
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

To a certain extent I can sympathize with the medical profession when it comes to dealing with patients that have multiple sclerosis because I know they want to help but their medical training has brainwashed them into believing those with this disease are sliding down a slippery slope with no chance of true recovery.
They aren’t stupid heartless people, far from it, they genuinely want to help and they honestly believe they are doing the best that’s possible.
Sadly that’s not true, because myself and thousands of others know differently, why? Because the Ann Boroch protocol has changed the lives of a large number who’ve been strong enough to persist in following this life changing program.
The protocol isn’t a “just do this”, and everything will be easy to fix, no, not at all…. Multiple sclerosis is a very difficult, sneaky, conniving beast, the 37 trillion cells that make your body have all been contaminated, they all communicate with each other. When you understand that this vast quantity are being “healed” at a rate of millions each day it makes sense that it takes years (4) to fully heal.
When done perfectly, which is nigh on impossible, the cells are healing at around 25 million each day, diversifying or slipping from the protocol obviously re-contaminates a portion which sets you back a bit. That happened to me recently, but that was only a temporary set back.
I don’t know this for certain but my thoughts are that as we move forward and experience improvements, the devious disease doesn’t want to let go, it’s found a great place to live, as in our body, so realizing this will kick and scream and cling onto anything and everything it can causing as much of a problem as possible, we know this as Die off…
Again, in my opinion, D.O. Isn’t a one off thing, it will happen at numerous stages, often when you are thinking that all is going well, then out of the blue it hits you like a lightning bolt but can disappear just as quickly, that happened to me Monday afternoon, but as I’m writing which is 11.30pm I’m feeling great again.
So, we know the disease is hideous, we know the ABP isn’t easy, but we also know it works, and very importantly in my case, I know I’m back on track and heading..
In the right direction

An option…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Not an option.
It seems that my two years experience in this protocol isn’t enough to stop me making silly mistakes, I’m sure everyone makes them at some point, but I’m annoyed with myself for making such a ridiculous error. I normally do a reasonable amount of research on a food product before actually eating it. I found a vegetable gravy powder that initially looked compliant. I think when I saw it was gluten free and yeast free I was so excited to try that I failed to look at the small print.
Anyway I had the vegetable gravy with some lamb mince which tasted great, I didn’t experience any significant bad effects initially so had it once a week for about a month, my bad…
Thinking it was good, or at least acceptable I shared it with the group which was wrong to do, so please accept my apologies, I’m sure the negative effects it was having will take a week or two to eliminate, I don’t think it’s stopped my progress so no worries.
The protocol is mainly about eliminating foods that have a detrimental effect on the trillions of cells in the body that form the basis of every organ, the glands and blood which in reality enable you to live.
I’m addition to that it’s important that we change our thinking and attitude to what we eat and drink,which in reality, mainly comes down to our taste buds, so often we all say things like “this sounds good but I just couldn’t live without my morning coffee” or whatever else sounds good.
So to my second and equally or even more important point, “attitude or mindset”….. The Ann Boroch protocol isn’t just some “fad”diet to help you lose a bit of weight, this is a complete game changer, it’s a lifestyle change… Why?? ….because what You… Not anyone else but you personally are attempting to do, is to save your life!!!
Depending on how important that is to you is relevant to whether you.. Or I succeed..
I made a silly error, which I’ve rectified, that gravy was so nice and really made some meals something I looked forward to, but it’s gone, it’s in the bin and as much as the taste appealed to me, as much as I loved eating it, it will never pass my lips again… Why?
Because I’m doing the ABP and failure is not an Optimen

Important enough…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Important enough…
Just over two years ago I faced everyday with determination but no real confidence or optimism about my future, there was bravado obviously stemming from my upbringing, I’m from Liverpool, born in the 50’s from a mother originally from Berlin. So a “Scouser” dad and a German mum and one of 7 kids always having to fight for anything I wanted made me a tough character…mentally of course.
I’ve written about my active sporting life, the skydiving, hang gliding, scuba diving, mountain biking, rock climbing and being a pilot. Did doing all those things make it easier for me to fight against multiple sclerosis? I don’t think so..
I’m some ways it was detrimental, having great memories and experiences to a certain extent made me feel “hard done by”… Y’know what I mean, “I’ve done all these things and been so physically active but now I’m useless”…
So regardless of my upbringing and “tough mentality” it was forcing me closer to acceptance of the inevitable defeat to what the medical profession deem to be an incurable disease.
But in August of 2017 I read about a woman called Ann Boroch who had apparently beaten multiple sclerosis, reading her book “Healing multiple sclerosis” changed my thinking and attitude, I now felt optimistic and had genuine hope.
The Ann Boroch protocol isn’t an easy thing to do, at least not during the first 6 or 8 months, after that it isn’t hard to stick to the dietary requirements. Over time I personally have found numerous compliant food’s which I find to be perfectly acceptable.
I’m just starting my 26th month and to a certain extent I take the improvements I now feel for granted, what I mean by that is sometimes feel a little sad, momentarily, when I’m not leaping forward, I’m not walking unaided, but then I give myself a good slapping, mentally of course. I tell myself I’m so much better than the doctors and medical professionals expected me to be, and this is a 4 year plan, so if I haven’t got worse, as was their prognosis, then two and a bit years on I must be so much better.
I considered myself a reasonably physical man, a bit of a adrenaline junkie, but in all honesty those things haven’t helped me in succeeding on this journey, I’ve still a long way to go, being who I am and having done what I’ve done actually made me feel sorry for myself initially.
What has and “is” helping me is the fact that in my opinion, being healthy again and ridding my body of this hideous disease is…
Important enough, to do what’s necessary

Someone can’t be everything….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Someone can’t be…
When I was originally diagnosed with this hideous disease which was in February of 2004, I was, as everyone else is, shocked, pissed off , sad, angry and a tad depressed, but right from the get go I knew I wasn’t going to take the so called medication which in reality is a drug pushing cash cow for big pharma.
At that time I’d been living in Colorado in the USA for two years, I’d moved there and married a Colorado native and planned to work hard, earn great money and enjoy the Rocky mountains.
Obviously part of that wasn’t going to happen, the hiking was the first to go, followed by my unfaithful wife, who obviously didn’t believe in certain marriage vows (in sickness and in health).
Anyway that’s all in the past, it’s gone and forgotten, since diagnosis I have spent a great deal of time and money on therapies, operations and pills in an attempt to find a way of removing this so called incurable disease from my body. I obviously did something right because I continued working full time for nearly eight years, no medication for MS has ever passed my lips which makes me very happy knowing that the senior neurologist at The Rose hospital in Denver gave me six months before a wheelchair would be a permanent thing in my life, that never happened.
Being a single man, that’s not exactly true, I live alone but hopefully not for long as the love of my life is in Argentina and is unlikely to be here with me for two years. So as has been since ’08’ I do everything as far as trying to heal myself, alone.
I try to research, read, surf the web, motivate, inspire, keep myself focused and mentally ease my concerns, fortunately being part of a brilliant group and knowing a few amazing people as well as having the best mum and sister a man could wish for, and having Gaby, I know that following and sticking to the Ann Boroch protocol that in two more years I’ll be healed or very close.
I’ve tried my best, I’ve done so much and I’ve realized that someone can’t be everything, but with a little help…
Everyone can be something

Short term…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Short term
I have been involved with treatment of illness for many years but let me make this clear, the following post is my opinion based on personal experience with patients, doctors, scientists plus reading hundreds of books on the subject, but as I say, it’s only my opinion.
If you search any official medical journal they will always make it very clear that the way of Allopathy or Allopathic medicine is to treat the symptom not the specific root cause. So essentially they are creating disharmony within the body, they treat symptoms with substances that cause the opposite reaction.
Where’as Ayurvedic medicine is used to address the root cause of the problem, this method along with Homeopathy definitely take longer, there’s no quick fix when it comes to correcting a serious problem somewhere within the 37 trillion cells.
The pharmaceutical industry, the main proponent of the allopathic way spend multi millions even billions worldwide in promoting their drugs, it’s done to mislead and misinform the public.
Admittedly their drugs often provide instant relief which to some people is enough, I personally want to “fix” my body even if it will take a lot longer. To me knowing that the problem has truly gone as opposed to just being swept under the carpet gives me greater satisfaction.
Why should you choose Ayurvedic or Homeopathy over Allopathy?
It has no side effects
#1. Homeopathic medicines are very mild, and are less unlikely to have any adverse effect – Made up of minerals and plants and given in highly diluted form, there are extremely rare chances of having any side effects.
#2. They do not affect the liver and gastrointestinal system– They are not as harsh or strong as allopathic medicines and are easy on the stomach and liver.
#3. They do not weaken the immunity of the body – Since homeopaths take into account the symptoms of an individual, they actually help to boost the child’s immunity.
#4. They do not contain any chemicals or artificial colors – They are composed of plants and minerals and this makes them completely safe for babies and children.
#5. They are easy to store. Just keep them in a cool dark place. You do not have to refrigerate them or make any effort while storing them.
#6. They are non-addictive– Since they do not have any chemicals or drugs, one doesn’t get addicted to them, as is the case with many allopathic medicines, especially cough syrups.
#7. Most importantly, the sweet tasting pills are easy to give to babies – Babies do not like the taste of conventional allopathic and antibiotic medicines. They readily take homeopathic sweet pills.

Homeopathy is approved by the FDA – US Food and Drug Administration
It has no side effects
It has been followed for at least 200 years
Homeopathy treats an entire individual

So my personal preference is fix the cause….
The medical experts and the pharmaceutical giants all state that certain diseases are incurable, the disease is so bad that creating an equally disturbing but opposite reaction in the body would be just too much, too hard for the body to cope, hence their prognosis of incurable.
Which brings me to what I’m doing now, I personally, as have thousands, successfully before me are using a specific method called the Ann Boroch protocol (ABP) which using a combination of nutrition, ayurvedic and homeopathic methods are correcting the disharmony within the body, it’s “healing” the 37 trillion cells that all react individually.
This is not the way for most people because it’s not easy, it’s not quick, but it’s real and corrects the root cause meaning life will be better…. Forever.
However, I appreciate that the majority of people just want a better quality of life, now, albeit short term.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I think being told you have a disease that the world’s medical experts consider to be incurable is a rather daunting thing, think about it….billions apparently has been spent on research over the past fifty years only resulting in “drugs” that ease some of the many symptoms.
So, as I’m sure everyone that hears about a young woman who completely healed herself of this so called incurable disease, there would be a large percentage of doubt present in their minds, as was in mine initially.
However, although the protocol she created clearly shows a lot of pain and discomfort in the early days it became very obvious to me that all the ridiculous explanations given by those that should know, a.k.a.the doctors, were untrue.
Am I saying that all medical professionals are lying?….. No I’m not, but what I am saying is that they themselves have been mislead…the incredibly powerful and influential makers of damaging, addictive drugs designed specifically to treat symptoms are the real bad guys. What I personally think is despicable is how big pharma have become a financial giant by blatantly lying and misleading the sick and general population.
The young woman was Ann Boroch and the method she used and by thousands since is called the Ann Boroch protocol or the ABP for short, sadly I have to refer to Ann in the past tense as she’s no longer with us R.I.P. It wasn’t MS that took her life and it certainly wasn’t self inflicted as big pharma would have you believe, I can’t obviously name names but if you use your common sense and think who or what benefited when she wasn’t there to genuinely help people to heal as opposed to existing on drugs then I’m sure you’ll understand.
Twenty five months along my forty eight month journey and I’m very happy and positive about my healing, how do I know?, because I’m following the guidelines, sticking to the protocol and experiencing improvements daily…
That’s how…

Note: the protocol, the ABP is used by thousands of unique individuals that have MS or one of many other diseases and because of this the healing happens accordingly


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I started on the Ann Boroch protocol in September 2017 because I honestly believed I wanted to be healthy again, do I think I’m better or more deserving than the millions of other MS sufferers?…. No… But in reality no-one deserves to suffer with this hideous disease.
So when I read “Healing multiple sclerosis” I just knew I’d have to try my best, actually that’s not true, I knew I had to do it, not try, to try is always giving yourself the option of giving up because it was just too hard.
Nothing good or great or fantastic is easy to achieve , if it was then no-one in the world would have a disease and everyone would be healthy and fantastically wealthy.
As an aside note, I have the greatest respect for the medical profession per se, it’s the pariahs known as big Pharma that are ruining lives, there’s me ranting and getting distracted.
As anyone on the ABP knows the first few months are hard, and I’m sure the majority of those that gave up, did so during the first three months, because after that it’s so much easier and so rewarding as the improvements happen.
Regardless of the speed junkie, thrill seeking lifestyle I had before the worst symptoms of MS started, I absolutely believe that restoring health is definitely achievable if you’re willing to do what’s necessary and if being healthy means enough.
It does mean enough to me, I will do what’s necessary and I Will once again be healthy, how do I know, because my name is Stefan and I don’t give up,
That’s Why


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The celebration that happens on he anniversary of your birthday is traditionally a time of happiness, as I’ve moved beyond the age of those special achievement’s such as the 21st birthday which for me was a very long time ago, even my 40th or the dreaded 50th are distant memories.
So these days are nothing special anymore, they’ve just days.
Today however is different.. Today is my sixty fourth birthday…. Considering that as a 16 year old I really didn’t expect to make it to 50, at that time I’d done nearly a thousand skydives, I was a hang glider, scuba diver, mountain biker, rock climber and a pilot plus a lot of other things, so I’ve done much more than I expected.
But this day has much more meaning to me because my health is improving daily which obviously makes me very happy and optimistic for the future.
It’s not just my physical health that’s improving, it’s my attitude, my emotional well-being that’s take a massive step forward because something has happened that I thought would never happen.
What could that be?….
I’m so lucky to be genuinely loved and in love with an amazing and beautiful woman, and I can say this makes me very happy..

How do I feel ?

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

How do I feel?
The end of my 25th month is only 8 days away and the progress I’m making is going to plan, on saying that, I honestly believe that the disease had taken an extremely firm grip before I started the protocol so to have achieved the progress I’ve had is in my opinion, extremely good.
Over the last three or four days I feel I’ve taken a big step forward, I’m nowhere near as tired as I was only a month ago, and then I was significantly better than the previous year. I get frustrated with myself because I constantly try to do more than my MS body is capable off. I have to keep reminding myself that I’m still sick… There is part of my brain that keeps remembering what I did and forgets it’s not what I can do now. So it’s annoying when I find myself in a precarious position, gripping the handrails or door frame as if my life depended on it because I know I’ve tried to do more than I should and I’m about to collapse and crash and burn. So healing the body, the brain and removing the toxins that have accumulated and taken up permanent residence is a long term project. It’s happening, of that there isn’t a smidgen of doubt. Doing this as we know is a long process, it’s clearly documented and proven….. Yes Proven.
Healing the body, happens… re-educating muscle memory will require a less stubborn mind, which I have…
So after two years and one month, how do I feel….
Good…….very good!!!!!

There’s no…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

There’s no…
As I mentioned in my previous post the prognosis from the last two neurologists were very different, the first in 2012 after I’d returned from the USA told me there was nothing that could be done, a sort of “get your affairs in order”. She told me that I was Stage 4… and there was no medication that could help. The last I saw in 2016 said.. “Keep doing what you’re doing because it’s helping”…
At that time I was using the knowledge I’d gained over a four year period working for the late Dr Hal Huggins, this was not MS specific but it was to return the body chemistry to homeostasis.
When I started following the Ann Boroch protocol in September 2017, I struggled big time initially as everyone will do. Living alone and at a perilous stage made my challenge so much harder but I’d made a commitment to myself and no hideous disease was going to get the better of me.
I don’t consider myself better than anyone else, but I do know I lived an incredibly physical life prior to MS and in order for me to return to that state, albeit 20 years later I would have to be strong mentally.
Following the protocol can be hard, a little boring from a dietary standpoint, it can be frustrating, it will take you to a very demanding and challenging place, it asks very hard personal questions, but trust me when I say it’s definitely worth it and there’s definitely no room for doubts. How is it done? Do it right…
There’s no if’s or buts…