
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Over the years as I’ve experienced more of life, and I mean that in the way of having travelled, lived and worked in another country and more varied areas of existence it’s made me into a better person, not better than anyone else, just a better me. The last four years in America I was the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins, a great and very knowledgeable man, he’d taken his doctorate as a dentist and over a 50 year period became the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing. There’s no doubting his contributions to mankind, having saved, literally saved the lives of hundreds of people and dramatically improving that of thousands of others.

Okay, I’ve written of this before so why bring it up again?…. Because a very large percentage of doctors are simply treating symptoms by prescribing drugs that address a specific area and no more. To a certain extent, we the patients have dictated this course of action that’s changed the attitude of the medical profession. Fifty years ago a patient would tell the doctor what was wrong then the doctor using their knowledge and experience would try their best to correct the underlying cause. Things are different now, it seems that people want an immediate remedy in the form of a pill, “fix me now”…. so what’s happened is the pharmaceutical companies have become second largest industry, only to the oil and gas giants. “Healthcare” has become a big business, an extremely profitable one at that, it’s no longer “Healthcare” it’s now “Symptom management”.

Getting back to the subject line of this post, I was watching “The good karma hospital” on TV and Dr Fonseca a character said something I’ve heard hundreds of times in tv programs, she was referring to a Naturopathic doctor who in reality treats patients with a more holistic approach by correcting the cause, Dr Fonseca said to the patient “you need to see a proper doctor”, how insulting is that…..

Before the rise of Big Pharma and the give me a pill mentality, doctors were doctors not drug dispensaries.

Hopefully there will be a day when people realise that keeping people sick is big business and the world moves back to true healthcare.



Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


This is written for two reasons really, firstly as a way of helping anyone struggling and having doubts or the newbies just in their first couple of months, secondly as a way of reminding myself just how far I’ve come and how very lucky I am. When I started on September first 2017, I was optimistic because of what I’d read and the conversation I’d had with Janet. The first month was exactly as it had been explained and no worse than it has been for every other person that’s chosen to follow this protocol. I had some okay days followed by a stinker, a day that definitely had me momentarily doubting my decision because I’d become frighteningly weak, I had diarrhoea and fallen several times resulting in some serious problems. But just as had been explained, a good day followed which over the months became much longer periods of good and even great days. Looking back I shudder at the thoughts of those horrendous times and even more so thinking I so very nearly gave up, not just because of what I was going through physically, when you’ve fallen out of bed at 2 a.m. and are naked, freezing cold and desperately needing to pee but not able to get off the floor, but also the massive temptation to eat some of the foods you’re denying yourself, taste buds are our personal killers.

In a few days I’ll pass my seventh month and I’m amazing myself everyday, little things that would appear to be nothing to a healthy person but to us… to us those little insignificant things are massive.

If you are a newbie, a journeyman or graduate and are having doubts or second thoughts, stop, and as the song says, “You’ve gotta have faith”.

Bucket list…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Bucket list.

When I think about my life, all the countries I’ve been to, the things I’ve done, who I’ve met, the people I’ve helped, it’s a lot, so far it’s been a life that’s been filled with some incredible experiences. Looking at it I’d have to say I’ve been incredibly lucky and I personally think I’ve been blessed….

Apart from a four year spell working for Dr Huggins in Colorado springs, Colorado, most of the past 15 years have been very limited in terms of actually living, because of the disease I contracted, multiple sclerosis, it’s given me so much to be concerned about, until now of course. Now I can honestly say that there will be life again, thanks to yesterday’s birthday girl and the late and great healer of thousands, Ann Boroch.

Yes I’m disabled and have a so called incurable disease… “so called”…ha!!! But I’m well on my way to what I believe 100% in me being healed, now I know that there’s a very long bucket list that will be completed, I know without a shadow of doubt, even on the days that I’ve struggled, I’ve had complete faith, in me, in Ann Boroch and in Him…

My confidence..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

My confidence..

I tell myself every morning before I get up that I’m going to have a good day, I tell myself that I feel great, I say that regardless of how I actually feel at that moment, I say it in an attempt to convince the inner part of me that it’s true. I know this protocol works, I know that every minute of everyday can’t and won’t be perfect, it would be too easy to have doubts, to let the fear of failing creep in, so I can’t let that happen, I’ve said it a thousand times that nothing is going to stop me. So if I believe, if I’m 100% certain then any minor setback that can sometimes happen, I reiterate in my mind that whatever has happened was a speed bump along the road, yes I had to slow down a bit but I’ll get past it and get back up to speed. Nothing worth having comes easily, whatever goal we have in life has to be worked at, practise makes perfect, we have to learn from our mistakes, eat or drink something wrong, then understand it, accept it was a mistake and don’t do it again.

On “my journey” I’m sure the foods I’m eating are good for me and I’m adapting to them and I’m finding them perfectly acceptable, I can control what I’m eating and drinking, I can’t however control the temperature outside which as I’ve said before is a killer for me. I believe that my thyroid is responsible in that I’m not able to control my body temperature adequately, on most days recently in the late afternoon my chest feels so hot you could fry an egg on it. I’ve been using a herbal thyroid support in addition to the only drug/medicine I take “Levothyroxin”…. anyway the thyroid support was ordered in good time but for some reason it hasn’t arrived. . So Tuesday was a tad warmer and I didn’t have the thyroid support, so at 5.30 when I was feeling rather weak, I accepted there was a stumbling block, a speed bump, I didn’t get upset or worried, I just went to my bed. I knew I’d be better again on Wednesday, today, this is where my brainwashing comes into play, I am getting better, nothing is going to stop me, it might be hard, but now it’s not just “talk the talk”, now it’s “walk the walk”.

The ABP+….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The ABP +.

Since starting this incredible protocol last September I’ve regularly written about far more positives than negatives, yes during the first two or three months there were bad days, but they gradually became less of a bad day and more of a bad few hours. The 4th, 5th and 6th month’s became far better in that I didn’t have bad days or bad hour long spells, it was mainly good but with occasional periods of not quite so good.

After listening and reading numerous comments about CBD oil, Cannabis oil I decided to once again see if this oil could make a difference, about a year or so ago I’d tried having a single drop each morning . I think that I, like most “uninformed” people had simply been thinking it was “wacky Baccy” and having it would make me less in control so I just wanted to avoid it.

A few weeks ago I’d done a little research and ordered some from eBay, I started taking 2 drops three times per day, nothing special to report, then one of my MS friends on FB  talked about her having 5 drops first thing in the morning then last thing at night so about a week ago I changed to that dose….. difference….. a significant one as well. At first I noticed that I was not going to the loo quite as often, slight change which was good but I also started feeling a little more stable and I had better balance when moving around. The biggest change has been that I’m sleeping better, for years I’ve managed four or five hours per night but the past few nights I’ve slept six or seven hours, that in itself has got to be better for my compromised mind and body.

In my mind there’s no doubt that the ABP is the way to go, for a seriously diseased body of 14 years to start making changes that are becoming consistent when the world’s medical community says it’s not going to happen is absolutely fantastic, amazing and life changing, but I’m seriously thinking that the CBD oil is adding just that little bit more and I’m excited to continue on this slightly adjusted journey.

Little by little…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Little by little.

It’s strange really how I’ve become accustomed to the improvements I’m making, during the first three or four months I’d have lengthy periods of good days, sometimes as many as 10 or 12 but as sure as night follows day there’d be a bad day, a day that I knew the horrible weakness would be constant.

I’ve said before that as I became more aware of the pattern I’d just go to bed after lunch knowing the good cycle would start again the next day. Good for me was being able to get up and negotiate my way to the loo and back twenty times without falling, so in my book that was good.

I’m in the middle, almost, of my seventh month and it’s normal for me to feel good all day, I still get the weakness around 12.30, go rest in bed for a few hours then back up for a few more. Becoming almost blase` about the improvements can be quite dangerous in that I’d feel confident and try to move as if I’m healthy and not take the necessary precautions.

That happened on Monday evening I was going to lock the front door on my way to bed, I was shuffling along with my walker, trying to move quicker, my left foot didn’t move, I tried to make an adjustment, over compensated and started to fall backwards. A million things rushed through my head as I knew what was about to happen was going to cause serious problems, during a 15 second period that felt like an hour I somehow prevented what would have been a catastrophe, I lost a nail or two grasping the nearest wall and door frame but I didn’t fall. Lesson: don’t overestimate the improvements, don’t take it for granted and be patient, it’s happening little by little.

Respect, or lack of….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Respect, or lack of..

I often write about things and beliefs I have that are important to me, I wear my heart on my sleeve and say what I think, and that sometimes comes over as a little harsh, my comments are never meant to be disrespectful to the front line medical professionals. Nurses are a favourite of mine, I truly think the world is a better place because of them and I can’t emphasize my respect enough for the work they and junior doctors do, if I gave the wrong impression then please accept my sincere apologies.

My beef as such is 100% directed at big pharma, these organizations have one goal in mind and that’s to make disgusting profit’s by brainwashing the masses into believing and becoming dependent on drugs. In 2010 an internal memo was discovered by an office cleaner and later released to a newspaper stating that Big pharma collectively wanted every American, all 350 million to be taking at least one prescription or OTC drug by 2020.

Kids as young as three years old are taking psychotropic drugs supposedly for depression and anxiety… three freaking years old!!!!!, this is why I have little or no respect for doctors. Not all doctors of course just the GP’s that arbitrarily dispense antipsychotic drugs to mothers of toddlers and teens.

When I was a kid, yes I can remember all that way back, there was no such thing as ADD or ADHD, kids never said “you’re invading my space”  or “you aren’t allowed to smack me” to a teacher or parent. The world as we know it has become a sad place because of vaccines, drugs, the lack of good parental control that’s created disrespectful kids, also the narrow minded doctors that dispense antibiotics and anti psychotic drugs rather than genuine medical guidance…… oops…..I’m ranting again aren’t I…sorry.,

Do no harm…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Do no harm.

I think you can tell from the title that this is going to be one of my rants….Okay so as an MS patient what should have happened when I went into the emergency room at The Rose Hospital in Denver is the “Doctors” should have seriously looked at what was causing my weakness, my instability, my confusion and spent some time explaining what I should be doing myself to minimise and eliminate the real problem, the parasites, the fungus, the yeast build up and how I should completely change my diet and make sure that sugar and all derivatives should never, ever enter my body, I mean that’s what a professional dedicated to promoting health should do…

Do No Harm oath?

First, do no harm. As an important step in becoming a doctor, medical students must take the Hippocratic Oath. And one of the promises within that oath is “first, do no harm” (or “primum non nocere,” the Latin translation from the original Greek.

Okay so a so called doctor….. ha… is a medical professional that you as a patient with a serious illness should trust, you should believe that this person’s first priority is to help you..

Sadly that attitude has changed over the last fifty or so years, now it’s not a case of “Fixing or Curing” a health problem, now it’s a case of “managing” the problem. This change in attitude has come about because of the ultimate power that Big Pharma, the pharmaceutical giants now have. Providing drugs that ease or minimise the symptom but not actually curing or healing has become an incredibly profitable business with no accountability, these people have very cleverly marketed themselves as honourable, caring and dedicated organisations trying their very best to help mankind. Now that is the biggest bunch of crap ever…

Why cure a problem and lose a customer when they can take in disgustingly huge profits…. forever by telling blatant lies and conning everyone from patients to governments.

All drugs….. All drugs treat symptoms and no more, look at one popular MS Drug.

Rebif… made by Pfizer…

They themselves state this..

Rebif can cause serious side effects. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any of the symptoms listed below while taking Rebif.


Behavioral health problems, including depression and suicidal thoughts. You may have mood problems including depression (feeling hopeless or feeling bad about yourself), and thoughts of hurting yourself or suicide

Liver problems or worsening of liver problems, including liver failure. Symptoms may include nausea, loss of appetite, tiredness, dark colored urine and pale stools, yellowing of your skin or the white part of your eye, bleeding more easily than normal, confusion, and sleepiness. During your treatment with Rebif you will need to see your healthcare provider regularly and have regular blood tests to check for side effects

Serious allergic and skin reactions. Symptoms may include itching, swelling of your face, eyes, lips, tongue or throat, trouble breathing, anxiousness, feeling faint, skin rash, hives, sores in your mouth, or skin blisters and peels

Injection site problems. Symptoms at the injection site may include redness, pain, swelling, color changes (blue or black), and drainage of fluid

Blood problems. Rebif can affect your bone marrow and cause low red and white blood cell and platelet counts. In some people, these blood cell counts may fall to dangerously low levels. If your blood cell counts become very low, you can get infections and problems with bleeding and bruising. Your healthcare provider may ask you to have regular blood tests to check for blood problems

Seizures. Some people have had seizures while taking Rebif

So tell me where the Hippocratic oath comes in, First do no harm.

Be honest….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Be honest with yourself..

I’ve been on the ABP for 6 months and 1 week, and if asked by anyone how I feel in comparison to before I started and I’d have to say… Freaking Amazing !!!!!  Okay.. Okay… let’s put some meat on the bones…. Having a disease, any disease that is classified as incurable means that the medical world say there is nothing that can be done in the way of healing, yes there are drugs that potentially slow the progression to a certain degree but as anyone with an ounce of common sense knows, the drugs…. all of them have side effects, and long term debilitating one’s. Now I know a large percentage of those reading this will have been on or still taking them, the reality of this is probably 99% will have believed what they were told by the neurologist and doctors when they said that was the only course of action open to them. As I’ve said before, when I sat with the neurologist who gave me the horrible news and my options, the shocked look on his face when I stated in a “matter of fact, you must be kidding” way that taking the drugs was never going to happen to me, was a picture never to be forgotten.

Back to my point… the progression of the disease means muscle atrophy, constant demyelination of the nerves in the brain resulting in reduced coordination and a constant reduction in functionality of certain organs and glands.

Back in August last year the ability of my body to function had obviously become very limited, I often fell and I’m amazed I didn’t do some serious damage, I could move around by furniture and wall walking but it was getting more and more difficult. Since then I’ve noticed hundreds of minor improvements, it’s funny how being able to pick a full glass of water up and drink from it without spilling, or standing and not wanting to immediately want to sit down, or flexing the toes on my left foot after 10 years of not being able feel them makes me so happy.

I’m 25 weeks into this, it’s not easy, it’s frustrating, it’s limiting in food choices and lots n lots of other reasons to stray, to lie to myself, which I did in the first two months…but the improvements I’m experiencing are massive justifications to do it properly. The other day I said I was 95% compliant, Janet and I talked and it appears that I’m not 95%, I’m 100%.

I know some others are struggling or not progressing as much as they hoped, think about it…. are there some foods you eat that you’d really like to be compliant but deep down you know they aren’t.

There are lots of people that have improved dramatically, so if you aren’t…think about, be honest with yourself.

Humble but very proud…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Humble but very proud.

During my four years as the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins who before his passing two years ago was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing. I’d read every book he’d written including numerous papers for various medical and dental authorities, such as the IOAMT. I sat in on most of his patient consultations during my first two years, so as you can imagine I was able to learn a lot, I felt very proud of myself when he asked me to take certain classes at the clinics that were held several times each year, when I say take classes I mean to host/teach the patients, admittedly they weren’t crucial but still… I felt honoured.

My point… I’m not your average, everyday, ho hum, run of the mill geezer. Each day was filled with telephone discussions and client consultations either in person or mainly on the phone but my days were filled with the dangers of modern dental practices and how the blood is negatively affected resulting in illness and disease.

I personally talked with more than 17,500 over the years, obviously the majority blended in to each other but there’s still about ten I remember by name, where they lived (State or country) and their particular health challenge.

One day in July 2009, I remember as it was a friends birthday, anyway reception called and asked if I could talk with an older lady that was very concerned about a family member, she introduced herself as Pat and proceeded to explain why she was worrying. My initial explanations revolved around amalgam fillings, the ones most people are told are silver. I explained that an amalgam filling before 1976 was 52% mercury then zinc, copper, tin and maybe 8% or 10%  silver, after “76” they became high copper amalgam, 33% mercury, tin and silver, less mercury but worse effects. The combination of dissimilar metals creates mini batteries in your teeth and emit electrical signals. “Pat” was extremely interested and asked lots of questions, I was in my element explaining the intricacies of body chemistry rebalancing, and spent a good 45 minutes with her, Dr Huggins wasn’t happy as I should have made that a paid consultation. At the end Pat spent several minutes telling me how grateful she was and that she was going to send me something, I honestly tried to deter her but she was adamant.

A few days later a parcel arrived from Hawaii, I didn’t open it until I got home and was pleasantly surprised to see five bottles of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, ACV drinks and Amino Acids plus three books. They were all by Paul C Bragg and Patricia Bragg, it was only when I opened the book on Fasting that I read the hand written note saying, “Thank you Stefan for spending so much time with me, Pat”

Imagine how I felt, I’d spent 45 minutes explaining body chemistry rebalancing and the dangers associated with dentistry to Patricia Bragg, N.D. PhD. The fact that she listened intently and asked so many questions, I sat reading her book and felt so humble and very proud.