As I’ve mentioned many times before, the first three months of the ABP are very difficult, the changes that appear as the months go by manifest themselves in a very subtle way, you are struggling one day and then followed by days that aren’t particularly great, it’s just that they aren’t painful or difficult to get through. I personally found that I really appreciated them and felt happy knowing that the progression through my healing journey was on track.
I think if the protocol could be outlined specifically, which it can’t for every participant, then each individual would have a far better chance of succeeding but as I said, it can’t be done that specifically…… why?…. because we are all different… No two MS suffers are exactly the same, their current age, their age when they got this horrid disease, their gender, location and a thousand other variables will influence their progress. But there is a rough guide depending on a multitude of things. I know when I started just over eighteen months ago I had to be strong, I had to reread the books, watch motivational YouTube videos and constantly tell myself to have faith… very difficult especially when it’s not as I was or you’re in a hospital or sterile environment being looked after and meticulously guided by others that know 100% that this works.
I personally feel massively better now than how I did and am absolutely confident of my progress and ultimate success in a couple more years, two more years which is no big deal when looking at the big picture, the one that incorporates living a healthy life. This is the main reason I write my posts, I know this isn’t easy, I know it’s damn hard but I also know that this works and I have to share the potential of this protocol and try to help others that are going through the same things I did.
It’s strange really as I have to pull back in my confidence to ensure that……over confidence doesn’t take control and jeopardize all the improvements that are slowly but surely becoming normal.
Understanding and…
Am I healed… no… have I beaten the extreme weakness… no…. can I walk unaided… no… so after eighteen months on the protocol, should I be upset… definitely no…
During those early months especially the first three, there were times that my determination was severely tested, I’m alone for at least 22 hours each day so the only person to encourage and motivate me….. was me… I have a dream, a goal and I’ve made a promise to myself, the promise is that I will live again… I’m 63 yrs old, in reality even if I was a healthy man I couldn’t expect to live beyond my mid what kind of life am I dreaming of… at least twenty-five more good, pain free healthy year’s, I don’t expect to skydive again or scuba or rock climb but I will hike again and mountain bike… not serious technical rides but I will ride.
I was talking to my carer yesterday, she asked me how I was able to be so focused and strict with myself, I explained that nothing else matters in my everyday life…. I just want to be healthy again, in my mind if I truly want it, I’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen, if I don’t, it’s simple…. I didn’t want it enough… after eighteen months I’ve eventually found foods that are not only tasty but genuinely healthy. It might appear boring to others but that’s no big deal to me…
As the months have passed I’m heartened as I’m experiencing positives, things that only eighteen months ago simply weren’t possible, also that knowing in just another six months I’ll be halfway there, now I know, I truly believe that I’ll win the jackpot on Euromillions, it’s definitely happening, I don’t know the exact day, but I know it is… Okay not the lottery per se, but being healthy is better, knowing this is a fantastic feeling and until it happens, the most important thing to have is.. Understanding and Patience
A place called…..
I’m sure everyone that reads my posts knows that I tend to spend a lot of time thinking and researching this horrid disease, the one that millions of others also suffer from… I’m very happy at this time knowing….. Yes…. knowing that the protocol I was told about and have been following for eighteen months along with the three additional things are having a tremendous effect on me.
When looked at by genuine health researchers, not big Pharma who have absolutely no desire to cure any disease as that would reduce the extortionate profits they make by selling drugs that manage symptoms, I’m sure the genuine researchers would be amazed.
Okay no rants, back to my point, I’ve mentioned before that there are more than 37.2 trillion cells in the average human body…. wow… so getting one of the so called incurable diseases means that all of those microscopic cells are infected. Some obviously more so than others, but they’ve all been affected which basically means they aren’t capable of doing the job they were designed to do.
The Ann Boroch Protocol doesn’t cure anything, read that again, the ABP doesn’t cure anything…. what it does do however is correct problems and rebalance’s the wrong that’s occurred through eating and injesting foods, drinks and other substances that have fundamentally abused your body.
Now understand this, I’m not medically trained, I’m not suggesting or asking anyone to do anything, I’m just sharing my opinion, an opinion based on results by following the protocol, physically taking Lipospheric Vit C, bone broth and full spectrum Cannabis oil.
Believe it or not, do what I’m doing if you choose to, or not, it doesn’t affect me, help or benefit me or anyone else, I’m healing….please read that again… I’m healing, it will probably take a couple more years, four or more in total, but it is happening.
Putting this into perspective… the 37.2 trillion cells are healing, that means there are 685,000 cells that the protocol is trying to heal everyday… that my friends is a Big job and one that can easily be thwarted especially in the early days and months. But I know, if you are anything like me or the thousands of others that have gone before, that the odd setback is just a hiccup, a speedbump on this journey to a place called Healing….
Strength of a toddler…
Everyday I go through a ritual where I’m telling myself…. yes telling not necessarily thinking or feeling or knowing that I’m stronger and more capable than the previous day. This is part of my personal brainwashing, I have to believe in what I’m doing, I have to be 100% committed that regardless of how I feel at that particular moment that the Ann Boroch Protocol, the Lipospheric Vit C, the cannabis oil and bone broth are working, it’s not a quick fix scheme, it’s a lifestyle change and it’s going to be like walking up a down escalator. It’s happening, I am going up….. slowly.. to start it was one up but two down, after eighteen months it’s improved significantly, now it’s two up and one down. Accepting this and the rare but possible switch is a little hard to take especially when I’m having so many positives..
Monday for instance was a classic example…. this last week has been great in that I’ve been feeling so good which has resulted in me trying to do things I shouldn’t, y’know like taking less paces between things I should be holding for balance. In the morning I unlocked the front door and considered sitting outside, but I wasn’t exactly dressed for it so came back in, it was nice feeling the wind on my face.
Anyway at lunchtime while Kay my carer was preparing lunch I went to the bathroom to use a catheter…. yes I know I’m a sad man, while standing in front of the loo I had one of those complete body stretches, I felt I was losing my balance and grabbed at a handrail, sadly it wasn’t properly attached to the wall and pulled away. It was like my life passed in front of my eyes in slow motion as I fell backwards. Fortunately my butt took the brunt of the fall, yes it hurt but I’m ok.
So this accident put what’s happening into perspective for me…all the things I’m doing are definitely helping, I just have to accept it’s going to take time, small steps, acceptance and appreciation.
Appreciation that it is happening and acceptance that at this time I’m in a man’s body but I have the strength of a toddler…
Life to the majority of people revolves around family and work, how to pay the monthly bills or doing the weekly shop, the presents to buy for loved one’s when a birthday or Christmas is approaching, y’know…. the everyday demands of living a life… frustrating, annoying, worrying and fantastic at times, but it’s accepted as normal because it’s everyday occurrences for most people. It’s different when you have a life changing disease as I have, mine is multiple sclerosis but I’m sure other people have an equally difficult time with other serious health problems.
We see things differently, we don’t have a great deal of money and little opportunity to generate more of it, we don’t have jobs so can’t work overtime or have other ways of earning a little extra. It’s a set income like disability benefits and I’m so lucky and grateful to have that.
Before starting the Ann Boroch Protocol 18 months ago I wasn’t really sure the life I had was worth living… it consisted of very little sleep, pain, discomfort, going to the loo twenty five times each day, oh yes and more pain… not a great incentive to look forward to. However… in September 2017 I’d read “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch and started following her life changing protocol.
So the existence I had is a thing of the past, now I am truly happy about what I’m doing, yes the supplements are many and must be taken everyday, my weekly online shop is probably 90% the same which means my food intake can be a tad boring…
But I see things very differently to most people, I’m lucky in that my regular bills are covered by my benefits, I don’t have spare or holiday money but those things aren’t on my mind, of course I miss being outside, I miss going for a drive, going out for a pub lunch and lots of other things, but in reality I don’t think about them because I know they will happen in time, just not now…
I have to focus on one thing and one thing only, being sick with this disease, not living but existing is of no interest to me, I have to prioritize, following the ABP and being able to Live again is what matters to me now.
I’m winning…….
Whenever it was that you were told by the sad faced neurologist that you had a disease called multiple sclerosis, which according to the world of Allopathic medical professionals is an incurable disease, I’m sure you, as I was, felt very sad. It’s explained that this particular disease has been researched and researched by pharmaceutical giants the world over and they’ve all come to the same conclusion….. there’s no known cure!!!. So you’re told to accept their prognosis, come to terms with it… take the drugs and be a good boy/girl… how condescending is that….
As I’m sure you’ve read, I personally don’t subscribe to that defeatist attitude…. I’ve researched a great deal, I’ve physically tried at least a hundred different specialist supplements, various therapies and operations including a full dental revision, body chemistry rebalancing and CCSVI. Some have helped and kept me 100% drug free for 15 years, others sadly did nothing but lighten my wallet, but as I’ve said before, those things simply showed me some of the many ways it doesn’t work.
Eighteen months ago I started what does work, the Ann Boroch Protocol and I’m 100% committed to it and know I’ll be healed before 2022….read those words… Healed!!!
Every second of everyday, the diseased cells in your body, all 37.2 trillion are working to perpetuate the sickness and make your life a misery… however…. as I said, I don’t go along with the blatant lie of multiple sclerosis being incurable. The protocol requires a lifestyle change, foods that should be avoided, supplements that should be taken, I do this, but I’m taking it to what appears to be a step further.
I’ve been taking full spectrum Cannabis oil for a few months, mega dosing Lipospheric Vit C for two months and I’ve restarted bone broth this week. The reality is that I’m feeling better overall than I have for several years, I know I’ve a long way to go but I’m so optimistic.
It’s a daunting task especially when you know that for 86,400 seconds of each year the 37.2 trillion diseased cells are fighting to stop the good things I’m doing, so it’s easy to be temporarily confused, it’s challenging, it’s damn well frustrating, it’s non stop, it’s me against the world’s medical professionals, but guess what……
I’m winning.
What makes you…
In 2004 I had been living in Colorado for two years, I’d moved there after I’d fallen in love with a woman I believed was going to be my “life” partner, we’d got married and everything appeared on the face of it to be good. We both had great jobs, she a Graphic Designer and me heading a newly formed Fire Systems Group with ADT.. We were making great money, had a beautiful big house, great cars and as far as I was concerned we were living the dream.
After one or two difficult times at my thrice weekly visits to the gym, I went to my local doctor only to be sent to hospital for tests, I still had no idea of the urgency the doctor showed but after three days of testing the neurologist gave me the horrible news that I had what he perceived to be an incurable disease, multiple sclerosis.
The reactions from him after I refused medication really shocked me as I’ve written numerous times before…. okay, leap forward 15 years and in my view, my actions have been completely justified… still no drugs, not in a wheelchair and definitely in a better stae of mind than I was back then.
The past 17 and a half months sticking strictly to the ABP haven’t been easy, well I should clarify that, the first seven or eight months weren’t easy but it has since then. The first three were bloody hard as the bad days outnumbered the good but after that that ratio was reversed and now having a bad day is very rare… there are occasional difficult hours, but that’s it.
In my opinion the Ann Boroch Protocol is the main reason for my improvements, they have been helped, no doubt by having a positive attitude and truly believing…
January saw me starting the mega dosing with Lipospheric Vit C and that is accentuating the positive improvements coming from my life regimen… the ABP…
Knowing what I know now is very different to what I hoped in September 2017.. then the thought of slight improvements were just a dream, now the many small improvements are my everyday life, now I know without a shadow of doubt that living a healthy disease free life is going to be a reality… still a couple of years away, but when looking at the big picture, that’s nothing…
Having the right attitude, believing, following the protocol will, in time restore your health, can everyone do it? Probably not, can you do it?….yes!!! And that my friend is what makes you….
Keep asking…..
I think in life we all face problems, and when they appear to be insurmountable then most people will just accept it… what’s the point in beating yourself up when there’s simply no answer, no alternative solution on the face of it. Those problems are not your average everyday issues because those are dealt with, they are problems but we spend a little time and find an acceptable answer, they may have taken an hour or two or even a couple of days but when left to our infinitely more powerful subconscious mind the answer just appears out of the blue.
In my humble opinion, and I know enough to know I don’t know everything, I think about the issue, it might be a physical, financial, emotional or health problem, I ask questions of myself… how can I fix this or that? is it possible to correct something that’s wrong, my thoughts, my health… whatever… then I just leave it to it…. “It” being my subconscious mind that will continue to search for an answer while I’m reading a book, watching tv, meditating or sleeping.
In my opinion nothing is insurmountable, the solution is there, I’m just not aware of it now… there’s never a case of “I’ve tried everything”… it’s only a case of “I just don’t know… yet”… As I said, in my opinion, important issues are just that…. too important to just accept defeat and lay down, giving in is not an option……
People… friends…. family… doctors… scientists, don’t know everything…. never give up….
Keep asking questions…
I will find….
When I was diagnosed with MS, I had been living in Colorado in the U.S. for almost two years, I’d gone there to marry a woman I’d only known a short time… weeks actually, but believed it was the right thing to do. So I was around 5,000 miles away from my family and close friends in England when I was given the devastating news, the neurologist told me in a straight forward, no punches pulled way that my life was about to change forever, I would be on side effect laden drugs forever and my forever wasn’t going to be that long… when I categorically refused to take the drugs, he said he was offended that I was ignoring his advice and called me an idiot….
Well fifteen years later, I must tried about a hundred different therapies, pills, supplements and operations, in reality, some have done diddly when it comes to easing the symptoms, on saying that, I’m happy about everything I’ve done.
I don’t and never have taken any medication for multiple sclerosis, I don’t take drugs at all apart from Betmiga that helps my bladder control and Levothyroxin for my underactive thyroid.
Personally I am proud of myself for not simply giving up, I’ve said this a thousand times and I’m sure I’ll say it a thousand more… Drugs treat symptoms….. the majority have so many side effects, some even as bad or worse than the original problem……
I honestly believe that given the right nutrition the body will heal itself… I’ve studied a great deal about this, I’ve worked closely with an amazing man, Dr Hal Huggins, I’ve met equally incredible people such as Dr Thomas E Levy who not only is an oncologist but a lawyer as well. I’ve read numerous books by leaders in the world of natural healing, that’s true healing, not the pharmaceutical drugs way that temporarily helps.
All these things have helped me be stronger and be determined to succeed, but the overriding strength that will see me to be disease free is that I’m my mum’s son and whatever problem or disease befall me… whatever it is, I will never give up, I will fight to the end, and trust me……
I will find a way..
When so little…
I think for most of us that have what the medical fraternity of the world consider to be an incurable disease, multiple sclerosis is a depressing and daunting thing to live with. Doctors of all shapes and sizes will do what they can to mentally prepare you and in all honesty try to do their best…. it’s not as if they’re evil people and are getting pleasure out of seeing you’re life ebb away, no not at all, they have what they think are you’re best interests at heart…. Sadly, very sadly, they and the majority of people are mistaken, this disease isn’t incurable, it just needs to be addressed in a different way and when they and more importantly.. you…. understand that and truly believe it…. you can and will make an impact on the debilitating symptoms…
In September 2017 after I’d read a book detailing how a young woman had been on a four year quest, not just a diet but a complete lifestyle change that transformed her from a confused and frustrated young woman in pain and with what “they” said was “no hope” of truly living again, into a healthy happy, disease free woman. My life changed after reading that book and being given help and guidance by another beautiful person…. Janet Orchard because I started on what is proving to be an incredible Journey.
In today’s world, where having a pain just means that we should “take a pill”…. a world where we are constantly being brainwashed by advertising about having a health issues is normal, putting on weight, having bad skin, spots, greasy hair or whatever is to be expected and the answer is to simply to ignore the cause, just take, this.. or that to make it go away… all well and good if you believe it’s okay to keep paying to correct what shouldn’t be happening.
Putting life as we know it into perspective, in my opinion isn’t a difficult thing to do, I’ve accepted I can’t participate in the active life I had, I’ve accepted that so many things that are considered normal, just don’t happen anymore. I’ve accepted that pain, frustration, awkward limited mobility are my everyday’s….
When I say I’ve accepted them, I mean I understand that they are happening now, but since embarking on the Ann Boroch Protocol I’m in a transitional state….. all those things are still part of my life, but they aren’t as bad. It’s an incredible feeling really to know it’s happening little by little, the changes are small and subtle and it will take years, there’s no “instant gratification” that’s become normal.
Things in my life are very different, now it’s a case of true acceptance…. when so little means so much…