
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Butter or margarine..

From a health standpoint, there is an enormous difference between eating butter and margarine. The only reason to choose margarine would be that you actually prefer the taste to that of butter, and budget is limited. If you don’t want to eat butter for whatever reason, don’t make it worse by eating margarine. With margarine you are just adding one more toxic factor into your bodily environment-a factor that could easily be avoided.

When viewed under a microscope margarine is very close to plastic in its composition, so would you spread plastic on your bread, I don’t think so.

If you were to leave a tub of margarine and a tub of butter in your garden for a few days, what you’d find is that all the butter had been consumed by insects and animals. Whereas the margarine would be untouched even animals and insects wouldn’t touch it.

So I ask you to look differently at the ad’s promoting the plastic they want you to believe is edible, ok yes it is edible but it’s certainly not healthy.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Looking at the situation I find myself in, or in fact that of anyone suffering with this disease and in my case knowing I’m almost nine months into following the ABP.. the Ann Boroch Protocol, I consider myself to be a very, very lucky man.
Ok let’s step back in time, even just a year, if someone came to me, an MS sufferer for thirteen years at that time, and categorically stated… that if I were to strictly adhere to a plan that I would be healed in four years or less, I think I’d have been so excited but very sceptical about it. As it happens, a friend of mine, Mary in a little town in Wisconsin in the U.S. sent a link to a news story about the mysterious death of Ann Boroch who had healed herself of MS in only four years.
So I bought one of her books “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” and read it in a couple of days. Now it was obvious to me that this was something I had to do. I posted my excited thoughts on Facebook and started to list the additional supplements I’d need and noted foods I could and couldn’t eat.
The next day I received a message on Facebook from someone called ‘Janet Orchard who explained about her connection to the late Ann Boroch and her own personal progress using what is known as the ABP… Any concerns, doubts or scepticism I had completely disappeared, then on September 1st 2017 I embarked on what I know will be the hardest but most rewarding journey of my life.
So back to the question/statement about healing within four years, in hindsight, there is absolutely no need to feel sceptical, I personally think the journey can be split into percentages, my thoughts not a guarantee put into my head by anyone else, just my guesstimation… if I’m sticking rigidly to the protocol.
Year one… 10% improvement, then an additional… 20% in year two, another 30% in year three with the last 40% in year four. After eight and a half months I can easily count 25/30 things that are better, not brilliantly obvious to others but so reassuring to me.
Doing the ABP requires four things, absolute confidence, faith, patience and time.

What are Cavitations…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I’ve thought long and hard about writing this article, not because it isn’t true but because I know there will be some very shocked people who will doubt what I have to say, but more than anything else this is an article that has to be paid attention to. So what is a cavitation? And why should we all be worried about them. Ok I’ll start by telling you that your teeth attach to the bone via a periodontal ligament. This ligament is formed by six different types of strands that grow between the tooth and the bone, three types grow from the tooth and three types grow from the bone. There are thousands of them all intermeshing to form a shock absorber between the tooth and the bone. When the dentist removes a tooth, part of the ligament, primarily the strands that grow down from the tooth are removed, however the strands that grow from the bone tend to stay attached to the bone and remain in the socket. There is a very complex network throughout your body, passing signals to the brain and organs, the network in your mouth sees that there is still a periodontal ligament, so the message being relayed to the brain is that there is still a tooth. The bone at the end or top of the socket where there isn’t any ligament knows there isn’t a tooth so that part grows over and forms a void in the bone, an airless pocket. Inside this void, is periodontal ligament strands that are decaying, as this happens bacteria grows, not just any bacteria but anaerobic bacteria that can thrive in the absence of air. In the research done by Dr Huggins a couple of decade’s ago, he found bacteria more toxic than Botulism and Tetanus. Now think about yourself or a family member that had a tooth extracted, how is your/their health, so many people go through their lives not realising that the reason they are suffering is because of something in their mouth or teeth specifically. Sadly the biological or holistic dentist isn’t necessarily aware of what a cavitation is, in fact most dentists will tell you they don’t exist. So how do you clean out a cavitation if you have them? and if you’ve had a tooth extracted there is a 99% chance you have them. Well you’ll need to see a dentist that has been through the official training with Dr Huggins, there are about 150 in the USA, probably 5 in the UK, and maybe 10 scattered throughout Australia and South East Asia. I don’t know exactly but I can only hope there are others that have familiarised themselves in his protocols.

Up to you….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Up to you…
When something has been proven, actions that change the way the human body, it’s organs, glands, blood and the trillions of cells react to those changes, it’s now a proven fact…. it’s not an opinion, its fact regardless of who has shown you, that part doesn’t make a difference, a fact is a fact. I consider the years I spent working for Dr Hal Huggins to be the most blessed and influential of my life. I physically saw and experienced some truly amazing things, witnessed life changing things, literally life changing, I’m sure there will be people that will read this who were actual recipients or the providers and it wasn’t neurosurgeons that performed that work, no, it was done by two or three dentists that had worked very closely with Dr Huggins. Dr Stuart Nunnally in Texas and Dr Blanche Grube in Pennsylvania the primary ones. They both dramatically changed the lives of numerous patients, including mine by the way… So when I say there are things, dentistry that has to be done in a specific way, whether it’s the sequential removal of amalgam fillings or the millimetre of bone that has to be drilled out after tooth extraction to avoid creating a cavitation, it’s fact… simple as that… I so often hear the words, “but he’s done it hundreds of times and he knows what he’s doing”…. he/she may have done it hundreds of times, but not necessarily safely. Over a 30 + year period Dr Huggins painstakingly perfected methods used in dentistry that went on to change, improve and save the life of thousands.
When amalgams are removed not following the correct sequential order as categorically proven by Dr Huggins, then 63% if patients develop an autoimmune disease at some point.
A tooth is held in place by the periodontal ligament, there are 6 different types and thousands of them, three growing from the tooth and three growing from the bone. Often when extracted, some ligament remain, if the dentist doesn’t clean out the socket correctly and ensures all ligament is gone, the body thinks the tooth is still in the socket. The bone and gum above heals and forms a “Cavitation”… an airless void in the bone.
I personally am not a dentist and have never done any dental work, but I do have a good understanding of the methods needed for safe dentistry, believe what I say… or don’t, it’s up to you.

So lucky to be me…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

So lucky.
When I was diagnosed with this hideous disease, I’d been living and working in Denver, Colorado for two years, I was married and had a great and well paid job. Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis wherever you are is never a good thing but having made the monumental decision to move 5,000 miles away and get married to a woman I barely knew then only two years later to be told was devastating. I refused the help of conventional doctors and set about the supposedly impossible quest of healing myself. Shortly after I was to meet and become the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins, this was to have a massive impact on what I would do and how I would do it. The knowledge and experience I gained helped me and literally thousands of others that I was blessed to come into contact with. I can honestly say that meeting and working with so many leaders and innovators in the field of natural health is something I will always cherish and be so grateful for.
The disease I have, multiple sclerosis in 99% of the cases takes sufferers down a very painful, frustrating and depressing road and as my carers that I see for 1 hr per day have all pointed out that the difference in how I am in comparison to other people they help with MS is like night and day.
Do I have MS… yes
Have I lost everything financially.. yes
But what I do have is genuine quantifiable reasons to believe I’m well on the way to healing myself by following the tried and tested method by Ann Boroch… the ABP.
I am so proud that I had the mental strength and confidence to refuse to take the debilitating drugs they tried their hardest to make me take, the doctors, neurologist’s and other medical professionals all gave me a zero chance of survival let alone healing myself.
Getting multiple sclerosis is horrible but when all said and done I’m so lucky to be me.

My passion…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

My passion.

Personally I firmly believe that we should all have a goal in life, I think I’ve had some wonderful experiences that I’m grateful for, being able physically to have done what I’ve done, also to have travelled, met and worked with some beautiful people. Life now is very different and my goal in life, my passion is to change my current situation so I use my history, my experiences, my adventures as an aim for the future, I feel blessed to be able to draw on them and tell myself that’s what I will be able to do again. Now is now, it’s not perfect but it’s acceptable as what I have, if I’d done things differently I’d be an awful lot worse off than I am now so I’m grateful.

Living as I do now, my health and the life I have, I see as just a stepping stone to where I’m going, I’m in a holding pattern, it’s temporary, I’m not unhappy or anxious about it because this is where I am, not where I’ll be in an undetermined time, it might be 18 months or 3 years but that time doesn’t matter because it’s the journey I’ve chosen.

I’ve no interest whatsoever in diversifying or distracting my focus on the most important goal I’ve ever had, anything that could potentially jeopardize that, cannot take any of my time, not an hour, hell, not a freaking minute until I’ve achieved what I’m committed to. When I succeed there’ll be plenty of time to do those things, to socialise etc but for now my passion is one thing and one thing only, my health.

It’s not just me…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Not just me.

Back in September last year when I started this life changing journey, it was hard, at that time and during the first two months I really struggled because for 23 hours each day I’m alone and there were times I was experiencing major problems. As we all know specifically in the early stages as the body is going through the most radical changes of adapting to foods that help instead of hinder, antifungals that attempt to eliminate candida, yeast, fungus and parasites, a good or great day is often followed by a day that puts our mind and body through extreme challenges. It’s hard for everyone I know, but even harder when you’re alone as is in my case. I’ve said before and I maintain my view, I’m never lonely or depressed even at those horrible times when I’ve fallen out of bed at 3 a.m. It’s strange, but after I’ve recovered and think back at how bad it was and how much better I feel, I’m proud of myself. I think of what Ann Boroch went through to achieve what she did and the guidance and encouragement I’ve received from Janet. They’ve helped undoubtedly, but at the end of the day whether I succeed or fail is down to me and I’ve told myself a thousand times that I will win and I’m not going back on my word. I love putting my thoughts and feelings in writing, telling it like it is, the protocol works and I have to continue doing what’s right, ignore temptation, don’t deviate and I will succeed, this has to be done because I want to have my life back. I know I’m alone, but when I’m  fighting this battle it’s not just me I’m fighting for, it’s everyone on this same battle.

My philosophy…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

My philosophy in life has always been based on this: “if you are standing still then in life you’re going backwards”..meaning that life goes on regardless of your thoughts or situation, I saw it as if I’m in exactly the same place tomorrow with exactly the same things, I’d be worse off. I’d be older, I’d have less time to enjoy life, I’d have used time, money and energy so I’d have less of everything.

My life dramatically changed in February 2004, because I was diagnosed with a hideous, so called incurable disease, so I did my best to prove the neurologist wrong and heal myself naturally. For eight years I did well, I’d had a full dental revision by Dr Blanche Grube who at the time was the president of the IABDM, a brilliant dentist in Scranton, PA. I also went to Varna in Bulgaria to have CCSVI and as I’ve previously mentioned I tried at least 50 other things including Bee venom therapy as per Pat Wagner otherwise known as The Bee Lady.

Because I’d worked for the late Dr Hal Huggins for nearly 4 years I’d obviously been strictly following his nutritional program.

Getting to my point… September 1st was the start of my new life, reading “Healing Multiple Sclerosis then adopting the nutritional and supplemental protocol has totally changed my outlook on life and my life philosophy.  I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis which they say is incurable, they categorically stated that I would get worse everyday. So the way I see it is that the disease and me are getting older, I’m not getting worse, so the way I see it is, yes I’m standing still but I’m not going backwards so that must mean I’m getting better, does that make sense to you?…

Lipospheric Vit C…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Several years ago I was fortunate to be one of the early users of Lipspheric Vitamin C, this was because I was working for Dr Hal Huggins a good friend of Dr Thomas Levy a pioneer of this product.

I thought leaving the US and being back here in England meant there would be no way I’d be able to afford let alone get Lipospheric Vit C again, you can imagine the shock and absolute joy to find it on Amazon for the same price.

Vitamin-C is probably the most overlooked and underrated vitamin, the reason for this is quite simple. It’s cheap, very readily available, it works in a multitude of positive ways oh and the biggest reason is that Big Pharma can’t make billions of dollars ripping off innocent people.

Now don’t rush out and buy copious amounts of Vitamin C to throw down your throat, please read this chapter and have a better understanding of how this incredible vitamin can improve your life.

Taking vitamin c orally in large doses will more than likely induce diarrhea, I personally take 10g’s per day, I didn’t just jump up to 10 grams, I started with 1g per day and did that for a few days then gradually increased the dose by 1g every few days until I was taking 10g’s per day.

Dr Levy who I’ll talk about in more detail recommends taking between 7-15g’s per day, and Dr Huggins says that by taking just 3g’s per day will mean it’s unlikely you will ever have a cold or the flu again.

I’ll start by telling you about this incredible man, Thomas E Levy, MD, JD. Wonderful combination, doctor and lawyer, now I think he has a very good understanding of what he can and can’t say.

A product Dr Levy promotes very strongly is Lypo-Spheric Vit-C; this comes in small 1g packs. You might remember earlier I talked about small doses of Vit-C and how that’s not very effective. Well this comes in a liposomal form, a gel that is absorbed in the small intestine so it has the same effect as 8.25 grams of regular vitamin c. You can get this product which I strongly recommend from Livon Labs..



What Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, says about Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C

“Comparing the bioavailability of all other oral vitamin C delivery with your oral liposomal delivery is like comparing a squirt gun to a fire hose. Not only am I convinced that the efficacy of Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C far surpasses any traditional oral vitamin C supplement, but my recent personal experience with it suggests that it may sometimes be better than IV injection.”

So what are liposomes, exactly?

Liposome ArticlesLiposome-Encapsulated Products

Liposomes are belayed (double-layer), liquid-filled bubbles made from phospholipids. Over 50 years ago, researchers discovered that these spheres could be filled with therapeutic agents and used to protect and deliver these agents into the body and even into specific cells of the body.
The belayed structure of liposomes is nearly identical to the belayed construction of the cell membranes that surround each of the cells in the human body. This occurs because of the unique composition of phospholipids. The phosphate (source of “phospho” in phospholipid) head of phospholipids is hydrophilic — it loves water — whereas the fatty-acid tails (lipids) are hydrophobic — they hate water.
Liposome  containing vitamin C. Currently liposome-encapsulation is the best oral way  to deliver vitamin C known to man.
When phospholipids find themselves in a water-based solution, the hydrophobic tails quickly move to distance themselves from the liquid just like oil separates from vinegar. So, as all the tails turn inward and all the heads turn toward the liquid, they form a double-layered membrane with all the tails pointing toward one another and the heads facing the outside or the inside of the sphere that they have formed.

Now let’s go back in time to the last century, the 1940’s, Dr Frederick Klenner, a general practitioner specializing in disease of the chest.  A man was brought into the hospital with encephalitis which at that time was another of the incurable diseases.

The hospital basically said “there is nothing we can do for him, put him into the ward, he’ll be dead in two days.

Dr Klenner suggested that he could help him; you can imagine the response from the other doctors. Anyway Dr Klenner gave him 5,000 mg of vitamin c intravenously three times each day for three days. On the fourth day he was discharged from hospital and on the fifth day he went back to work

I originally wrote this article several years ago.

Confusing…but not….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Confusing… but not.

When any of us with this disease decides to embark on a protocol that could supposedly change our life for the better, it is without a doubt the most exciting and daunting thing ever. Most of us will have had this debilitating disease for a number of years and most likely be extremely limited and restricted in our physical functionality. I personally think I’m lucky because I never took any of the prescribed drugs which wether you can accept or not all have seriously long term almost irreversible side effects.

My attitude that was partly created by my work with Dr Hal Huggins and partly just because I’m me, has always been to address the cause and to do it naturally.

Getting back to my point, this protocol, the ABP, created by Ann Boroch who painstakingly healed herself over a four year period, does what it does little by little and that in itself can be a little confusing, but not…

The symptoms of MS are many and are caused by the inability of the blood, glands and organs to function as intended. Over a number of years and that will vary with everyone of us because of the severity of individual symptoms and our dedication plus a thousand other reasons we will clear the Candida, the fungus, the yeast, the parasites that exacerbate the disease. The confusing part is that it seems we are getting better one day only to feel as if we’re taking a step backwards the next. That’s the confusing part but in reality it’s not….it’s hard to try and look at this with an unbiased view, but think about it….. you… me…. didn’t go to bed one night perfectly healthy then wake up the next morning with multiple sclerosis, it took several years for the symptoms to get as bad as they are and the same logic applies to the opposite end of the scale. We feel better and to a certain extent try to act as we’d like to, often doing more than our body is capable of, then negating the improvement and psychologically feeling worse.

The lesson we should all learn and act on is that healing will happen,  and contrary to what we individually think, want or expect… our incredible body knows best.