I have to…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I have to….
I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’m doing, as in writing frequently for my personal blog which is www.ratherbehealthy.com and the four Facebook groups… it’s a strange feeling I have in that I feel I’m obligated to do it, no, not obligated, that’s the wrong word… I feel I should write… Why? because someone told me about the Ann Boroch Protocol, someone went out of their way to tell me, they live thousands of miles away in a different country, someone I knew ten years ago. They had nothing to gain from their actions, she just thought, after hearing about the untimely passing of Ann Boroch that I might be interested. I was and am so, so grateful she made the effort. So everyday as I’m feeling great, remember that I have what the doctors believe is incurable so according to them I should be on the irreversible slope to a painful and early death… but instead I’m genuinely feeling good and the improvements are happening slowly but surely and becoming permanent, so regardless of any negative thoughts or comments that some may have, I have to share this with everyone else. You might not be suffering with MS, but you might know someone that has or one of the many other supposedly incurable diseases because the ABP will help them as well.
Ever day I do various exercises, my arms, my core and lots for my legs, after which I am exhausted and I’m aching all over, but regardless of that, regardless of how frustrating it is, I know I’m winning, I’m not going to get better overnight, I am going to have lots of frustrating times that slow my progress, but it is happening and I absolutely know it’s a four year, plus or minus plan, but it is working so because of how I feel, because of what myself and thousands of others know I have to try to help others in need…

Why I…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Why I…..
One of my few visitors was sympathizing with me yesterday when we were talking about health, he referred to a drinking buddy of his that had MS, his started only four or five years ago. He was quite shocked that although I’ve had it for three times longer that I was in a far better condition than him. His first thoughts were that I was on a better medication than him, his second was that I’m just lucky and that his friend just had a more serious strain of the disease, he was staggered that my condition had nothing to do with any medication or drug, actually that’s not true because it has an awful lot to to with it, my positive condition is partially because I don’t allow any of the long term debilitating drugs to enter my body also that I’m very strict about the foods I do and don’t eat.
Getting back to his sympathy for me, I explained that I didn’t need sympathy although consideration is always appreciated, what I’m doing is saving my life…. in order to accomplish my goal I have to be strong mentally, I have to be disciplined, I have to do what I know is right.
The terms incurable and impossible, are terms used by the so called medical experts that refuse to look at the true cause, instead they have mistakenly attempted to cure the many individual symptoms of multiple sclerosis. In this case they’re right… the symptoms of MS can’t be cured…. it is incurable….
However….. what I’m doing is what Ann Boroch did, I’m healing my body which has been damaged by the multiple symptoms that combined are called multiple sclerosis.
I’m not better than anyone else, I’m not stronger, I’m not luckier, I’m just determined and I want this more than I’ve wanted anything in my life… that my friends is….
Why I am healing

Not easy…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Not easy….
Over the past 20 months, which in reality is less than halfway through a life changing journey, my journey to health, I’m reasonably confident of the knowledge I’ve gained. Admittedly I’m not an expert but I am of the opinion that I understand what I’m doing and just as importantly what and why there are things I shouldn’t do. What I’ve learned through reading and asking questions is extensive as far as this protocol is concerned, I’m having great days and instilled a confidence and genuine optimism for the future. Saying that…. Future….. is such a lovely thing because it wasn’t that long ago when I… like many others couldn’t genuinely see a future worth living…. Because I’ve had a truly fulfilling life prior to getting MS as a 48 yr old, the thought of existing as an extremely limited and frustrated man suffering from what medical professionals believe is an incurable disease didn’t appeal to me. I’ve travelled more than most, 22 countries, I lived and worked for 11years in Colorado and 3 more in Florida. I’ve done 834 skydives, I was a Hang glider, Scuba diver, mountain biker, rock climber and a pilot. I was also the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins who was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing, I met numerous genuine experts in the true natural health arena, so my life prior to MS was a life full of experiences. So if my life had ended prior to 2017 I honestly wouldn’t have had regrets, I’d been there, done that, had the T shirt and seen the video…
However in August 2017 I read “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch then started her protocol…. the ABP.. and in the 20 months since then have been through some very, very difficult times, which is necessary in order to reach lots n lots of good times which is where I am now.
Knowing what I know through reading, researching and genuine experience has and is helping me to achieve something that the world’s medical experts say is impossible….
The title of this post puts the compilation of reading, researching, highs and lows into perspective…. following the protocol correctly will result in a symptom free life….. what we’re doing works, it’s well worth the pain, difficulties and frustration…. but trust me….
Its not easy..

Am I….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Am I….
During my 63 years on earth there’s been times that my job or a sport I’ve been involved in or my family when I was married that I’ve been quite passionate about… my job when I was the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins I was very passionate about, his work helped thousands. The problem was that his method required someone to pay a great deal of money, firstly to have serious dental work and then to sit through a week of classes on his protocol, it wasn’t unusual for the financial implications be more than $50,000 plus two weeks off work, so I had to be dedicated because it was my job to help others.
The difference now is that I’m personally on the Ann Boroch Protocol, it’s changing my life, as it has done for thousands of others, there’s no financial involvement, by or for me or anyone wanting to do this, just a commitment to do it properly, the fact that the protocol isn’t only for MS sufferers but so many other so called incurable diseases make it such an incredible opportunity to restore life that I feel blessed and its not my job but my responsibility to share with others.
So for twenty months I’ve stuck religiously to the protocol, the differences aren’t necessarily obvious to others but they are to me, what is incredible about this is that the improvements are slow to appear but they’re permanent. It doesn’t happen overnight, the changes are inches on a ten mile scale, I don’t notice changes in comparison to yesterday or last week or last month so it’s easy to think it’s not happening. But the improvements to me are very clear in comparison to 6, 12 or 18 months ago. So, am I passionate about doing and sharing the knowledge with others……
Damn right I Am..


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I was chatting to one of my carers the other day, which I’m very lucky to be able to do as two of them I think of as “friends” not just people that are paid to come and help, Donna and Kay are the two that most frequently come, they’re my “mates”, we always chat and have friendly banter….. see, there I go again digressing from my original point. We were chatting about how I’m feeling, obviously they never refer to anyone specifically that they look after but in general they comment about my general condition and demeanour in comparison to other MS sufferers. Just about everyone else apart from one I believe is on what I consider to be serious MS drugs, whereas I don’t take any. I’m fairly confident that they believe, as I do that I will beat this hideous disease and actually “live” again as opposed to existing…. big difference…. in one of our talks I was referring to how lucky I am, yes I’ve got MS and have had to cope for more than fifteen years, that’s a big chunk of life… just under a quarter of the time I’ve been alive but considering all I’ve done in the time prior to MS, that period has denied me a great deal of true living… I could be bitter about it, I could feel depressed and hard done by, but I don’t at all… as I mentioned the other day there’s over 100,000 in this country have it and over 2.3 million worldwide…. two point three million!!!! Of that huge number of sufferers I’m one of a very small percentage that are so lucky, why? because we’re following the Ann Boroch Protocol and contrary to what they and all, yes All the medical professionals think, myself and the other AB-ers are on a four year journey to health, that isn’t just some misguided opinion, we aren’t living in a dreamworld, far from it, this is something we KNOW…

Money talks…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Money talks…
The prevalence of multiple sclerosis is greater for people living further from the equator.. according to documented statistics…at this time the experts can’t find a reason for this and as the the medical world refuse to accept it has anything to do with food or what is put into the body it appears there’s no solution on the horizon. Globally there are estimated to be around 2.3 million people with MS… roughly 1 million are in the U.S. and 100,000 in the UK… there are 200 new cases each week or 9,600 each year in the States and 5,000 in the UK…So considering the population of America is nearly 6 times that of the UK, there’s a greater chance of getting it here.
What I personally find strange is that we are often being informed of the millions that are annually being put into research… hmmm.. weird really, are the “so called researcher’s” actually looking for a cause? or are they looking to create pharmaceutical methods to pacify some of the many symptoms and enabling sufferers to “manage” life.
Multiple Sclerosis is the most common neurological disease in the world and as such is an incredible profit generator for these people, so from their point of view there’s absolutely no reason whatsoever in looking for cures to this or in fact any disease. This is why they spend billions….billions globally in advertising, in promoting themselves as pioneers in healthcare…Ha!!!!!.
I know for a fact… that there is a way of healing the body of multiple sclerosis, I know this because I’m doing it myself….now, I’m less than two years into a four year protocol, I’m not paying anyone to do this, I’m not generating profits for others, I bought a book, I spent about £12 on it… I follow a dietary program and take natural supplements and I’m getting better.
How is it that myself and thousands of others before me can “heal” without taking long term debilitating disease modifying drugs !!! because we haven’t been conned or brainwashed…we have faith, we believe in the truth, truth as in what is real, not what “they” want you believe…..the fact is if you give your body what it needs, what it’s crying out for, it will heal itself, we know this but the doctors still don’t….why? because it’s not in the best financial interest of big pharma, and as we all know….money talks.

The first day…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The first day…….
Back in August of 2017 I received an email from a friend of mine called Mary from Wisconsin in the USA, we’d become friends when I was working for Dr Huggins and she became one of his patients, her email was all about a woman called Ann Boroch who’d apparently healed herself of multiple sclerosis. Obviously I was interested and ordered her book as a download from Amazon, actually saying I was interested was an understatement, I was so excited. When the book “Healing multiple sclerosis” arrived I immediately set about reading, in my excited state I tended to gloss over the history leading up to what was later described as the Ann Boroch Protocol… the ABP.. this in hindsight was a mistake which was rectified by a second more accurate and detailed reading. It was then that I understood the importance of her account which has truly helped me so much. At first I just wanted to get started, I just wanted it to happen now…. I’m actually amazed that the “fix it now” me has been able to step back from the frenzied immediacy that dominated my thinking…. it doesn’t happen “Now” it requires patience, consistency and discipline…..
It’s perfectly normal to have doubts, it’s perfectly normal to be frightened, those of us that are at various stages of advancement in our healing will all look back and are able to smile about where we were and where we are now, some that are further along this life changing journey than me are walking with a cane or unaided. I’m less than twenty months into a forty eight month commitment and the difference in my mental demeanour and physical abilities are significant.
These personal improvements consistently justify in my mind why I absolutely know this is right, when you truly know something because you’ve seen it with your own eyes, you can feel it in your body, it’s natural that you’d want others that are suffering to experience the same healing.
Read her book then read it again, be curious, ask questions then ask yourself if you deserve to live again, do you want to live again…. if you answer yes you do, then make a commitment, make a promise to yourself and start the first day of the rest of your life.

Okay, yes I am…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Okay, yes I am…
Looking back I think I may have given the wrong impression yesterday, the progress I’m making by following this protocol and using my extras is nothing short of amazing…. I think that by trying to stem my enthusiasm isn’t the best path to follow. Mentally and emotionally I really feel so positive and optimistic, obviously from a physical standpoint I’m not able to walk although moving about while holding handrails etc is so much easier that I’m so tempted daily to try moving unaided.
Using my common sense I know I shouldn’t even try just yet and risk really hurting myself so at this time at least I’ll just keep doing what I know is right.
I’m not special, I’m not lucky, I’m just doing what’s right, I’m eating what’s allowed and more importantly, not eating what’s wrong.
The thing is, doing what’s right is difficult to start but will always help, in time…doing what’s wrong, as in taking prescription drugs affects you immediately of course but will have long term debilitating side effects…… read that again…
Good foods help in everything to do with your body but it takes time …. doing things right will make a permanent difference as opposed to chemicals and synthetics which make a difference immediately, but only…. yes only temporarily…
Anyone reading this, be it non AB-ers, newbies or graduates, be strong mentally, ignore the demanding tastebuds, change your desires, it may well have tasted great but that was more than likely because of additives, E numbers and GMO’s none of which are good for you.
Getting back to the title of this post..Okay yes I’m am very, very optimistic.

Trying to not be….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Trying not to be….
When I started this protocol almost 20 months ago, I was having, not doubts, but concerns, I think I’d tried so many methods that had been of no use whatsoever so even though this one that on the face of it appeared more substantial than anything else, there was something nagging away in the back of my mind. It was horrible really, I was thinking, here’s me, a 61 year old that’s had MS for over 13 years, a disease the doctors say is incurable, but according to information I was hearing I should be able to heal myself in four years… Its understandable really, the world’s medical experts all say it’s impossible, the pharmaceutical industry spend billions, yes billions on creating drugs that they promote as the only way to find any semblance of relief from a disease that will inevitably reduce living to existing….
So September 2017 was the start of what in reality is a life changing journey, month one was horrendous and I’m amazed I was able to stick with it. The difficulties eased a little during the second and third but it wasn’t until the sixth month that there were more good than bad days.
Looking back I realise how much better my life is now…. it’s only been nineteen and a half months… I get up every morning and actually look forward to the new day, I’m not healed yet, I’m not walking…yet, but I truly believe I’m close, this is happening, but I keep telling myself it’s a four year plan and I’m trying hard to not be optimistic…

Nice memories…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Nice memories…
The Stefan of old, hmmm sounds like a medieval title… lol…. no, what I’m referring to is the me, prior to MS…. that me was very active, it was normal to be road running four or five times per week or on a 15 or 20 mile cross country ride on my mountain bike, these things in addition to visits to the gym. I wasn’t ultra fit but I was very fit, much more so that most people. Now please understand that what I did was simply because I wanted it, I enjoyed being fit, it didn’t make me any better a person than those who enjoyed being a couch potato, it just meant I was different.
The point of this post is that by adhering…. yes Adhering… not looking at or trying it… but really following the ABP, understanding the truly magnificent thing Ann Boroch did in developing a dietary and supplemental method that healed herself of what the world of medicine had claimed to be impossible was and is monumental. What I’m doing is sticking to her recommendations, admittedly I don’t eat all the variations because there are foods that don’t appeal to me. I do however only eat foods that are on the list of acceptable foods, some only after three months of conditioning the diseased body. If you read her books you’ll understand that the first two aims are to remove foods the body doesn’t need and replace them with foods the body absolutely does need..
I’m not unique or special, far from it but I am doing it properly because I really want to return to the Stefan of old, obviously I’m older and never going to be as fit as I was but as I’m moving forward and trying to physically exert myself, I’m feeling pains and aches in my thighs, shoulders and biceps that are reminiscent of  my younger self… it’s strange to think of aches and pains in a positive way, but in all honesty it’s reinforcing the belief I’m doing the so called impossible….I’m trying to do what Ann did, what Janet has done and thousands of others…  and trust me when I say the aches and pain are nice memories…