
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Since I came back to England over five years ago I’ve persevered with what I thought was the best way to assist my body through what everyone with multiple sclerosis knows is a very difficult 24/7 experience. I wasn’t just playing at it or fooling myself because of overly promoted advertising of “sure things” on sale, no, my nutritional and supplemental regimen was based on the years I spent working for Dr Hal Huggins in Colorado. So based on his incredible work I’m sure I’ve been able to lessen the horrible debilitating symptoms.

I was originally diagnosed in February 2004 and was able to work full-time until November 2012 and part from the first five months when I was looked after by my beautiful sister Suzie, I’ve lived alone and seen a carer for an hour at lunchtime. I’ve learned that certain supplements and more than 4.4 litres ( 1 gallon) of water are absolutely necessary for me to exist, there are a variety of things added to the water including bicarbonate of soda.

Since September last year I’ve undoubtedly seen huge improvements, to me of course, because of the ABP and there isn’t a shadow of doubt in my mind that this old body of mine will once again function normally as the inevitable healing takes place.

However….. the last 14 years have been tough and if it wasn’t for a H.O.A.L. and my absolute belief that I will heal, even though there was no tangible proof at the time. On one particular occasion back in Colorado, I had food poisoning, I’d fallen while vomiting, not nice…. and became so weak with my face was planted in a pool of vomit, I was peering and soiling myself, it took 7 hours to crawl from my bathroom to the kitchen to get the water I desperately needed.

During the five years here there’s been some really horrible things, one time  I’d fallen out of bed, I was naked, it was November and after 5 hours at 3am it was bloody cold, several other things including a fall the resulted in a very nasty cut on my head. I could write a book on the bad things that have happened, but it’s what was…. not is.

So although I have absolute confidence in what I’m doing now with the ABP it hasn’t been easy and I know there’s still a very long way to go, but what will keep me going no matter what this hideous, heartless and so frustrating disease throws at me is three things, the ABP, I’m my mother’s son and H.O.A.L.  which is that I have the Heart of a lion.

Overdoing it…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Overdoing it.

Making the commitment to follow the ABP was an easy thing to do, I’ll clarify that, as a man who has led a physical and very active life to then to become the complete opposite because of a disease…. multiple sclerosis wasn’t an easy thing to cope with or mentally accept and adjust to. So… reading about Ann Boroch and the way she addressed it was extremely inspiring and motivational so much so that I didn’t hesitate for a moment when deciding to do this. Making an emotional commitment and actually doing it are two very different things. As I said, emotionally being who I am and having done what I’ve done, it was the obvious thing to do, I really don’t want to be the shadow of who I was, so committing myself to this was natural.

The first few months were filled with lovely highs but as many frustrating lows, the fluctuations became less disappointing as I slowly started to understand what was happening. The intricate internal workings of a body are hard enough to understand, but when it’s one with a serious disease it becomes even more complex. The numb lump in my shoulders, my head is gradually accepting that when smiling because I seem to be getting better, it’s all relative…. Good for a 14 year multiple sclerosis sufferer is completely different to good for an able bodied healthy person. Lesson…… when feeling good, enjoy, appreciate but don’t, don’t forget what’s going on inside my body, my brain and don’t overdo it physically.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I’ve written many times of the progress I’m making, admittedly the improvements wouldn’t necessarily be that obvious to anyone not living in my skin, I can’t say living in my shoes because I don’t wear them, in fact I don’t wear anything on my feet, no socks, slippers or shoes, that in itself is good in my opinion. Grounding or Earthing as it’s sometimes known, again in my opinion is good and psychologically it makes a difference to me. As the weather gets better, not hot but just not freezing, I will sit outside with my bare feet on the step or on the grass for thirty minutes on the days it’s bearable, I say that because it’s the heat, not that we have extremes that affect me the most.

It’s probably been a month now that the improvements have slowly been combining so that feeling good is becoming “the norm” for me, I’m not internally stressing about little things that require physical action, so all in all I’m feeling great about myself.

As an aside note I had a lovely compliment on Monday, an unintentional one but a compliment all the same, I had a new carer who after her hour mentioned that I was young to have this disease, I sort of giggled and asked how old she thought I was, now her response hasn’t given me any delusions of grandeur when she said I was probably in my late 40’s….okay I did feel good even if she was only 26 and not a medical professional, I told her we had the same numbers for our age accept my two are hers in reverse.

Anyway back to my point, lots of people that I know have had CCSVI, myself included and some others more than once, I have the greatest respect for Paolo Zamboni the creator but the number of long term successes are small in comparison to the massive number of successes of those following the Ann Boroch Protocol.. ABP.. if you are intrigued, interested and would like to know more then please contact Janet Orchard or me and we can point you in the right direction.

In August 2017 I read Healing Multiple Sclerosis and felt tentatively good about the possibilities, nearly 6 months later I can’t adequately express my gratitude and confidence.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I usually sleep for between four to five and a half hours each night, I know it’s generally recommended to have eight hours but that’s never happened for me, I no longer take sleeping pills which I did for 25 years and even then I didn’t sleep for longer. But my body seems to cope perfectly well on it, so no complaints. I tend to rest and meditate a lot usually after lunch, I don’t sleep, just rest.

So when I first wake at 5 am or thereabouts I usually drink about a quarter of a litre of water with bicarb, I’ll finish the litre before I get out of bed by 8 am, that’s my normal start and has been since returning to England just over 5 years ago.

Mentally I’m preparing myself for my day. I see it as my days challenge and I tell myself I’m going to have a great day, obviously there have been days when my mental conditioning hasn’t worked and understandably that frustrates me, but when that happens I don’t moan, complain or get upset because there’s no point,, it won’t make anything better or easier so emotions simply don’t come into it.

The posts I write, such as this one are normally written the day before posting, so it’s now Sunday evening, this will be posted Monday morning after my red clover tea, salt caps, Serrapeptase and probiotics, another 1/2 litre of water, the loo then breakfast.

The last four or five days have been great for me in that my coordination, balance and strength have been good, so much so that I’m even more optimistic about the healing that’s taking place, I feel confident that I’ll be managing to walk a few steps unaided within the next six months. I’m not fooling myself, I’m basing that assumption on the many small improvements I’m experiencing daily.

What Ann Boroch did was nothing short of amazing, her work and phenomenal efforts have made it possible for thousands to have a far better quality of life, I don’t know if it’s been accurately documented as to the number that have completely healed but I believe it’s a lot. It’s been said before and I’m sure it will be another thousand times, Janet Orchard you are my inspiration and every morning as my feet touch the floor, following in Ann’s and your footsteps is my mission.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Five months, one week two days…. a long time if you count the minutes, which is 223,876 give or take a few hundred, that’s the number of minutes since I started the ABP, the protocol that’s changing my life. During that time there have been some quite frankly terrifying moments, I have to point out that it was moments, not minutes or hours, just seconds that I thought “what the hell am I doing”. Those moments, sat naked on the floor where I’d fallen, or on the edge of my bed in the dark, freezing but covered I sweat, that does happen, I honestly did doubt my sanity. Looking back, and I’ll state quite clearly, I’ve a long way still to go, but looking back I have to say it’s hard and quite honestly you have to be quite a special person to stick to it. I know there have been the occasional doubts,  especially during the first month but they are long gone. As I’ve said it takes character, determination and an unshakable belief, I’ve learned so much about myself, I’m so proud of what I’ve done, what I’m doing…. I’m not unique, there are others that have experienced a lot worse and have been doing this for years longer than I have, and knowing that inspires and motivates me. During the first days the subtle, minor improvements seemed massive to me at the time, in comparison to the improvements I’m noticing now they were tiny. What was, is only a small part of what is… just a few degrees on the 360 degree circle of my total healing to come.

No brainer…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

No brainer.

Imagine being told you have a disease that apparently the best medical minds in the world have not been able to cure, with the millions, no… billions supposedly set aside for research by the health organisations and research facilities around the world. The symptoms of this disease slowly but surely take away one’s ability to function alone. Walking becomes a memory, coordinated fine motor skills become non existent as do basic requirements of your daily life, hmmm bit of a bummer. The options according to doctors and nurses etc is to take pharmaceutical drugs that may or may not help on a temporary basis and unless you personally do some research you’ll have no understanding of the long lasting damage the drugs will have on your seriously weakened body.

However…. asking questions and doing in depth research shows that there is actually an alternative to the slow painful death predicted by the brainwashed medical professionals.

Downside..oh yes there is one, although not a particularly difficult thing to deal with is that several foods you’d previously enjoyed have to be removed permanently from your daily diet. Other foods, not  ones you have to be eaten before, although they aren’t necessarily hard to eat, just different. Oh yes there’s also supplements that might initially seem to be only for other people, y’know the health conscious and sporty types have to be taken… daily and even multiple times daily.

The upside is … There’s an extremely positive chance that you’ll be able to live again and not just exist with nothing to look forward to.

Hmmmm let me think about this for a nanosecond… eh !!!! yes!!! I’ll do it because ….

  1. A) I want to live and
  2. B) because being sick, in pain, dependent and a burden to others is horrible…

Following the ABP is a no brainer..

Game changer….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Game changer..

I know this isn’t a game, it’s a life changing puzzle that must be understood,…. get that….understood not just read,  it’s not just a set of guidelines that are written and then encouraged to follow, it’s an account of what happened to another human being, the difference between her and the rest of us is simple, we are just regular people whereas she was freaking amazing. We all know what it’s like to be told we have multiple sclerosis, obviously I’m referring to a special group now, but to be told that when you’re only 24 must have been devastating.  Unlike the rest of us, she set out on a quest to find the answer to a question the world of medicine categorically stated that there was no solution. The quest was filled with highs and lows and the world at that time was very different technologically, no Google in fact the internet was still a decade away so her research options were severely limited in comparison to today.

Anyway, I called this post Game Changer… today my brand new, just released revised copy of The Candida Cure was automatically delivered to my Kindle and as you can imagine that’s been my main activity today, I’m writing this Tuesday evening. I think when I read Healing Multiple sclerosis back in August last year, I was a little overwhelmed I think, to go from desperately wanting to be healed but not knowing how, to reading an account of how it genuinely happened just sort of sent my brain into a spin. Obviously I’ve not finished the Candida Cure yet but so far it’s really reaffirming that this will happen and taste buds, desires, wants and misguided needs are being pushed aside as its now “no excuses” and do it right this time. I strongly recommend reading and/or re-reading it to put yourself firmly back on track because trust me, this really is a game changer.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


One of the many “snippets of information” aside from the abundance of detailed and specialist knowledge absorbed through working closely with Dr Hal Huggins for several years was that all carbohydrates become sugar in the body…. I know this, I don’t just know it, it was engrained into my brain, that being said, why oh why have I been eating gluten free breads… because I’m a numbhead, I wanted to write something much more descriptive but I stopped myself. Admittedly all humans need natural sugars to function correctly but obviously me and others that are in my condition should stay away from all the refined, processed and natural substances that end in “ose”.

Now I’m sure most of us, that’s MS sufferers, have up’s and downs, these are just part of the journey we’re on, but exacerbating the problems, especially when it’s done through one’s own naivety is bloody stupid. That was me today, my bad, and even worse as I did it Saturday as well, stupid, stupid, stupid…Gluten free crumpets are great for those with just a gluten intolerance but when it comes to an MS sufferer doing the ABP who should know better then words fail me, or at least words I can write here.

My new Sainsbury delivery arrives Tuesday when my weekly diet changes for the better, I think between now (Sunday evening) and then its veggies and Quinoa.

Note: you may have noticed in my many posts I refer to myself as an MS sufferer, not patient, this is because I’m not and never have been or will be a patient of the “know nothing about Ann Boroch” doctor. I’m healing myself with a little guidance and encouragement from Janet who I’m sure I frustrate no end, sorry Janet.

A glimpse…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


A glimpse.

Of late many of the posts I’ve written have specifically been in connection with the Ann Boroch Protocol, the ABP the protocol she created as a culmination of her research resulting in her no longer having multiple sclerosis. A large percentage of people reading this are not suffering with the disease and would have no realistic idea of what this really is, so for you I’ll explain a little more.

There are thousands, like me whose lives have been severely restricted because a life threatening, incurable disease has taken up residence in the place we call Me… There are several schools of thought as to the specifics of how, not why specifically, resulting in the body no longer able too function correctly and in a lot of cases to require assistance of some sort 24/7 and are wheelchair bound.

Being classed as an Autoimmune disease, is referring to the body harming itself, we aren’t conscious of this obviously but it is happening wether we want it or not. “They” tell you that you’re own self preservation method, you’re immune system has been fooled into thinking there is a foreign invader now infecting the myelin sheath surrounding the delicate nerves in the brain, think of it like insulating tape if you will. So being a supposed bad guy, the immune system is attacking it as it should justifiably do, if, it was right but as I said it’s mistaken, there’s nothing wrong with the myelin sheath, it’s wrongly self harming, hence the term.. Autoimmune. My time with Dr Huggins and his work, disproved the opinion of Western medicine and the doctors.  He was able to keep the majority of his multiple sclerosis symptoms at bay for a 24 hour period and had to constantly back this up with the dentistry initially then supplements. The difference between what he did, “past tense”, and Ann Boroch was she discovered through tireless research a way of making the change a permanent one.

So the ABP was born….. we, me and others, thousands of others are attempting to replicate her work, it’s not easy as you can imagine but it freaking works, the likelihood is that with bumps and setbacks it will take several years, potentially less if done absolutely perfectly. So for a person like me whose been given 5 hopes by conventional doctors.. Bob Hope, Envelope, Antelope, Periscope and No Hope….. following the ABP has mentally changed everything in relation to existing and the genuine possibility of living again, for me following it has given me a glimpse of what’s to come.

Just had to say…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Just had to say something. … I’m referring to Innocent smoothies… healthy.. right!!! The UK Government actually have stated that one of these can be used as one of your 5 a day so they must be healthy, surely if the important knowledgeable people in the government say it’s good then us ordinary people should just accept it as true.

I looked at their website and there’s no doubt the emphasis is on health and nutrition and they go to great lengths promoting the necessity for every person, adults and children to be able to conveniently absorb the nutrients that will improve the quality of life.

However what they don’t emphasize, what the categorically fail to tell you in their written statements is that there’s 30 plus grams of sugar in the supposedly nutritious drink, 30 plus grams, not just a few but 34.3 grams, that’s even more than in a poisonous can of coke. They obviously know the danger and very cleverly hide the specifics, go there yourself and see if this information is readily available, it’s difficult to find but it’s there.

To me this is just an in your face statement that they don’t give a damn about your health, this is simply about getting people to buy their product and make tons of profit, what makes this worse is the way they intentionally mislead the public.

I imagine a large percentage of people can’t be bothered to look and have the attitude that the long term negative effects aren’t important, it’s the taste that matters and the fact they have been conned into thinking it’s healthy.

The advertisers continue to use clever advertising slogans designed to make you focus on misleading words that encourage you to think you’re doing a good thing by buying a healthy drink, but it’s not and 90% of people are simply unaware of the dangers of that white, sweet tasting poison that their drinks are laden with.

Taken from Wikipedia.

Innocent’s products have been promoted as a healthy option. However, a 250 ml bottle of ‘Innocent Smoothie’ contains 171 kilocalories and 34.3 g of sugar. This is nearly 30% more than Coca Cola in terms of sugar content. However, it does not contain any of the artificial ingredients found in soft drinks like Coca Cola and is instead made from natural fruit.

Innocent are 90% owned by Coca Cola.

This sickens me.