The Secret….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The Secret.

No not the Rhonda Byrne Secret…. just mine as in what I do and what I believe is fundamental to succeeding in the quest that I and many others have… transforming a weakened contaminated body that’s become the host of an unwelcome disease. First and foremost…. stick to the tried, tested and proven protocol, as in the ABP, what Ann Boroch did regardless of what any negative naysayers and unbelievers say, it works..

I follow the protocol probably 95% of the time, I firmly believe that everyone of us are different in tiny little ways, yes we all have an illness that’s been categorized by the so called medical professional as incurable and they call it multiple sclerosis. However because of thousands of factors the “disease” affects us a differently and its down to us to monitor the changes, the effects that having or not having certain foods and liquids.

In my case I drink more water than most others, around 9 pints or 5 litres per day, I’ve tried reducing my water intake on numerous occasions, the effects have always been the same and let me tell you it hasn’t been nice.

Now, on waking and before I get out of bed at around 7.45 am I drink a litre of water with bicarb in, after the bathroom I drink two mugs of Red Clover tea, I also have 2 x 80,000 iu Serrapeptase and 2 Salt capsules, then another 1/2 litre of Acilis water, rich in Silica which has been proven to remove Aluminium from the body, great research from at least two universities.

I rarely have breakfast, mini fasts 5 days per week, I then take my supplements which are taken three times daily, these include my anti fungals, digestive enzymes, adrenal support and herbal thyroid. I have two 600ml of water, one with ACV and the other with Super Greens. The main supplements are from Youngevity, all cleared through Janet.

My main meal is at lunch and tends to be a protein rich concoction of either turkey or steak with quinoa and vegetables. As much as I enjoyed (past tense) gluten free bread, I no longer have it.

I still get ridiculously weak at around 12.30 so after my carer leaves I go and rest in my bed for a few hours, I drink just over half a litre of water with Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar and a little Stevia, it’s also a good time to meditate before going back to my place on the sofa,  I have another 1/2 litre of Acilis water and another mug of Red Clover tea.

P.s. my supplements also include Cannabis Sativa, Cod Liver oil and CBD oil.

Oh yes…. The Secret…..There isn’t one,

Just follow the protocol, Listen to your body and Believe 100% that this is right.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Way back in time, over 60 years ago in Everton which is in Liverpool a boy was born, the 3rd of what would become 7 kids, so including mum and dad there was nine of us living in a 2 bedroom house with no bathroom just three wall’s with a basic latched door in the backyard that was the toilet… it was tough but it was what we had, we didn’t know anything else so just enjoyed the love, very rare treats and good mate’s we had.

Jumping forward several decades I’d travelled to more than 20 countries and participated in sports most people would never ever think about, let alone try, I’d had fast bikes, fast cars, great well paid jobs and big houses. So for 20 of my 45 years I had a great and very privileged life which considering my very basic beginnings, I was proud of myself.

I’d moved from England to Colorado in the U.S. to marry a woman I honestly believed loved me, between the two of us we had a very good annual income, on saying that we both worked damn hard.

Two years after I moved there and was so happy living “the dream” I was really shocked when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, initially I just thought I was so much better, I was so lucky so the disease wouldn’t effect me as it did for everyone else, it couldn’t do… I was Stefan the kid born in a few steps up from poverty but fought his way out and made good. For the first 4 years I remained positive until my wife totally forgot about the ” for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health” and decided to have an affair and then divorced me. Obviously I was shocked, deeply hurt and frightened, I mean here I was having to leave the life I had previously thought of as fantastic, we, my wife and I had some great friends, or so I thought, but for some reason they all sided with her even though it was her that was being unfaithful. I think she being an American in America found it easy to justify why her English husband who’d got MS and unable to fulfil his husband’s duties deserved to be cheated on and divorced.

I suppose it would have been easy to feel bitter and depressed but that’s not me, I’m the kid from Liverpool with nothing, but against all odds made something of himself.

The disease is a shitty thing (excuse me) but I’m better than that, yes Dona, the ex took me for everything I had,  I lost my $500k house, my friends….. ha!!! I went into $100k debt, but all of that was then, not now… Now I’m better off, now I’m following a specific plan that works, now I don’t have an unfaithful wife, now I’m on my own and the only one that will make my life better is me…

I’m happy I’m alone and proud of what I’m doing, it’s not easy but then again nothing worth having is easy, I am healing myself physically and mentally and nothing or no one will stop me, I am better than the disease, I’m better than a selfish, unfaithful wife, it’s no one’s fault I got sick but it’s my responsibility to be the best Me I can be…

Complete acceptance…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Complete acceptance.

I think to a certain extent that the progress I’m making by following the ABP is greatly influenced by my mental attitude, during the first two months as I’d have bad days which was only expected, instead of feeling depressed and despondent, I’d tell myself that the bad would follow the good so it was nothing to worry about. On those bad days which gradually became fewer and further between I’d just go to my bed, rest and meditate and look forward to the following day because I knew it would be good or at least not another bad day. Following the plan, the ABP and the Candida Cure, regardless of the illness, disease or condition someone is in, will help, it will have a positive effect on the body. It’s been proven thousands of times by others that were also sceptical and had doubts. So a big part of enabling this protocol to work is not just sticking to it, it’s your own confidence, you have to “believe” !!!!! That voice that constantly natters in your head, has to be 100% convincing, it has to ignore minor setbacks because they are just speed bumps on the road, nothing more. You can’t just say to family and friends that you think it should work, that simply isn’t the way… it has to be something you absolutely believe, no doubts or concerns, it has to be total and complete acceptance.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


During the first month on the ABP which was September, I experienced exactly what I was told to expect, there were good days followed by bad days, the good in comparison to bad were like night and day. In between that two day cycle I’d have several okay days which were quite easy to deal with, I didn’t feel particularly good or bad although I definitely felt apprehensive waiting for the bad day to happen.

October saw a change in that the good day became good days…. I was very pleasantly surprised at the extended periods that happened, during that period I had several spells lasting five or six days and the bad or tough days were no worse than before which made me happy.

November and December were very similar really, longer periods of feeling really good while the negative days weren’t really days as such, it was just several hours at a time. I really started to pay more attention to what my body was telling me. I’d been guilty of thinking “I knew best” which just resulted in me getting frustrated and a little annoyed with myself.

I have to also make this next point very clearly: During the first four months there were several occasions that I momentarily doubted what I was doing…. again, Momentarily… until I drew on that much needed inner strength, gave myself a slap, a kick up the ass and carried on…. thankfully.

January or month five gave me more positive inspiration and motivation than ever especially as I’d bought the latest revision of “The Candida Cure” and reaffirmed what I’d learned from “Healing Multiple Sclerosis”.

As I’m coming to the end of my sixth month I’ve learned a lot, and more importantly I’m adhering to the plan, if for whatever reason I feel weak, I don’t get frustrated or despondent, I just accept that it’s part of the very complex healing process. Every minute the body experiences literally millions of actions and reactions because of the changes we are implementing through diet, antifungals and supplements. This severely damaged body is adapting slowly but surely and the physical changes need the mental adjustments to keep pace.

I’m improving physically by the day, to others it might not appear obvious but it’s massive to me, so much so that I truly believe I’ll be able to actually take a few unaided steps in a month or so.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


What can be frustrating while on this incredible protocol is how I can allow a ridiculous mental attitude to influence the progress I’m making, however….. my attitude is based on what I’ve learned recently and the solid nutritional background I already had, but is slowly but surely adjusting to reality and common sense…..

To explain…. as I’ve been improving physically so much more so over the past month than the previous four, I’ve been telling myself it’s ok to feel weak for a few hours after I’ve been physically pushing myself, whereas a month ago, no not a month, only a couple of weeks ago I’d feel so frustrated and a little disappointed that I could be feeling so good then so weak in the same two hour window.

I tell anyone that’ll listen, I tell my family, my carer and even the FedEx or Sainsbury’s delivery guy that I’ve been improving so much, I absolutely know it’s happening, I know 100% it’s happening, but when that change happens at indiscriminate times I allow a negative feeling to slide in. Admittedly it’s only ever for a matter of seconds, but annoying all the same.

I’ve got to make sure its the truth, the reality that takes the dominant place in my head and not the tainted, full of self importance ego that steps in to override what’s really happening.

The negative feelings and the weak part is only a very small percentage of my life and will soon have no place at all because I am healing, I am going to live again so you!!!! Negativity, weakness can sod off”…

Get worse..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Get worse.

Following a plan, any plan to change something that’s been in place for a long time is always going to be difficult, it’s not as if it’s possible to just change the ingredients and methods you’ve used for years and expect everything to improve immediately. Just imagine having a really sporty BMW M3 but over the years you’ve been putting the lowest grade petrol and the cheapest oil in, not because you’re a skinflint but the car was so expensive and you just couldn’t afford the good stuff. So gradually the super fast car that was, now takes a week to get to its top speed and the clunking and rattling when it was turned off was embarrassing.

So you come into some cash and decide to treat the car to top grade petrol and oil, that’ll fix it surely…. well no it won’t, in fact if anything it just seems worse than ever. How can that be…. surely if the good lubricants are going in then that’s got to make it better….

After flushing the BMW’s lubricants, oils and fuel system a couple of times, putting in a new battery and a days overhaul will just about make in run as good as new. Now think about you, likening a really expensive top of the range Beemer to a human body that’s a billion times more complicated, intricate and delicate isn’t the same.

A human body is a completely different kettle of fish…. the complexity of the body requires lots more hand holding, for instance the blood isn’t just red stuff, there’s more than fifty different components that have been altered by poor nutrition and just downright bad chemicals that unbeknownst to you were in some things you ate and drank over many years. Anyway cutting a long story short, the changes you…. we..make will take time to have a positive lasting effect, in fact you’ll probably get worse before you’ll get better. After five and a half months of steady improvements I have I have to remind myself daily that the small knock backs are part of the long term healing process because I occasionally feel a little worse than the previous day.

It’s not easy…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

It’s not easy.

I’ve talked about the challenges we face when we have the desire to follow the ABP with the aim of healing ourselves. Everyday there are temptations unlike any a healthy person is likely to face, very basic, mundane things like “should I go to the loo now or can I wait till after I’ve eaten” or “will eating that cereal make me sick” and other ridiculously simple tasks to others that are painful and frustrating when we have less control, obviously as we become more in tune with our body and the protocol it gradually becomes natural and less of an issue.

Over the last month I’ve really been pushing myself, I know that everyday the muscles in my legs and core are wasting, they are constantly getting weaker which is making life so much harder, getting up and furniture walking to the bathroom 20 times each day is exhausting, so having a weaker body and legs make it so much more demanding.

That being said I’m trying my best to exercise, squats, press ups and the plank are hard but I try to do all of them everyday, I sit there and mentally try to motivate myself, actually it’s not motivation per se, I yell at myself in my mind and tell myself to not be a wimp and get off my lazy backside and just do it…

The exercise, any exercise is tiring enough but getting up off the floor is sometimes even harder for me, there’s been days that I’ve exercised then spent the next twenty minutes totally exhausting myself trying to get up. I often feel good mentally at the end of the day and then first thing in the morning that’s true but I can tell you, exercise it’s not easy.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


For the newbies in the group’s I’m in I thought I’d explain a little about myself, my apologies if this is boring to the others, anyway, here goes, I was born in Liverpool when The Beatles were just a local band made good and Bill Shankly was shaping a football team feared throughout the first division as it was then. Tough life growing up, very occasional sweets but lots of love and regular smacks to keep me and my 6 siblings in place.

School then the Army Apprentice College in Chepstow, the the regular Army, marriage, 2 kids, divorce, 9 years then marriage, no more kids, divorce… 6 years, move to Colorado, marriage, then 2 years later was diagnosed with MS and 4 years later was divorced.

During the last marriage I started as the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing.

Before all that I did 834 skydives, I was in the Guinness book of records between 1989 and 1997 as part of the british record  60 way formation, I was also a hang glider, Scuba diver, rock climber, mountain biker and I got pilots license a Flagler Flying school in Florida.

Getting MS is horrible for anyone, but being such an adrenaline junkie and being so active meant a complete lifestyle change for me and probably more difficult to accept. It didn’t make the disease worse just harder to cope with.

My knowledge of nutrition and supplementation since working for Dr Huggins is good so staying true to what I knew was right has been easy. The information I’ve been able to learn through Healing Multiple Sclerosis and The Candida Cure by Ann Boroch have been massively instrumental in the improvements I’m experiencing now. I’m still struggling with MS and to any onlooker it probably doesn’t seem any better. But the many little improvements are so good to me and I’m 100% sure that following the ABP is the right thing for me to do. I believe that anyone can make positive changes if they want it enough.

Am I different….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Am I different.

Probably yes….. I think some people are destined to live the “woe is me” life, the “my situation is worse than everyone else” or the “no matter what I do, things will never get better” attitude. I’m sure in their mind it’s easy to justify, easier to just call it a day. Obviously I’m not them, I’m not in exactly their situation.. or am I….

I was born in 1955, one of 7 kids living in a 2 up, 2 down terraced house with an outside loo, this was in Liverpool, my dad worked 6 nights each week while my incredible mum looked after us and several other kids to make a little extra, actually it wasn’t extra, it was necessary to be able to feed the nine of us.

As an adult I was able to indulge a little because of my work in the I.T. industry, good money but long hours and 50,000 miles driven each year. I’ve done 834 skydives, I was a Hang glider, Scuba diver, mountain biker, rock climber and a pilot. All of that ended including being divorced because I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a little hard to take at first but at the end of the day I had two choices… give up or fight it….

Hmmmm giving up was just not an option so I did everything I could from reading everything I could to having a full dental revision that required 10 hours of dentistry in two separate days, to CCSVI in Bulgaria, none of these had made a significant, lasting difference, there’d also been at least 50 other things I tried over a 14 year period.

I learned about Ann Boroch in August last year, started on the protocol in September and now I honestly believe that I’ll be healed in two years, the ABP isn’t easy, at the start it’s definitely a challenge but after a couple of months the “just feeling better” part massively outweighs the bad bits.

Half way through my sixth month and I feel so good in comparison to before I started, for an outside viewer it probably doesn’t look significantly different but to someone with MS the subtle changes are Ginormous… not a real word but you know what I mean, Oh and by the way I also lost a $500,000 house, went into a $100,000 debt, lost all my friends as a result of being taken to the cleaners when divorced by my American wife…. I could be pissed off and bitter and frustrated and depressed but guess what…. I’m not so yes I probably am different.

I just knew..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I just knew.

There are times when watching The Voice or B.G.T. or The X Factor that when they show a detailed look into one of the contestants and there’s video footage of them performing as a 6 yr old and later as a teen in front of their family because it was always what they wanted. You see them interviewed and then saying that it’s what they’ve always wanted to do, when that happens you as the viewer are expecting them to sing or perform well because it’s in their blood to be a performer. Then they walk on the stage and you can feel their personal confidence when they start to sing, it’s controlled perfectly even though inside it’s nerve wracking initially to them but it’s what they want and they want it enough that the fear, the anxiety, the nerves are controlled as they do what they know is right, what’s meant to be.. for them.

Well….. I’m not a singer, apart from in my head, I’m not a performer, but I do have something in common with all the good ones on those shows…. I believe in myself, I have absolute confidence in me…. before a friend of mine, Mary who was a patient of Dr Huggins 8 years ago and lives in Wisconsin in the U.S. decided to tell me about Ann Boroch and her research, work and untimely death, even before I knew that I believed in myself. It’s weird because I’m sure my family and close friends all believed that I believed in myself and somehow my healing would happen but no one including me knew how. For the last 5 1/2 months I’ve been following the method, the proven successful method known as the Ann Boroch Protocol…the ABP… that requires a 100% commitment. Obviously unless you’re a superhuman there will inevitably be times or possibly days that the commitment slips but providing you’re able to get back on track, be strong mentally against all odds then the protocol will work. I’ve had to be strong and with guidance from my good friend Janet Orchard, actually we’ve never met but she’s been my mentor and inspiration so in my book she’s my good friend…..  with her help I am honestly feeling so good, the little, the small, the subtle changes that came and went in a heartbeat are starting to become longer everyday experiences. I find myself able to move easier, to actually be aware of the toes on my left foot, not all the time but sometimes I’m able to spread them out, to actually feel them moving, it’s so, so good, I know that probably seems weird to normal people but when that hasn’t happened for years it’s great.

So it’s truly happening, contrary to what all the naysayers, the medical professionals, the doctors and neurologists said would happen, slowly but surely I’m healing, so even though 14 years ago there was no tangible proof, I just knew.