Not too much….
Some people are not specifically interested in the “why’s and how’s”… they just want to know that “it does”… that seems to be the case for most people, I know when I first started working for Dr Hal Huggins back in 07 in Colorado Springs, I was so “blown away” by his incredible work and results that I wanted to be a sponge and soak up as much information as possible. Having gained so much of what appeared to be extremely useful knowledge, I wanted to share what I knew with as many people that would benefit from it as possible, which resulted in me talking with almost 18,000 people in just under four years.
I’ve been on a daily mega dose of Lipospheric Vit C since the start of the year and quite frankly….. “I’m dead chuffed” by the results I’m having, so much so that I honestly believe it’s really boosting the already positive effect of the Ann Boroch Protocol which is changing my life. I’m sure the Lipospheric Vit C would be making a difference on its own, it isn’t reliant upon anything else, it just positively changes things. However….could it heal an MS sufferer on its own?… I doubt it…
The ABP is the life changer when it comes to multiple sclerosis but in all honesty Lipospheric Vit C is helping and to a certain extent, boosting things along.
How?… I could go into very detailed specifics but I know that’s not what most people want to hear, so I will give some detail but hopefully not too much.
All Vit c is water soluble so taking it orally means roughly only 20% will be actually absorbed, whereas taking it intravenously means it’s moved directly by the blood through the body getting it to the various organs. That’s got to be best… right!!! Years ago that would have been right, but not now, because now there’s Lipospheric Vit C. Now the vitamin is encapsulated in liposomes… nano sized phospolipids which is the same thing human cells are made of this means the vitamin c becomes an integral part of your own human cells and being utilised immediately.
The difference is almost 10 times greater and more effective than IV C….
I really hope more of you take advantage and the information wasn’t too much…
As good and better….
Back in December last year when I decided that I’d start the one month experiment of taking much larger doses of Lipospheric Vit C than is usually taken on a daily basis, that being 1 gram and I would take 7 grams, I was basing this view on the many conversations I’d had many years ago with Dr Hal Huggins and the few with Dr Thomas E Levy. I also knew from experience how beneficial it was from my years of personal use, however, I didn’t know how, what I perceived as mega dosing would happen for myself an MS sufferer of 15 years. So in January of this year I started taking one gram every 2 hours and I did it that way for a month. I was very pleased by the what appeared to be an acceleration in the wonderful effects of my 17 months of following the ABP, I felt stronger, I noticed improvements in just about everything I felt from mental awareness, physical strength and my emotional state. That being said, I then tried taking the same amount but this time as two doses, 3 ounces in the morning and four in the afternoon. A week after doing this I can confirm that this is the how I intend to proceed at least until the end of March when I can evaluate this again.
My initial thoughts back in December were that I knew it would help, of that I had no doubt, I just didn’t know specifically for my condition, I didn’t have concerns as such, I just wasn’t sure if it could be as good as I hoped.
Five weeks in and I’m more than happy about what’s happening to my mind and body.
Now I have to make this clear….. I am not a doctor or qualified medical practitioner nor am I making specific recommendations to anyone. But I am telling you what I am doing and the effect it’s having on me, what you do is your choice…
I personally use Lipolife Gold that comes in a 250 ml bottle which I buy on Amazon…
5ml has the same effect as 1 gram of individual packets.
I take 15 ml in the morning on an empty stomach then another 20ml in the afternoon. I’ve personally tried before and after foods and not experienced any difference, but that’s me…
I suggest doing your own research, look at their website and you’ll understand why I chose to use them.
As far as I’m concerned, taking such large doses is having as good and better effect than I hoped.
As good, and better….
Back in December last year when I decided that I’d start the one month experiment of taking much larger doses of Lipospheric Vit C than is usually taken on a daily basis, that being 1 gram and I would take 7 grams, I was basing this view on the many conversations I’d had many years ago with Dr Hal Huggins and the few with Dr Thomas E Levy. I also knew from experience how beneficial it was from my years of personal use, however, I didn’t know how, what I perceived as mega dosing would happen for myself an MS sufferer of 15 years. So in January of this year I started taking one gram every 2 hours and I did it that way for a month. I was very pleased by the what appeared to be an acceleration in the wonderful effects of my 17 months of following the ABP, I felt stronger, I noticed improvements in just about everything I felt from mental awareness, physical strength and my emotional state. That being said, I then tried taking the same amount but this time as two doses, 3 ounces in the morning and four in the afternoon. A week after doing this I can confirm that this is the how I intend to proceed at least until the end of March when I can evaluate.
My initial thoughts back in December were that I knew it would help, of that I had no doubt, but how specifically for my condition I just didn’t know, I didn’t have concerns and I just wasn’t sure if it could be as good as I hoped.
Five weeks in and I’m more than happy about what’s happening to my mind and body.
Now I have to make this clear….. I am not a doctor or qualified medical practitioner nor am I making specific recommendations to anyone. But I am telling you what I am doing and the effects it’s having on me, what you do is your choice…
I personally use Lipolife Gold that comes in a 250ml bottle which I buy on Amazon…
5ml has the same effect as 1 gram of individual packets.
I take 15 ml in the morning on an empty stomach then another 20ml in the afternoon. I’ve personally tried before and after foods and not experienced any difference, but that’s me…
I suggest doing your own research, look at their website and you’ll understand why I chose to use them.
As far as I’m concerned, taking such large doses is having as good and better effect than I hoped.
Bad day…
In the last few posts I’ve written that I haven’t actually had a bad day in more than six months, at the time I wrote them it was true, but that statement doesn’t apply now because it’s now 4.45 am Monday and I started having a bad day when I woke on Sunday morning. The difference in having the previous bad days either when I first started the protocol or two and three years ago is that they lasted longer and were much harder to deal with.
My throat is sore, I’ve been coughing every few minutes and on Sunday I was so weak I couldn’t stand or move with the help of the wall or furniture. The difference in my mind was that I knew, I absolutely knew I’d be okay in only a day. Three years ago when the same problem happened I was stuck in bed for five days… five freaking days…and even then I was terribly weak, as I said, it’s still the butt crack of dawn and I know I’m feeling better. Yesterday I couldn’t even type a few letters to play Words With Friends…. that’s not a problem now obviously as I’ve just typed half a paragraph.
It’s now just after 6 a.m. and after I wrote the first part of this I meditated for an hour, and just to confirm what I thought, I am feeling much better. Two main reasons, obviously having the mega dose of Lipospheric Vit C has improved what I believe is the most significant reason, my body is so much more capable of dealing with physical problems because it’s healthier, so many of the debilitating toxins have been expelled and the delicate, intricate organs are able to do what they were designed to do. That’s happened because I’ve been following the ABP, now understand this, no one has or will say that that the protocol cures anything because that doesn’t happen, but what is happening is that by removing all those bad guys that had taken up residence, by getting rid of them we are enabling our body to heal itself. There are multiple organs, pints of blood, thousands of miles of nerves and trillions of cells. No one can expect to completely understand exactly how to fix what is wrong. But what each of us can do is give them what they need to do what’s natural, optimal word….. natural, not synthetic…. get rid of the synthetic, chemical additives, the pharmaceutical drugs that have more negative side effects than long term positives.
Anyway back to my point, there was a problem, it might have been a virus going around, a bug, the flu… whatever it was, my delicate MS riddled body struggled… but because of the Lipospheric Vit C and primarily the ABP, I had a bad day, not 5 or 6..
Because what you….
Disease with any name or classification especially the ones that are supposedly incurable and ruin your life are terrible things to live with, actually that’s the wrong word to use, it’s not living, it’s existing because the disease takes away all semblance of life…
Since starting the Ann Boroch Protocol in September 2017 I’ve experienced significant improvements, I’m not healed yet of course, I’m only 17 months into it, but I’m absolutely certain that by persisting in it I will regain my life.
In the early stages I was having as many bad days as good but the bias gradually changed, after 10 months or so, bad days became a rarity so much so that I’ve not actually had a “bad day” in at least 6 months.
The changes, the improvements don’t just happen, they are earned by following the protocol correctly. I’ve had the odd difficult time but in reality they’ve been limited to an hour or two and they were brought on by my mistake or error in judgment by succumbing to taste bud desires. But in the main I’ve been good, 99% of the time I eat the right foods even though it might appear to be a boring diet. I meticulously take my supplements, no forgetting, no I’ll just not bother today. There are many days that I feel tired but I still try to do something in the way of exercise, I just use my common sense and not do as much, but I don’t cheat, doing the exercise properly a couple of times is significantly better than doing it wrong lots of times.
In my opinion, the ABP is as much mental as it is physical and dietary, training your mind as much as replacing toxins with healthy, good nutrition is essential.
I’m just a little more than a third of the way into what in reality is a complete lifestyle change, I’m doing this properly, no short cuts, no excuses, the right foods, the necessary supplementation, exercise, meditation and rest. Why will I win this battle, why will I heal myself, why will I live again?….. Because what you believe you make true…. and I absolutely, 100% believe……
So the general perception is that technology has taken massive strides in the last hundred years, bigger leaps than in any other period in “man’s” existence. You only have to look at the way you are viewing this article, on the screen of a pc, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Quite staggering really to stop and think of how life is, compared to life when “baby boomer’s” were kid’s.
Now we can get information at the flick of a switch by turning on a news channel on the TV or sending an email to someone in another city, country or continent. We are so lucky these days to have so many benefit’s in comparison to previous generations.
Most of the world’s industries are competing for our business which has encouraged and developed a competitive nature within individuals and organisations to develop the best tool, appliance, gadget or vehicle.
This being the case in most fields of business then why are people in general around the world sicker than they were 100 years ago. It’s constantly rammed down our throats that a new drug has been developed to fight a particular health issue and that we should all feel good about ourselves because we’re wearing a pink ribbon.
Donate to help fight cancer is what we are told, well how long have so called researchers been trying to find an answer.
Penicillin changed lives a long time ago. The discovery of penicillin is attributed to Scottish scientist and Nobel laureate Alexander Fleming in 1928
Medical applications

Florey (pictured), Fleming and Chain shared a Nobel Prize in 1945 for their work on penicillin.
In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to use penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful, probably because the drug did not penetrate the skin deeply enough. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, and failed to cure a fifth.
In 1939, Australian scientist Howard Florey (later Baron Florey) and a team of researchers (Ernst Boris Chain, Arthur Duncan Gardner, Norman Heatley, M. Jennings, J. Orr-Ewing and G. Sanders) at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford made significant progress in showing the in vivo bactericidal action of penicillin. Their attempts to treat humans failed because of insufficient volumes of penicillin (the first patient treated was Reserve Constable Albert Alexander), but they proved it harmless and effective on mice.
Some of the pioneering trials of penicillin took place at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, England. These trials continue to be cited by some sources as the first cures using penicillin, though the Paine trials took place earlier.On March 14, 1942, John Bumstead and Orvan Hess saved a dying patient’s life using penicillin.[27][28]
Survivors of November 28, 1942 Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston, which killed 492 people, were treated with penicillin. Merck and Companyrushed a 32-liter supply of the drug, in the form of culture liquid in which the Penicillium mould had been grown, from New Jersey to Boston in early December. The drug was crucial in combating staphylococcusbacteria which typically infect skin grafts. As a result of the success of penicillin in preventing infections, the US Government decided to support the production and distribution of penicillin to the armed forces
So my point is why were people working with such limitations in comparison to today able to make such incredible breakthroughs yet in todays technologically developed world a cure for cancer cannot be found.
Actually it has, in fact there are many cure’s available if…..if you are willing to look outside the box and seriously consider what is generally perceived as “alternative or complementary medicine” .
It’s quite sickening to know that the methods used 75 years ago and are 100% natural are today described as “Alternative” and thought of as “New age” or whacky, when in reality they are natural, and effective and strangely have no side effects.
Going back to my opening statement, the answer is simply that the competitive attitude in “Business” doesn’t apply to the pharmaceutical industry collectively known as “BIG PHARMA” because they have a strangle hold on mankind. The Smithkline Beecham’s and other controllers of life as we know it have no intention of killing off the “cash cow” of illness in the world.
No, they are all part of a Cartel, they all know that if they spend millions on developing a drug to address a symptom, then people will constantly spend their hard earned money every month. They will make billions every year, they set aside maybe a hundred million to pay out compensation to those unfortunate to have had serious side effects. But sickness is big business, I feel bad for nurses because they are underpaid and over worked struggling to help the ever growing nation of sick people.
Why are we sick? because Big Pharma wants it that way…..
Three different people….
What I’ve done in my life, the things I’ve done are great as memories, but that’s what they are…. memories….. it’s not me now…., the who I was, who I am and the who I will be in 31 months are not the same. I’m proud of myself for doing nearly a thousand skydives, 834 to be exact, I’m proud that in 1989 I was part of the 60 way formation that was in the Guinness book of records between 1989 and 1997. I’m proud of the fact that I got my pilots license in Florida in 1999, I did it in 43 hours of training which was good knowing that then the national average in America was 75 hours. In 2007 I became the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins who at the time was the world leading authority in biological dentistry, I talked with more than 17,000 people and I personally helped several thousand that became patients. So yes I suppose I can justifiably be proud of what I’ve done, but that was 10, 20 and 30 years ago, it’s not what I’m doing now….
Now, I’m not the skydiving adrenaline junkie, now I’m the 63 yr old with multiple sclerosis, now I’m the guy that has to lean against the wall or furniture to negotiate getting to the bathroom, which I have to do 15 times each day, that’s actually a good thing as it used to be 25 times.
Seventeen months ago I started meticulously following a protocol devised by a woman that completely healed herself of this hideous disease. There will be some readers that will dispute that statement simply because they themselves have been brainwashed into believing the lies told by so called experts, sadly they aren’t experts, they just don’t know the truth..
So the Stefan then, the Stefan now and the Stefan who I’m becoming aren’t the same, now I’m happier and prouder because I’m well on the way to healing myself, I feel good now, but how good will I feel when I’ve beaten a so called incurable disease.
Me then…Me now and Me in 31 months are three different people..
Lifestyle change…
When I was originally diagnosed with MS I was living and working in Denver, Colorado two years after I’d made what I believed was a lifelong commitment, I’d moved from England and married an American woman, so receiving that news was depressing to say the least. I’d been a very active man for twenty five years so hearing the news from who I thought of as experts put a whole new perspective on life. What I was told by these people was that my life was going to change, I would become wheelchair bound in a matter of years, I’d no longer be able to financially or physically support myself and I should mentally prepare myself for what I perceived to be a life not worth living. You can imagine the response from “The Expert” the neurologist when I categorically refused to take the medicine he was prescribing, he said he was offended, he called me stupid and stated that his prognosis wouldn’t happen in years….. by not taking the drugs it would happen in months.
I left the hospital with my wife who was also adamant that I was being ridiculous thinking that I knew better than the doctors who’d studied medicine for years, I think this was the start of the collapse of my marriage. The attitude of most people is that if you are unwell then “just take a pill”, that was definitely the way of the woman I was married to and her family, so I was under a lot of pressure as I’m sure you can imagine. Having had a very physically active and adrenaline junkie exhilarating life I just couldn’t accept it was over so I set about learning more about the natural non pharmaceutical possibilities.
Considering what I was told would happen in six months if I didn’t take the medication I think I’ve done pretty well, 15 years later I’m not in a wheelchair, admittedly I can’t walk unaided and have to lean on furniture and walls, but I think I’m doing well.
Now the explanation to follow is 100% true, I have absolutely nothing to gain in anyway shape or form from any person, company, organisation or group, I’m telling you what I’m doing because I truly hope I can help others. If some misguided, depressed, prefer to stay sick people chose to complain, slag me off or dispute my words then that’s their opinion and they should keep it to themselves, I’m telling the truth.
There are simple facts, not opinions that should be considered, ask a doctor, a medical professional, look at the big pharma website and they will state that drugs treat symptoms and no more.
I’ve never taken any medicine or pharmaceutical drug to treat my MS, what I have done is assist my body to heal itself, I’ve done this by adding good nutrients and removing synthetic and chemical additives. I’m not a doctor or PhD or specialist, I don’t know or profess to know the specifics of how good nutrition works to correct the impurities in our body, but I do know it does work and after 17 months of following the guidance of someone that did know, I’m very, very happy I did.
The effects of the ABP have undoubtedly proven to me that this is was the right path to follow and that taking the mega dose of Lipospheric Vit C has improved and speeded up what’s happening, I’m getting better.
Contrary to what the naysayers insist on spouting about, I’m having very positive improvements by sticking 100% to the Ann Boroch Protocol, this is not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle change…..
No interest..
Ever since I started working for Dr Hal Huggins in 2007, I became totally dedicated to helping people, nutrition and natural health became my passion. Obviously as Dr Huggins was the world leading authority in biological dentistry I was initially engrossed in that, my work required a great deal of study which naturally lead me into nutrition and the need for supplementation as I became aware of the lack of it and the plethora of synthetic additives being used in what most people consider everyday foods. I was shocked to find 10 or 20 chemical additives plus masses of sugar in basic foods like peas and beans, soups and most breakfast cereals.
During the four years in my role as client service director, not only did I talk with almost 18,000 patients but hundreds of doctors, dentists, scientists, researchers and PhDs in various fields, I read every book written by Dr Huggins and Dr Thomas E Levy plus numerous other well respected specialists. Now I’m not trying to blow my own trumpet here, I just want to give credence to my experience and personal observations
I have absolutely nothing to gain in any way shape or form by explaining what I’m personally doing or the experiences I’ve had, I’m just trying to help.
Why am I saying this?… because over the past few weeks a few people are writing extremely negative, slanderous remarks, suggesting I have ulterior motives which I don’t.
The people attempting to cast doubts in the minds of genuine health seekers are either just extremely negative or are aligned with big Pharma and want to keep people sick, what is sadly very obvious is that those people have no interest in helping anyone but themselves.
Over the past three weeks I’ve been taking much larger doses of Lipospheric Vit C, that already has an eight times greater rate of being absorbed, now just to clarify that statement, it’s not my opinion, it’s a scientifically proven fact!!!! . So after three weeks of taking the metabolized equivalent of 57.75 grams daily I can confirm that mentally and physically I’m noticing several positive improvements. The daily changes are, in my opinion making my life better, now obviously I can only say what is happening now and not confirm or deny how they will make me feel in the long term or permanently because that hasn’t happened yet.
However, based on the hundreds of well documented independent reports done worldwide I’m feeling confident that I’ve made a good decision and will continue for at least three months.
Several years ago I tried a Lipospheric Vit C that came in a bottle called Lipolife Gold, my initial thought were that there was no difference between that and the one I’d first used other than it was in a bottle not individual packets. The price was similar so at that time decided to stick with the one I’d previously used. However, since starting this new regimen of mega dosing I’ve done a lot more research and quite shocked by what I found regarding where it’s made.
This is written on the Lipolife Gold website:
All synthetic Vitamin C is manufactured in China. Quali-C is the world’s first branded Vitamin C, produced in a world-class DSM-owned facility in Scotland.
Having learned this, I’m going to continue taking the same dosage but from the end of my first month trial I’ll be using the Lipolife Gold.
As an aside; making a note of the changes I’m experiencing, which to date have all been positive is to help me and hopefully any others that make the choice of reading them, I have absolutely no other motive, I’ve nothing to gain, no incentives financially or otherwise are shared or passed on to me in any way shape or form. I make this comment because certain individuals that also have MS insist on making negative, inflammatory and offensive remarks about what I’ve written. As I mentioned earlier, when a person sees my posts, they then have the choice to read it or not… if you know you don’t like what I’m writing then simply don’t read any others….
Based on the majority of comments I have, it seems that lots of people are motivated and inspired, some don’t, but most do… Am I happy about being able to help others and will I continue to do it ? …..Definitely….