Nice memories….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Nice memories…
The Stefan of old, hmmm sounds like a medieval title… lol…. no, what I’m referring to is the me, prior to MS…. that me was very active, it was normal to be road running four or five times per week or on a 15 or 20 mile cross country ride on my mountain bike, these things in addition to visits to the gym. I wasn’t ultra fit but I was very fit, much more so that most people. Now please understand that what I did was simply because I wanted it, I enjoyed being fit, it didn’t make me any better a person than those who enjoyed being a couch potato, it just meant I was different.
The point of this post is that by adhering…. yes Adhering… not looking at or trying it… but really following the ABP, understanding the truly magnificent thing Ann Boroch did in developing a dietary and supplemental method that healed herself of what the world of medicine had claimed to me impossible was and is monumental. What I’m doing is sticking to her recommendations, admittedly I don’t eat all the variations because there are foods that don’t appeal to me. I do however only eat foods that are on the list of acceptable foods, some only after three months of conditioning the diseased body. If you read her books you’ll understand that the first two aims are to remove foods the body doesn’t need and replace them with foods the body absolutely does need..
I’m not unique or special, far from it but I am doing it properly because I really want to return to the Stefan of old, obviously I’m older and never going to be as fit as I was but as I’m moving forward and trying to physically exert myself, I’m feeling pains and aches in my thighs, shoulders and biceps that are reminiscent of younger days… it’s strange to think of aches and pains in a positive way, but in all honesty it’s reinforcing the belief I’m doing the so called impossible….I’m trying to do what Ann did, what Janet has done and thousands of others… the aches and pain are nice memories…

So lucky…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

So lucky…
It’s so easy to forget certain things when the overriding issue in your life revolves around your own personal health, I mean, think about it… thinking about or actually trying to do something, no matter how physically simply it is, is ridiculously difficult or even impossible so what’s the point in trying…..
The disease slowly but surely breaks vital components of our physical self which gradually reduce the mental side of us right up to the point of total capitulation, we can’t walk anymore, even standing unaided is no longer possible so why put ourselves through more mental anguish
The point is…. and a very important point at that, is while we are attempting to heal our physical body, specifically those of us on or contemplating following the tried and tested Ann Boroch Protocol that heals us physically, it’s down to us personally to retrain our minds…
I’m personally not interested in finding alternatives, get around’s that enable the body to move around.. I can see, even agree that if you have no chance of healing, if you’re only going to get sicker, then finding alternatives is good. But!!! If not, if, like me and thousands of others, your goal is to heal… and that is possible, then any “alternative” is giving up, and that’s just never going to happen.
In nineteen months, just nineteen months, which is diddly squat when looking at the big picture of life… I personally feel significantly better both physically and mentally an I was less than two years ago, my diet might appear boring to some, but big deal…. it’s tasty and most importantly it’s compliant. My clarity of mind is great, I’m not perpetually overwhelmed like I was, I’m stronger and in all honesty I believe I’m so close to walking unaided for just a few steps…

Nothing in life is easy… Nothing… one doesn’t just wake up one morning and find yourself to be a world class athlete or running a successful business… it takes time, it takes effort and it takes determination.
I’m not healed… yet, I’m not walking… yet… but I’m only nineteen months into a 48 month protocol but I can tell you what I am… totally committed and so lucky…

Next stage….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Next stage….
Since January 1st I’ve added three things that weren’t part of what I was previously doing although all three were recommended by Ann Boroch but not necessarily in the exact way I’ve been doing. The full spectrum Cannabis oil and Bone Broth have been taken as per the protocol, vitamin C however wasn’t available in Lipospheric form when Ann started her life changing journey. I’ve written in great detail previously so I’ll not bore you by doing so again other than to say Lipospheric Vit C and any other form of C are world’s apart.
The improvements I’ve experienced over the past three months are significant to me, my coordination, stability, clarity of mind and numerous other things have not just made things easier for me but also filled me with inspiration.
Putting meat on the bones…. firstly, the changes, the improvements couldn’t have happened if I’d not already laid a strong foundation by strictly following the ABP, it’s that that has enabled me to be in such a positive state.
As I’ve said before, taking such large doses of the Lipospheric Vit C is not something I’ve read or heard about before, but because I really believe in the beneficial effects, I felt using myself as a guinea pig would help me and possibly many others.
There’s no doubt that taking eight grams daily which is the equivalent of eighty grams of intravenous vitamin C has been so important, but not something I can afford to do any longer so from today I’ll cut back to three grams. I’m hoping there won’t be a negative effect by doing so, however I will increase the frequency of the FS cannabis oil from twice to three times daily.
The Ann Boroch Protocol is essentially a four year thing, I’ve added to it, which is my choice and not necessarily something I recommend to anyone else, I’ve experienced no negatives by doing these things. Please remember I’m not the same as anyone else, I’ve never taken any MS medication, I’ve been gluten, dairy and sugar free for ten years, that doesn’t make me better than anyone else, just different, the changes I’m making are just moving me onto the next stage of my plan

Big picture…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Big picture…
I think being diagnosed with any serious illness is always going to be devastating news for anyone, especially if you have family members that are dependent upon you. In my case I was long past having a dependent wife and kids so although the news was shocking, it wasn’t as hard to take as it could have been.
Because of the work I was doing I had a good understanding of health and nutrition in general so rather than succumbing to the misinformation spread by the medical profession I followed a different route, I have to clarify my wording here. The medical profession the world over practise what is “Allopathic” medicine… this is a way of treating or suppressing symptoms using pharmacological methods.. So it’s basically saying that they aren’t interested in genuinely attempting to correct “The Cause”…which in reality is the true problem but as we all know, there’s far more profit in continually treating….easing…or masking a symptom.
I think anyone reading my posts will know that I’m 100% against drugs, pharmaceuticals and the pariahs that promote them.
Anyway that isn’t what I started writing about…. as I’ve progressed along this life changing journey, btw I’m still only 19 months into it, I’ve gradually come to terms with what’s involved in succeeding…
Anyone that’s been reading my posts will know I’m extremely happy about the protocol and the additional things I’ve incorporated into my daily supplements. 99% of the time I feel good, so much so that’s it’s become normal for me to try to do other physically demanding things that put more demands on my body which tend to stress me out a little. But looking or considering them in a negative way isn’t helpful, in fact it’s completely wrong…
What is better is to adopt a different outlook, I now make sure I’m following the protocol 100%, then at the end of my day I reflect on all the positives that have happened, of course there has been bad times, but they are just learning experiences, stepping stones on route to our ultimate destination….. now I don’t think about the negatives, I just look at how far I’ve come and where I AM going… now I just look at the big picture..

Your Choice….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Your Choice !!!
In February of 2004 I was in hospital in Denver, Colorado only two years after I’d moved to the USA, I’d been having a few health problems that my doctor initially said was very simple to fix as I was having problems with my thyroid…. After three separate visits and three monthly trials of various drugs that had no effect he decided that a hospital visit was my only option. I was quite shocked and very sad that after a three day stay and a series of extensive testing I was told I had multiple sclerosis, anyway I’ve told you all about this a couple of times before so I’ll move on….
I was then faced with either accepting the prognosis of a rapidly declining health because of what he described as an incurable disease which could only be eased by taking prescription drugs… he was a straight talking neurologist originally from New York and didn’t pull any punches when he also said my decline was inevitable.
Again, as I’ve written before, no drugs, no wheelchair and contrary to all four neurologists and three doctor’s I am improving after 15 years..
The reason is that I’ve never taken any so called MS medication because I knew they initially pacified certain symptoms and made you feel temporarily better. A psychological band aid that numb’s an obvious issue while more serious problems are slowly exacerbated in the background…
The reason why the medical community genuinely believe that MS is incurable is because the money grabbing heartless pariahs a.k.a. Big Pharma have no interest whatsoever in finding genuine cures, it’s not in their best financial interest.
So the proof according to them is that around two million new cases are found globally each year and no one gets better, they say in general it’s not terminal but it does reduce your life expectancy by five to ten years.
Option A: Take drugs that numb some symptoms and have side effects that exacerbate your rapidly declining health.
Option B:
Adopt and strictly follow the Ann Boroch Protocol that’s been proven to heal your body over a four year period and get your life back.
Your Choice….

Following tradition….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

As I’ve said in previous posts, although I try to strictly adhere to the ABP in the foods I do and don’t eat, I have tended to add what I personally feel are additions to what is and has already been successful for thousands of others. These additions aren’t because I’m having delusions of grandeur, I don’t think I know better than Ann Boroch, far from it, in my honest opinion she was an incredibly intelligent and brave woman to have done what she did. However there are things that have come to light either in different parts of the world or in other areas of research and development. Three of those are Lipospheric Vit C, Bone Broth and Full Spectrum Cannabis oil all of which I’m using in addition to one, three and ten day fasting….. I know the latter sounds a little extreme and I’ve not participated in yet, but the one and three aren’t that difficult especially when you get through the first six hours, in fact it’s not hard at all. I could spend a lot of time explaining but I won’t just now other than to say please do some research on Paul C Bragg and Patricia Bragg who I was very lucky to have talked with ten years ago. Anyway….. I’ve recently resumed the weekly one day fasts and am so pleased I have because the improvements I’m experiencing in my opinion are great and I’ll hopefully be able to demonstrate them later today….
P.s. the one day, 24hrs fast always starts after lunch on a Sunday and continues through lunch on Monday, this is happening now obviously. I personally feel that the initial six hours are crucial as that’s when the feelings dominated by tastebuds have the most powerful effects but I personally find that drinking plenty of water overcomes that problem. So if all goes as planned then shortly I’ll post a video and show I’m following tradition..

A destination called. ….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

A destination called….
I’ve constantly pointed out that when someone makes the conscious decision to follow the ABP, I say conscious decision because truly making that commitment shouldn’t be taken lightly, you and I have made a promise, not to the person that told you about it, not to your spouse or loved one, not to family or best friend, you’ve (I’ve) made it to yourself….. and I personally don’t break my promises….
A week or so ago I wrote about the commitment I’d made based on what I felt was …. is, positive progress in what I’m doing. I’m trying very hard in my writing to not exaggerate about the positive improvements I’m experiencing, it would be wrong, it would be cruel to do that and I’m a very conscientious person so exaggerating, lying is just something I won’t do…
My thoughts are that I want to replicate the successes of Ann Boroch firstly and many others like Janet Orchard, I hope to give help and inspiration to others that are suffering as I have… multiple sclerosis is a horrendous, hideous disease, it takes away life, sufferers don’t die from it, it’s not a terminal illness, but it does take away the ability and functionality and desire to really live….
So as I’m genuinely improving, I want to share what’s happening to me, what will happen for you if you ignore the foods, drinks, substances and anything else that Ann Boroch advises us to stay away from.
I know that there’s an estimate of the time it will take to remove the Candida, fungus, yeast, sugars and pathogens from our body, be strict and follow her recommendations to the letter and there’s a very good chance that your health will return. However, when starting we have to believe it will happen, but if you’re anything like me then the time it takes is inconsequential, I’m doing it regardless of the time, the journey is indeterminate, it’s the destination that’s defined…..that destination is called Healing…

It doesn’t happen…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

It doesn’t happen….
I feel strange having that as the title to my post, just saying it makes me feel bad, but as is my way, I’ll explain in time… I’m confident that I’m only eating 100% compliant foods and taking the necessary supplements each day although because I’m never satisfied with my progress I’m always researching for potential improvements. So although 90% of the supplements are consistently taken and have been since day one, there are others that change if and when I notice no improvement.
My groceries are delivered weekly and the orders are very nearly the same, but as I’ve said, I’m okay with this as not only are they compliant, but tasty and nutritionally helpful, so all good there.
As each day goes by, I am often saddened by the fact that the muscles in my legs, my arms, my shoulders… my whole body is aching because of the exercises I’ve done, admittedly it’s nothing in comparison to my younger pre MS self, but then again I’m not a young buck anymore and I’ve had MS for 15 years..
The ABP is working, the Lipospheric Vit C, the bone broth and full spectrum Cannabis oil are all helping but none are miracle workers.
The title of this post is “It doesn’t happen” and that’s true…the ABP is a four year protocol and needs to be strictly followed and the three others I mentioned all help but l must be realistic and accept it takes mental strength, determination and patience.
There’s nothing negative about this post or my feelings, the full title should be “Be patient.. It doesn’t happen overnight…

Because this….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Because this…..
I’m sure there are many people starting out on the Ann Boroch Protocol that have baked a sponge cake many, many times…. Okay bear with me, there is a point to this…. if you look at a recipe for making a simple sponge cake such as a Victoria sponge you’ll see there are many specifics that absolutely must be adhered to. Just the basics like pre warming the oven, greasing the baking tins and making sure you have the correct oven temperature are just three of the many that must be followed if you don’t want your sponge to sag in the middle.
I was looking earlier at the most common mistakes made by, not just “first timers” but others that haven’t made one for a few years. So how many common mistakes are made when it’s not just a Victoria sponge, what about a special birthday cake, covered in icing sugar or the filling isn’t just strawberry jam and cream..
I remember my first one when I was trying to impress the first of my three ex wives (not proud of that), I hadn’t let the sponges cool long enough so when assembled then covered in icing sugar, the topping just melted and ran down the sides, not a nice sight.
As I said, there is a point to this….. there are a multitude of simple basic errors that are very easy to make when just baking a sponge cake…
My point !!!!! It’s likely that you probably have MS if you’re reading this, also that you’re either doing it now or are considering starting the ABP…the Ann Boroch Protocol. There’s a 99.9% chance you’ve not done it before so please, please read then re-read her books until you genuinely understand how she successfully Healed herself…..please note I wrote Healed not the five letter word beginning with “C”…
So we know that there are many ways to mess up when baking a cake so trust me and others successfully following this protocol, it’s not easy in that the first two months, it will be tough, you’ll doubt yourself many times… if it was just a case of taking a pill, not drinking alcohol, getting plenty of sleep then everyone with MS would be healed but that’s not the case…this is a way of getting your life back if you adhere to her recommendations and understand this isn’t a piece of cake, it isn’t some”fad quick fix” and there’s a multitude of possible errors we all make, so be strong, be diligent, focused and have faith, because this works….

Because I say I will…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Because I say I will….
If I said I wasn’t competitive I’d be lying, so I won’t say it, the fact is even though I’m an old scouse git, and can no longer participate in any sports or physical activity, I’m still competitive in my head and want to succeed at any challenge… having multiple sclerosis, refusing to give in to it and ultimately beating it is a challenge.
I’ve always believed in myself and I’m a proud man, a man of my word…. so anyone reading the posts on my blog or any of the Facebook groups I post to as well as LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Digg will know, I state very clearly that I will heal… I refuse to let this hideous disease beat me….
I’m stating for all to see, and that’s thousands….. literally thousands that I will be completely symptom free no later than the end of 2021… and I will be able to walk a few steps unaided before the end of this year..
I’m a man of my word.. I say what I do and do what I say… the physical side is a major challenge right now, we know MS is supposedly an incurable disease in the eyes of the naysayers and drug pushers that have no interest in healing any disease, they say that no one heals from this….. but guess what, nothing is going to stop me and I will continue doing what’s necessary to heal, how?…by following the ABP, by using Lipospheric Vit C, full spectrum Cannabis oil, bone broth and because I say I will…