Connect with source..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Connect with source.

This is what I believe, connecting with source, whoever you are and whatever you believe, be it God, the Universe, or some other power. At the end of the day, believing in myself will take me on what I believe will be an incredible journey. Having an absolute confidence in the end result is the only way to achieve what you want, a couple of months ago I didn’t have any knowledge whatsoever of Ann Boroch or her achievements but I knew I would beat multiple sclerosis I just didn’t know how exactly. Having unbreakable confidence in the end result meant that the solution would find me, weird I know but it’s true, a friend of mine in Wisconsin told me about the mysterious death of a woman that had cured herself, I read one of her books, Healing Multiple sclerosis, and decided this was they way, I wrote about it on my blog and reposted in on social media, a few days later I was contacted by Janet Orchard and now I’m truly on the right path, thank you Mary and Janet. A sequence of events that on the face of it have no obvious connection but on the grand scale of things have joined forces and helped me to focus on what I truly want, to get healthy and help others do the same.

Starting the Ann Boroch method is a journey from A to B,  but unlike others you make the distance to your destination is undefined, you know it’s there but just unsure as to the time and distance involved. Mine started on September 1st and I had a good day followed by bad, then it was 3 good, 1 bad and that cycle continued for a while until my “terrible Tuesday” a week ago which was followed by 6 good days. Yesterday wasn’t a bad day per se, it just wasn’t a “good day” so now I’m honestly expecting a longer series of good days, I know this will happen, I believe in me and I have absolute and unbreakable confidence and faith.

Obviously I know..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Obviously I know without a doubt that I’m doing the right things, how do I know? Simply because I’m feeling better, I had  four days of feeling great and even today, Sunday, my fifth is good, not brilliant but definitely not a bad day. The weak spells I’ve been having as I said before seem to start about midday so I go and lay on my bed for a few hours and then feel good again. I’ve been in serious thought as to what could possibly be making that happen, it doesn’t appear to be happening to others so it’s obviously something I’m doing. I think I know what it might be so I’ve made the appropriate adjustment, there’s a chance I’ll notice tomorrow afternoon if I’m right although it might take a couple of days. I’ll not say what I think it could be until I know for sure, if it is what I’m thinking, I’ll kick myself, not literally of course. Being alone as I am is not a problem 99% of the time but it just means everything I do, every decision I make about life and my health in general is made without discussion or getting a different opinion. It can be hard but it’ll be so rewarding when I’m actually living again. I know I’m mentally strong and have the patience and determination to succeed.

I’ve had four..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Had four..

I have to look at what I’m doing, as in following the program designed by Ann Boroch which she painstakingly created to cure herself of multiple sclerosis, if anyone thinks that its a load of rubbish then they’re entitled to their own opinion. However making judgements on something that sounds too good to be true, in all fairness is stupid because yes it sounds incredible but that’s just what it is… incredible….!!!!! It’s been just over a month that I started properly, following the food and supplemental recommendations and I have to say taking everything into consideration, I’m really happy. I’ve just had my fourth consecutive day of feeling great,  yes there’s a two hour period that seems to start around 4 hours after I’m up and about, that I suddenly become really weak but after a rest of two or three hours I feel good again. In the main I feel more capable mentally, my arms and legs feel better and I’ve definitely got better hand and foot control. That might sound a little strange to someone that doesn’t have this disease but being able to actually move the toes on my left foot and actually being conscious of them as in my brain feeling them moving is so good. There have been times in the past when I’ve slid off my bed, it is such a horrible feeling when you know it’s happening and your mind is literally screaming at your limbs to move but they just don’t. A couple of years ago that happened in November at around 9.00, I was naked, freezing cold and it was 4.30am before I was able to get up off the floor. Anyway that’s in the past and I’m so optimistic and happy about the way I’m feeling after such a short time. Mary told me but it was Janet that truly got me on this program that is giving me the most incredible, valuable gift….. my life…thank you Janet …


I’m a little confused….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I’m a little confused.

Okay I totally understand that following this program is going to make significant changes in my body, that’s a given, over a period of time as more of the bad guys leave (yeast and fungus) and are replaced with good guys then I will experience bad and good days. The good are outnumbering the bad and for that I’m so grateful. I understand the plan, I understand that in order to kill the Candida that anti fungals need to be taken along with digestive enzymes and adrenal support, these along with my Youngevity supplements. This all makes perfect sense to me, however there is something I just don’t understand and I’m a little confused. At the same time everyday give or take 10 minutes I become ridiculously weak, I struggle to stand and have to use a walker..(Zimmer frame) to get to my bed, I rest for a few hours then I’m as right as rain, for a 62 yr old with MS obviously. My whole body goes weak as if all my strength has been sucked out of me, the back of my legs feel similar to cramping, not as bad but similar. Okay if this is just part of the process, then so be it, I’ll just see it through, I wonder if anyone else on the AB regimen has experienced anything similar?.

At the end of the day, it’s a problem that I can deal with, no biggie, the confusion and frustration is a small price to pay when looking at the endgame.

So very, very lucky..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

So very lucky.

I was diagnosed with MS in February 04, I think because of my knowledge of what pharmaceutical drugs really do,  I refused to take the medication that the  “oh so knowledgeable and experienced” neurologist prescribed for me. I’ve said this before I know but it’s so important when you look at the big picture. Drugs address symptoms, not treat them or remove the cause, they just suppress the body’s own receptors that are doing what they’re supposed to…. tell you there’s a problem so hopefully you will provide the correct nutrients to kill the cause. Have you ever heard the phrase “don’t shoot the messenger”, well that’s basically what 90% of prescription drugs do….Again I’ve said this before but I think it’s a great analogy… you come home and see the kitchen is flooded…. what “they” tell you to do is to use lots of blankets to mop up the water. Great way of solving the problem temporarily, my way is to turn the freaking tap off and pull the plug out of the sink, then mop up the water, once, not every day. “Their” way is like trying to dry yourself….. while you’re still in the shower.

Okay I’m ranting, but traditional doctors in the main are wearing horse blinkers, they have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical reps, throwing sample drugs at them, they show the reports indicating they help. In almost all cases the reports have been manipulated to show what they want. Falsified statistics, the commercials on TV are so convincing especially the ridiculous “Medifacts” ads, then sheep, sorry patients are so impatient they just want a quick fix and not willing to look at the potential dangers. Pick a drug, any prescription medication and Google it, they’ll show what it’s designed for, it’s ingredients and a list of possible side effects, look at them it’s really, really scary… often the list covers tens of side effects that can be significantly worse than the problem the doctor prescribed them for.

So the title of “So very lucky” is referring to how I am and how I look, if I’d succumbed to the recommendations from the neurologists and doctors I know I’d be in a far worse place now, I know this method I’m doing would still “fix” me but it would be a lot more difficult.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Well I have to say that yesterday was one of the most frightening days of my life, I’ve had worse days because of falling or vomiting of course but when considered in relation to what I’m doing with the Ann Boroch program and how good I’ve been feeling both physically and mentally the yesterday takes the biscuit. As I said earlier, the program works, it’s been proven by others following the AB method, but me, wanting to do it all straightaway instead of gradually phasing in the process and allowing the body to slowly adjust I’ve gone at it hell for leather. There’s nothing I can do now as far as easing back, what’s done is done. I feel yesterday was a milestone it’s just a milestone I jumped to and skipped the bits in between. Not something I recommend, it was horrible but I’m good today, I’m sure I will have other weak days but not like yesterday hopefully.

To anyone reading I’d just like to say I’m good now.

Full speed ahead…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Full speed ahead.

Hmmm.. So you just passed your driving test, hey you can drive….  woohoo, your dad is successful and wealthy, you can drive so hey… you take his Ferrari out for a spin.

Or you’ve just taken you first drink of beer, hey beer is alcohol and it was good so it’s gotta be ok to drink a bottle of whisky, it could possibly be harder to cope with….

Okay the above two scenarios are stupid things to do but what have they got to do with me…. hmm let me think for a second…

The previous post is all about commitment and doing it right which is my intention, however my actions could be likened to either of the previous scenarios or a bull in a China shop. Go for it Stefan, go on do it all right now, it’ll work. Yes it’ll work alright and doing everything from day one will have consequences, the highs have been great and certainly fuelled my optimism but… and this is a big but, the lows are horrendous. The previous post was written Monday evening, this one Tuesday afternoon. I’ve been weaker than at any point in my MS life. I’ve struggled big time, even using my walker has put me in a state of absolute fatigue, really this has frightened me more than anything ever has.

I’m telling myself this will pass, it’s only temporary.

Anything, if you want it enough…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Anything…. if you want it enough.

What does that mean? I’m not referring to wanting a million pounds or a diamond ring or someone to fall in love with you, no, what I’m referring to is being cured..  more specifically I’m referring to this disease I, and millions of others around the world have, multiple sclerosis. Now that’s a bold statement to make especially as I’ve had it for fourteen years since official diagnosis and several before with mild symptoms. So why do I still have it? have I not wanted it enough to be healed? yes I have, it’s been the most important thing in my life and I’ve tried and tried but I just didn’t know the answer…. until now.

So now I know, I didn’t just find out myself even though I’ve looked and looked and researched and tried so many times, so many things. No it had nothing to do with me at all, a good friend of mine, Mary,  in a totally unpronounceable small town in Wisconsin in the U.S. told me about the mysterious death of Ann Boroch who had cured herself of multiple sclerosis and been symptom free for over twenty years. Anyway I read one of her books, Healing Multiple sclerosis, and was blown away by it. I wrote a post on my blog about her and how I would attempt to follow her methods. A couple of days and two more posts later I received a friend request on Facebook by a lady called Janet Orchard, long story short… Janet explained she had been in my same condition, followed Ann Boroch, became friends with her and also cured herself, on hearing this I can’t explain how excited I became. Now I knew 100% that this was absolutely achievable and I would do it.

So it comes down to this… how much do you want it to happen… enough and it will, it just requires 100% commitment, no farting around, no excuses, no “I’ll just start tomorrow”… do it now.. if you indulge in the foods that taste good but are restricted then you’ll fail, if you don’t put the correct nutrition into your body, if you don’t take the right supplements, it’s  simple you just didn’t want to get healthy, you didn’t want it enough. The reason I will cure myself is that being healthy is The Most Important Thing to me period… I’ve been reasonably successful in business, I’ve done nearly a thousand skydives, I was a Hang glider, Scuba diver, Mountain biker, Rock climber and a Pilot… I’ve been there, done that, I’ve the T shirt and the video, having a big house and good money is great but it is nothing… nothing compared to being healthy and I now know what to do and how to do it and I will.. I’m not better than anyone else, I just know I’m 100%  committed.

And then there were three..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

And then there were three.

When I first started this new regimen, the Ann Boroch method, Janet, that’s Janet Orchard, making sure it was spelled correctly, she explained a lot of things I’d misinterpreted from the book and for that and lots of other snippets of information I’m extremely grateful for.  As my body gradually expell’s the bad stuff and slowly rebuilds itself I’ll experience good and bad days, in time the good will massively outnumber the bad but in the early stages which is where I am there’ll be a good followed by a bad. I think because it’s not as if I started from the beginning as most others do, I’d been gluten free, lactose free and sugar free for many years, so in my case it was primarily the anti fungals, adrenal support, digestive enzymes and eliminating one or two foods. Again in my case I’d been using the excellent Youngevity supplements for a year and the Don Croft Zapper(s) for a couple of weeks which there’s no doubt are helping. The good days and significantly better than the odd good day I had before, and more significantly the bad days aren’t really bad, I just feel weaker than the good days which in my humble opinion is brilliant. I had a “not good” day, better description, on Tuesday last week so expected a good day on Wednesday, well unlike previous rotations it wasn’t Wednesday, it was also Thursday and Friday…. and then there were three !!!!

I’m adjusting to this far better than I thought, as Janet…. Orchard… (My bad) said to listen to your body, it’s Sunday afternoon as I’m writing, not a good day so instead of forcing myself to do stuff, I’m resting. Let my far more intelligent body than stubborn ego dictate and assist the healing process, Monday will be good.

To start with..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

To start with.

Firstly I have to start this post with my respect and admiration for the late Ann Boroch, she was an incredibly talented and determined woman, secondly to Janet Orchard for all her help and lastly to Don Croft and the Zapper. Without all three of the above my life now and what it will be would be very, very different. Now please understand that what the following statement doesn’t mean I have delusions of grandeur, it didn’t mean I think I’m better or more qualified or more determined, it simply means that I am so lucky.

Ann Boroch cured herself in four years from a supposedly incurable disease, (please remember the above) I will do it in less than half that time!!!!!!.

Okay to explain my grand statement: Ann was only in her mid twenties and using her incredible mind and determination, she researched, investigated and used herself as a guinea pig found what she thought was the reason the MS she’d contracted was being exacerbated by Candida. There must have been times of despair and frustration on that journey, unlike us (MS sufferers) she didn’t have anyone to confirm, clarify or point her in the right direction.

She didn’t have the best supplements from Youngevity like I have, she hadn’t been dairy and gluten free for ten years before like I have. She didn’t know at that time the dangers of that white poison…. sugar or the many variants of synthetic sweeteners there are today. I’m so fortunate to have worked directly with Dr Hal Huggins and come into contact with so many leaders in the field of natural health. She didn’t have a Zapper as they hadn’t been invented then, so yes I am so lucky to know what I know, been where I’ve been and able to use her knowledge, the Youngevity supplements, the Don Croft Zapper and have access to Janet and her wonderful guidance and motivation.

Thank you Ann Boroch, Janet Orchard, Youngevity and Don Croft.