
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

World MS Day is today and their theme is “Invisible”… I can see that making those not suffering from this hideous disease more aware of the many symptoms plaguing us, has got to be a good thing, I don’t know how many of the 2.3 million sufferers worldwide are genuinely in pain 24/7 but I’m sure that most are in one form or another. Personally my pain is intermittent and certainly not the most influential and damaging of the symptoms. However, highlighting the Invisibility of the many problems and hopefully bringing it to the attention of others has got to help.
In my particular case the invisibility of the worry, anxiety, frustration, extreme fatigue and disappointment are more relevant, I have a long term goal, I live alone and after my final years in America which included divorce, I have no savings or back up funds, I survive on disability benefits. I take no MS medication, my choice…I use what I have to buy compliant and nutritious foods and obviously the necessary supplements for the Ann Boroch Protocol. So the invisibility of Worry, Anxiety and Frustration come into play, I try to exercise daily which completely exhausts me and emphasize my weakness.. Disappointment happens for very short intermittent periods when what I’m doing appears to be wrong, yes I’m following the ABP but occasionally I try something new or eat a different compliant food only to find that my unique body, as is everyone else, then realise that particular food doesn’t work for me. The reality is those occasional hiccups are just speed bumps along this life changing road to recovery.
Millions around the world with other diseases, not MS suffer from pain and other problems just as much as us, my heart goes out to them all. As for us MS sufferers, there is a way of genuinely helping in the short term and more importantly, the long term if you have the will…determination and sticking power then the Ann Boroch Protocol is for you regardless of how the possibility of true healing in the eyes of so called helpers is Invisible

Twenty one…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Twenty one…
What never ceases to amaze me is how some people have zero inner strength, the world has become a “Bigger, Smaller, Quicker, Cheaper” and I want it now place to live. What I mean by this is there’s no acceptance, no genuine understanding…. things are constantly being advertised and promoted as being better in one way shape or form. This attitude is taking away so much. It’s  confusing people and luring them into a mistaken understanding of fact… Regardless of misinformation swamping the airwaves, the internet and cheap advertising, certain things are facts, not supposition or hearsay… boiling point is 100 degrees Celsius or 212 Fahrenheit, it’s not 98 c or 206 f….
I’m saying this because I know some people start the ABP but stop after a week or month because their healing hasn’t happened or they “just couldn’t do without their morning coffee” or whatever.
I see comments that the ABP doesn’t work for everyone so they can justify why they have stopped or dropped out. That isn’t indicating that the protocol doesn’t work, it’s categorically stating that they themselves have no staying power…
As I’ve said before, I’m not better than anyone else, I just know what I want and that’s to be healthy, to have my life back again, and because I know this, I stick to what truly works… Ann Boroch’s books go to great length and detail about what the protocol is and why it works, regardless of your age, gender or ethnicity. It does involve changing your eating habits, but it’s not about only eating any and all organic fruit and veg or just being gluten free.. It’s about eating the correct foods and not eating foods that exacerbate a fungus that grows in everyone…. Candida…
So regardless of your beliefs, and trust me having been a director for four years for Dr Hal Huggins who was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing and learning from many knowledge advocates of natural health, I thought I knew a lot… I did…. I do, but not what Ann Boroch did, and remember she HEALED her body and had no symptoms of MS and she did it in four years, not a week or a month.
Ask someone that believes in God….. why! There’s no tangible evidence, so why do they believe.. because they/I have faith… I’ve made a commitment… I don’t suddenly “not believe” because I had a bad day… the ABP works but it requires you to work with it….. the bad guys living in the trillions of cells in your body are working against you 24/7 so you have to be strong….
Ann Boroch did it in four years she healed herself… that’s 48 months….. I will succeed, of that I’m 100% sure, it’s not some fad quick fix diet, it’s a give or take 48 month plan…. where am I..
21 months and counting

How much….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

How much….
Being sick is a pain in the ass…. it really is, I really think that the majority of people have absolutely no idea of the deepest intricate meaning of how multiple sclerosis completely changes your life, my life….. I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed but I am… I didn’t get MS because I was a thieving, cheating, uncaring, belligerent git, it just happened and instead of being the proud physically active guy, I’m now so dependant on others….. I hate it and at this time there’s no rhyme or reason as to why someone gets it, initially as I’m sure you can imagine I felt hard done by, after diagnosis which was only two years after moving to America and getting married, I genuinely thought “why me”…
Anyway, that’s all in the past and nothing to do with my attitude and feelings now, a month after diagnosis I decided that I would not let the disease beat me so I started researching for natural ways of healing my body and eliminating MS even though all the doctors and neurologists said it was an impossible thing to do.
I’m reasonably confident in saying that since that dreaded day in February 2004 I’ve tried at least 75 things, some have helped a little but very sadly most did bugger all.
That was until August 2017 when I read a book called “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch.. reading it totally blew me away and honestly filled me with genuine hope and inspiration. I started on the life changing protocol in September 2017 which means I’m just about to complete my 21st month and I know…. absolutely 100% know that I will be healthy and MS free again, I can’t be sure of the specific time but I know it will happen.
I’m not better or stronger than anyone else… but I do know I want this more than anything else. I want to be healthy and be able to truly live again, it’s more important than eating or drinking something tasty or going out on the town or going shopping, they’re just distractions, they aren’t important and they certainly don’t help my long term goal…
The Ann Boroch Protocol is difficult to start, in fact the first year isn’t easy, but it’s achievable and the gradual improvements are so freaking good. I’ve said before, the question to ask yourself, not friends or relatives, just you, it comes down to one thing.. Just one..
How much do you want it…

When bad is….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

When bad….
In another few days my time on this amazing protocol will reach twenty one months, that’s only three short of half way to the forty eight that the ABP is supposed to take for true healing to happen. Okay let me clarify that to avoid any misunderstanding, Ann Boroch took that long to go from full blown MS to no symptoms whatsoever, she was also using herself as a guinea pig, it’s not as if the protocol was a documented process at that time as it is for us now. Along this incredible journey that we are all privileged to be taking its not as if we are all in a terrible position then as each day passes we improve just a little bit with no negatives along the way. No, it’s not, yes there are gradual improvements that spur us on but we aren’t perfect, we aren’t going to do this exactly right 100% of the time, we’re only human, we’re all going to have slip ups, sometimes because of our own mistakes and others because it just happens, we are fighting what the world’s medical experts say is an unbeatable enemy, they… the big guns haven’t made the slightest dent in the armour of MS, but us… the sad millions of individuals suffering from this disease and following the ABP are making a difference.
Yesterday instead of resting for a few hours then getting up for an hour or so as usually happens, I stayed up for over two hours…. yay… but sadly getting back to bed involved a collapse that was softened by my sofas, then a thirty minute struggle. Fortunately “el gato” didn’t hurt himself…lol..
It’s now Sunday morning and I’m not feeling any of the negatives from Saturday afternoon, I personally don’t think I did or ate anything wrong, I just think it was too hot, I hadn’t opened a window to let some cool air in as I should have done so it was my mistake. That’s happened before, in fact two, three and four years ago during the hot months I struggled big time, so this year I’ll make sure there’s windows open during the day. Yesterday was a sign, a reminder that this is a horrible disease that is going to take advantage of any slip up we make, we can’t give it any chances to take a firm hold again. For me, yesterday was both a warning and a positive sign, the same problem two, three and four years ago had a much worse effect and took far longer to recover from, so my struggle was short lived and I see that as ….

“when bad is good”..

The storm is coming…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The Storm is coming…
Being diagnosed with one of the so called incurable diseases as I was fifteen years ago, is, as I’m sure you can imagine….devastating, trying to come to terms with it and the understanding that I’ll never be able to do all those things I took for granted was heartbreaking. The fact that I was such a physically active person before getting MS, and was informed those things would only ever be memories from that point on was difficult to accept. So the choices I had in 2004 were that I could either accept what they were telling me or regardless of the extreme fatigue, the pain, the frustration and overwhelming documented evidence that anything else would be a waste of time and rapidly depleting energy…. I kept trying…
At that time in 04, I didn’t have the knowledge or experience I have now, but I did have something my amazing and much loved mother gave me……. the never give up attitude, so I persevered, I kept looking. I learnt a lot from my time working for Dr Hal Huggins which undoubtedly helped.
But in reality it wasn’t until I read “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch that I’ve genuinely made an impact on this hideous disease. The improvements mentally and emotionally are significant, the physical ones I’m very aware of though not necessarily obvious to others.
Most people have some sort of belief in good and evil in one form or another, your opinion is just that…. yours..
I’ll state now that I believe in God and have absolute faith…
Today evil whispered in my ear…you have MS, you’re weak and I’m going to beat you…. beware… the storm is coming…
I didn’t whisper back…. I looked him in the eye and shouted..I’m strong and I’m following the ABP… So guess what, give it your best shot, but understand this…
I am the storm.

It’s not me…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

It’s not me….
Coming to terms with having a disease like multiple sclerosis is a difficult thing to do, not only in my case, but everyone else that’s following the ABP and attempting what the world’s medical professional’s deem impossible. Just think about that for a moment…. the hundreds of thousands of specialists, neurologists, doctors, researchers and carers are all under the impression that what’s being done by myself and thousands before me is simply not possible…
The me that I see in the old photographs I have of me skydiving or hiking were taken what in reality is a lifetime ago, 35 or 40 years ago when I was fit and healthy, not the fat, old and sick dude I see in the mirror now.
Like so many people back then, I was healthy and capable of doing what I wanted to do physically, okay I was a little different than 99.9% of people because I chose to do what most people wouldn’t logically consider… sports and activities most would term extreme and not for the sane or faint hearted.
Obviously being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis over fifteen years ago changed the physical me and very nearly the person living in my head…
But by adopting the Ann Boroch Protocol as my way of life, the sickly physically incapable person of 21 months ago is changing, I’m still very limited obviously but I’m so much better than I was. The small subtle improvements that have been happening in the past and previously only “popped in” for a short visit are gradually becoming permanent changes. In addition to the three things I mentioned in a previous post, the fourth and equally important thing is “patience”… actually it’s massively important, nothing in the protocol happens overnight, it’s not a quick temporary fix, it happens slowly but surely and is permanent providing we stay away from the toxins that took away our life in the first place.
For the millions worldwide that have multiple sclerosis and have been given the prognosis of declining health, worsening condition, frustration, pain, depression and Bob’s brother… No Hope…. a little humour there….. that may be the case of million of others, but let me make this clear…
It’s not me…

If we want it…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

If we want it…..
Isn’t it so unfair how some people just get to be great at what they do, especially those people that became champions, one day they just appeared in the headlines on the newspapers and TV channels, they’d just gone from an unknown, a nobody… into being the best at the sport or chosen career….. So bloody unfair. There’s this lucky geezer making millions and living the life of Riley…. and then there’s me and others like me suffering with a horrible disease that’s making my existence nigh on unbearable and managing on disability benefits… what a crock of ####…
Okay let’s just stop a minute…. that description might be the way certain people think…. it’s certainly not mine, I want to clarify that straight away…. but I do think there are others thinking that way, it’s a view and opinion that has to change…. those sportsmen and women that are seen to be really successful didn’t just “happen”… they made the choice to be the best and regardless of the difficulties, the sacrifices, the times they couldn’t indulge and party with friends, they did what was necessary to become what they wanted.
Their goal, what they really wanted is no different to what any of us want.. Okay we don’t get the money and adoration from others but what we can get is worth so much more… we can get the most important thing ever !!!! we get to have Life. !!!
How is this possible? By doing what’s necessary, by ignoring the pain, the difficulty and sacrifice, it’s not easy, it’s bloody hard especially during the early stages but it gets easier, I’m not there yet but “The road less travelled” is so worth it…
To a healthy person, what I’m experiencing might seem inconsequential, but trust me when I say, feeling as I do, which is great compared to 20 months ago is sooooo good.
My goal is more important to me than riches and fame… my goal is to live again not to just exist… I will get there, you will get there… if we want it enough.

But a lot…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

But a lot…
Trying to grade the way I feel in comparison to how I was in August 2017 prior to starting on the ABP is difficult because on these days, more than 20 months on, each day is very similar to the previous day, so comparing how I am on a specific day could be said as similar to how I was yesterday. That description probably gives the impression that I’m not overly impressed, but trust me when I say that the ABP has saved my life, it’s changing my physicality little by little but at this time it’s my mental attitude, my confidence and optimism for the future that’s taken massive strides forward. I’m filled with positivity, it’s given me a genuine desire for life because now I know without a shadow of doubt that I really have a future worth living.
When I started the protocol in September 2017, I’d had this hideous disease for thirteen years and although I’d been working full time and treating myself naturally until 2012 I’d started to go downhill and returned to England and needed help for a couple of hours everyday.
The first three months are tough and not everyone starting the protocol get’s through that really hard time… but after that the improvements happen on a regular basis, some only stay for a few days but their regularity melds into consistency in time, you just have to be strong mentally and believe it will happen. In order to succeed there is in my opinion three things that are more important than anything else… dedication, determination and being honest with yourself…..
There’s no point in saying you’re doing the right things and complaining that it’s just not working if you truly know that you’re cheating, the little things that you just can’t do without, might seem inconsequential and not important, but they are…. and following the guidelines that are written in black and white are there for a reason.
I’m writing these words as much for me as for everyone else…
There have been more significant improvements this month primarily because of “She who knows best” putting me straight… thanks m’dear.. I’m feeling great.
How am I feeling in comparison to yesterday, it is similar….
But a lot better….

But it will…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

But it will…
As each new month starts there are people starting on the ABP, just as I did and the thousands before me, I’m sure some will be sceptical and have doubts but have chosen to give it a try at least for a few weeks, and then there’ll be others with the same opinion I had, which was believing 100% and making the necessary commitment to see it through. Maybe I’m just bloody minded, I read the book and was… am in absolute awe of what Ann Boroch did, so regardless of the difficulties created during the first couple of months, I knew I had to persevere… I think it was probably six or seven weeks before the one or two good then bad day cycle extended into much longer good day periods. Having a bad day followed by ten or eleven good days was like winning the lottery. At that time the good days weren’t any better than good days prior to starting, but massively better than the bad I’d been experiencing. Starting the protocol puts the body through some extremes, but they’re necessary in order to expel the toxins that had accumulated over many years.
Most reading this post will have seen several others I’ve written and possibly seen the short videos that I’ve done this year, so you’ll know I’ve been 20 plus months on the ABP, I have occasional tough times, not days but just hours and they are very infrequent, it only happens if I’ve eaten something I shouldn’t, I get annoyed with myself because I should know better.
I try to put everything I do, my actions and results into perspective, I’m eating foods I’ve grown to like, I take about 50 individual supplements each day. This isn’t a hardship by any stretch of the imagination. The ABP works but it takes time, four years or more to be fully healed, so understanding that, letting that sink in properly means that the good and bad are just stepping stones along this special journey.
Imagine you have a wheelbarrow heaped full of sand, that’s day one, you’re told that you must empty it, it’s been bolted to the floor so it can’t be tipped. The prize for emptying it is that you’ll have your life back, in my book that’s way better than winning the jackpot on the lottery, that is an incredible prize, the only problem is that you have to do it with a teaspoon… difficult, frustrating yes, it will take time, dedication, commitment and absolute faith.
But it will happen…

Your choice..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Your Choice…
Something that’s become easier but harder at the same time as I’ve reached a certain point in this life changing journey is accepting the knowledge and understanding I’ve gained as being right…. it’s not that I know everything, because I don’t…. but in the main I know if something is “right” or “wrong” for my body because I’ve read it in the books. The ABP isn’t rocket science…. but it is a specific guideline that’s been painstakingly perfected and has been proven by Ann Boroch and successfully followed by thousands of others. So there’s information that’s been documented and made available to anyone that buys a book!!!! …. can you believe it….. all we have to do is say we want to do it, buy her book, understand the protocol, then do it, we don’t pay anything else, we aren’t indebted to some gangster or cult leader that’s going to “call in a reciprocal favour” no…. not at all, the and guidance and motivation is “given” free of charge, no ‘return of favour, nothing, it’s something that’s been shared out of the goodness of her heart. So why isn’t the protocol followed by millions worldwide not just thousands…. because initially at least, it’s tough, it boils down to your own personal desire… do you… want this enough…. if you do then the ABP will change your life in an incredibly positive way forever… So as I said, it’s not rocket science and as the title of this post says, you and I have a choice to make when it comes to what goes into our body…. regardless of it tasting nice or the yearning or our tastebuds… it just comes down to you choosing to accept the information and sticking to it. Foods you eat and actions you take do one of two things….they either help or harm