I didn’t believe them, I didn’t know how it could be done, but I absolutely did believe there was a way…
The medical world and 99.9% of the general public all think its impossible…. so when everyone else think its impossible, does that mean its correct…. no!!!
What we have to do is to constantly tell ourselves that its possible, by doing that our minds will be forever searching for a way to make it happen, regardless of the difficulties, there can be no acceptance of the obvious reasons why not.
Before April 1954 it was the worldwide belief that it was impossible to physically run a mile in under 4 minutes, it had been tried by the thousands of athletes hundred of thousands of times.
But on that date Roger Banister broke the 4 minute mile and amazingly since then more than 20,000 people including some school kids have also done it..
So those 20,000 people knew it could be done and have trained differently and harder than they had previously done to achieve what was considered impossible…
4 years after being told she had multiple sclerosis, Ann Boroch did what she believed possible and with trial and error, with discipline she healed her body…
As I said earlier thousands have gone on to do the same…
The way I look at things is that i don’t want to be sick, I dont want to just exist…
I want to live, I want to walk in the rain, I want to do some of the things I did before…
Why go though the pain, why experience the frustration, the anxiety, the humiliation…
Because I believe in the Ann Boroch Protocol and I believe in me and I will to whatever it takes..
Thats my How…
How will it happen?….
When I look at my own personal situation now, its a world away from what it was….
I was fit and healthy, I was a very active man, much more so than the majority of people…
I truly believe that a person can achieve whatever they really want to…. nothing is impossible, obviously there are certain limitations in life such as location or finances or opportunity. But in the main most of those things can be overcome in time, you just have to make sacrifices or adjustments, look for alternatives, if something isn’t reachable or achievable one way, then try a different way or try harder, no excuses, no justification for not doing it…
Sixteen years ago my life changed completely, the organs in my body were all infected by a disease, not just a cold or flu, not just something that gave me an ache or pain for an hour or two or even a week, it wasnt a cut or bone break that would heal in a short period of time… no… this was something that all the so called medical experts in the world say is incurable…
What I was told… what the experts said to me was that the pain, weakness and limitations I was experiencing at that time were horrible.. depressing, life sucking… it sounded horrible to me especially as I was such an adrenaline junkie…
But then they told me that even though that that was completely opposite to how I’d lived for 49 years, that from then on it would keep getting worse, it would take away all my strength and inevitably my will to live….
At that time I didnt know what I know now, it was still 2 years before I’d meet Dr Hal Huggins, and 14 years before learning about the Ann Boroch Protocol.
But fortunately my attitude is one of optimism, I dont give in when things get hard, I say I dont like how things are so I need to go around the obstacle, or over it or under it, just keep trying and looking with an open mind.
It isn’t happening right this moment, or today or tomorrow, but it will happen…how?
By doing whatever it takes, even though its not easy or comfortable, for me to do what is considered to be impossible, I will do it because no-one can do this for me, so if I want things to be better it means that I have to do…..
Whatever is necessary…
What YOU believe….
We all have motivations in life, some are things we’d like to achieve or accomplish, it might be something that we’ve seen others do, successful people. I’ve heard others say things like, “they just had it easy”… or “they had lots of help, they didn’t do it by themselves”… or, “I dont like having to get up early”.. or ” whatever” … in reality they are just excuses….
In my mind one of the hardest of problems to overcome… is our taste buds… they convince our minds into thinking that it will be okay to just have a small amount of a food that in reality we know is wrong and I know I’ve personally been guilty of doing it…
So going back to the others that have achieved their personal goal… it wasnt easier for them, they didn’t get to where they are because of help…
They got there because they personally did what they needed to do… whatever was necessary…
So when we are given a blueprint, a specialised course of action, an achievable plan..we just need to follow it…. not make excuses and create what the weaker parts of our minds think of as justification and succumb to temptation…
The blueprint in my particular situation is the Ann Boroch Protocol that was created to overcome a supposedly insurmountable problem….multiple sclerosis…
So the way to successfully move forward is to read the specialised course of action, the blueprint of success to heal the body…
In our case its a book called “Healing Multiple sclerosis “….
When its read…. more than once, so
when you/we/me truly understand, when we believe, not just think it might work for others, but know in our hearts its the right thing to do, it will work, we will be successful… why?
Because what you believe..
………You make true…….