Not something…
I’ve been very lucky to have travelled so much over the years, many countries, 23 to be precise, in the late 90’s I spent nearly three years in 3 month spells in Florida and I loved the American way of life, so much so that I went to live there. Not Florida but Colorado which is considered by many Coloradans to be America’s best kept secret, the Rockies are just breathtakingly beautiful. Denver, the mile high city, aptly named is where I worked for 4 years, then Colorado springs for nearly seven years.
It does have a lot of snow, duh!!!… between November and March and it does get cold, the worst I experienced was -30c….brrr, but the rest of the time it’s warm.. then hot and warm again.. it wasn’t unusual to have many months of 35c.
Something that almost always came up in conversation about England was our pathetic summer’s, I’d tell people about the doozie in 76, slightly different now though…
These past months have been terrible for those of us with MS and I’m sure just as hard to cope with for many others with or without disease..
2018 will be looked at very positively by lots of people but rest assured it’s not something I want to experience again, oh and by the way, can you tell, I’m back!!!
Follow up..
The first thing I’ll say is that this incredible book I’ve just read is far and away the most insightful, inspirational and downright amazing explanation of how to beat disease…. Caveat…but certainly not as specifically geared to beating multiple sclerosis as my “lifetime bible… Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch.l
However what I will also say is that in my opinion when some of the recommendations are combined with the ABP, I believe our journey can be shortened…
The book… The Plant Paradox… by Steven R Gundry…
Several of his recommendations regarding foods to eat have to be adapted to fit in with AB’s guide, but those are easily done and will not be detrimental to either protocol, as I previously wrote, he makes a statement, it’s not “You are what you eat”.. it’s more a case of “You are what the thing you ate, ate…. so many cows, sheep, pigs etc are fed corn, soy and other non compliant foods, including steroids and anti biotic’s… so as he puts it, you might as well be eating a four legged ear of corn when you’re eating some beef, not all, not open pasture, grass fed cows.
There are four rules, I’ll not go into them all, but rule #1…what you stop eating is more important than what you start eating.
He says that it’s not what you eat that heals you, it’s what you don’t eat…
As I was reading the book I was constantly shocked, yes shocked because it goes against 90% of what I thought I knew, now remember, I’ve been an avid believer in good nutrition all my life, I was the client service director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing for nearly 4 years, I’ve been strictly following Ann Boroch and her protocol.. in my 12th month, so as some Americans say, “this isn’t my first rodeo”..
There are 4 rules, as I said, and 3 distinct phases… I’m only 2 days into the 3 days of the first and I have to say, I’ve never…. never, experienced so much of a positive overall feeling as I do now… I’m blown away… really.
In my mind the changes could never have happened if I hadn’t already done so much of the hard groundwork previously with the ABP…so my thoughts, not recommendations, my thoughts are that sticking religiously to the ABP which has been specifically and successfully used to heal multiple sclerosis and incorporating Dr Gundry’s suggestions is the way to go.
Game changer…..
I, like many others had a few good days in July as it looked as though the almost unrecognizable heatwave appeared to dissipate, then it didn’t creep back, no it came back with fanfare and marching band’s with drums and trumpets blaring.. oh crap…
Again, like many others I suffered big time, I’ve been getting a few hours in the early morning and a couple in the afternoon that I’m not in bed, but I know what works, so not an issue…
My point… a friend of mine in Florida told me she had read a book that was changing her life, on hearing about it, I did some research then downloaded it onto my Kindle, I read it from start to finish in 2 days and considering the detail I think I absorbed most of the important points.
Now anyone that’s read any of my posts will know without a shadow of doubt that I’m a 100% believer in Ann Boroch and her protocol, however, after reading this new book I believe that there are aspects that can enhance what we’re already doing, I’ll go as far to say that this will speed up the process. Something in the book refers to a phrase we’ve all heard “You are what you eat”.. this goes further and says ” You are what the thing you ate, ate”.
That last statement is so relevant when you think about it, I’ll explain more in my next post, and hopefully you’ll understand that this is a “game changer” ….
Those words…….
When talking to friends or family and hearing those words,.. the ones that could be… “Passed…. No longer with us …Deceased……No longer living….. Not alive anymore….Dead…Murdered” ….. whichever description is shared, it’s never going to be easy to take, it’s never going to lessen the initial blow. Obviously the last one in Ann’s case has never been proven so we can’t legally make that statement..
When that dreadful thing happens to 99.9% of people it’s sad, it’s heartbreaking to those nearest and dearest, in Ann Boroch’s case it had a negative impact on thousands, even hundreds of thousands potentially…..
So on August 1st 2018, one year after that dreadful day should we cry and be mad at the injustice…. to a certain extent yes, but nothing we say or do can change what’s happened, so rather than thousands filling our personal air with negativity, we should all give thanks that we know of an amazing, beautiful person, a woman dedicated to helping others rid their body of a debilitating disease. I didn’t know her personally, but having read her books and heard from someone that did know her, I believe we should all feel blessed that we are able to experience and share her efforts, her dedication that is now, and will continue to change lives..
On August 1st I personally will think of myself as very lucky to have indirectly known her, and to recognize and acknowledge her achievements as a certified nutritional consultant, naturopath, educator and speaker…a lover of life… Ann Boroch, I salute you….R.I.P.
The summer of 2018 will be remembered as a scorcher, a summer only us oldies will remember as hotter than the doozie of ’76’…. which in all honesty was the best as in not as long or humid, but for some, this summer won’t be fondly remembered. If, like me you have Multiple Sclerosis then the unrelenting heat and humidity isn’t just uncomfortable or makes you spray deodorant on every couple of hours, no, it’s much more than that, it personally makes me feel as though every ounce of strength has been sucked out of my body, rendering my arms and legs as bags of skin hanging off my body.
I can honestly say that if this heatwave had been in 2017 before I started the Ann Boroch Protocol then I really don’t think I’d have survived, and No, that’s not an exaggeration….
However, when I take stock of my own personal situation, I realise just how lucky I am, I’ve been feeling really good for the first four or five hours until it hits me like a lightning bolt and the transition happens. Fortunately I’ve had my morning drinks which is about 3 litres by then also lunch and supplements so going to my bed for a few hours is my best course of action, no biggie…
There are many others that are in a much harder situation to deal with, their MS has a greater control over their body and they’re affected much worse than I am, that could be for a variety of reasons such as newer to the protocol, not on the protocol, the drugs they’ve used in the past, or a hundred other things, so like I said, I’m grateful to be where I am in the great scheme of things.
Looking at the big picture, which is the only way… this heatwave and humidity won’t last forever……. it’s England… so because I’m just about to close out my eleventh month and the ABP is doing what it does, I’m a step closer to genuine health and happy…..
I’ll start this post by stating that the ABProtocol is far and away the best and in my experience the only way to truly recover any real form of life after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis or any other of the many so called incurable diseases, I’ll just clarify that statement by saying the ABP doesn’t address every disease but there are many it does, and that’s simply my opinion….
When making the initial commitment after reading Healing Multiple Sclerosis I really didn’t truly understand how tough it would be, none of us did, but at the end of the day, regaining health is worth any sacrifice or discomfort. Looking back as I’m just about to complete my eleventh month, I’m amazed at how strong I was to get through the first two months, on saying that, I have to express my heartfelt gratitude to Janet Orchard for her help and guidance.
If this weather, the heat and humidity had been last year before starting this I really don’t think I could have got through it unscathed, it’s been a real pig for me but I’ve been able to cope… so far.
About six weeks ago I started taking CBD oil and it definitely helped, not massively but I noticed a difference, after reading several comments mainly from Juergen about the full spectrum oil I’d done a lot of research and searching for a reasonably priced UK supplier, I eventually found one and decided to give it a try.
I was quite apprehensive and nervous, that might seem ridiculous to some people, but I’ve never taken, injected or smoked any drug, I took .5 ml on Thursday evening then another .5 ml Friday morning. If I said I felt good physically I’d be lying because I felt way better that that, even the depressing heat didn’t slow me down. It’s not as if I was the complete opposite, I wasn’t on a “high” at least I don’t think I was, but my mobility as limited as it is, was easier and more fluid, if that makes sense.
I’m writing this at 11p.m. Friday, that’s about 15 hours after that minimal amount so this is being written from memory alone.
Needless to say I’m looking forward to continuing with this.
Not the same.
I try to put myself in a positive state of mind from the get go , as I become aware of myself, you know what I mean, when your eyes are still closed but you know that you’re not asleep anymore….. well I start to tell myself that I’m going to feel great today even before I’ve actually tried moving. Yes I suppose it’s sort of brainwashing myself but I believe the mind plays a massive part in our healing, if I tell myself that I’m going to be strong and more capable today, then I will, won’t I… sometimes my mind isn’t quite strong enough….. yet, although I do feel good for several hours at least and that’s got to be good. I’m obviously not as good as I’d like to be but I’m a “work in progress” and it’ll happen…
I’m writing this at 6.30 a.m. Thursday morning and I’ve been awake for an hour, I’ve gone through my normal morning rituals, the meditation and mantras but something’s different, I can’t put my finger on it exactly but for some reason it’s not the same…I feel more physically aware of my toes, my limbs and my body in general, my typing seems easier, I’m making far fewer mistakes, not having to constantly “backspace” to correct the the fact I’ve been hitting the wrong letters.
I’ve commented before about making improvements in the past and there’s no doubt I’ve done that, today feels like I’ve taken another step, a bigger one this time, I know it’s still early, 7.05 now and I’ve not got out of bed yet, but it feels good.
There’s lots of people that are just starting on this protocol and going through what we all do, difficult, painful and frustrating times, but it’s necessary to do it properly, it’s part of the healing process, I know it’s annoying but don’t get despondent, stick to it and believe it will happen. My first two months were really hard for me, falling regularly and feeling really weak is tough when you live alone but I just kept telling myself that I would not be beaten, and I’m so pleased that my stubborn attitude is paying dividends now.
Half way through my eleventh month on this protocol, obviously in my wildest dreams I didn’t hope and would never have imagined that I’d be healed at this point, and No I’m not, it would have been ridiculous if that had been in my thoughts in August last year when I first read “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch. My wish was that if I was ever so lucky, if God smiled on me and if…. if I was able to follow the strict guidelines then, maybe, just maybe I’d be in a slightly better condition than I was at that time.
Yes I’ve been asked and placed into a responsible position within this amazingly special group, yes I give advice to newbies, yes I comment on questions and hopefully those comments and guidelines I pass on are helpful. But that doesn’t change my own condition, I still have this hideous disease, I can painfully and very awkwardly lean on furniture and walls to move around my flat, although that completely exhausts me especially knowing I have to get to the loo 20 times each day, but there have so many small, subtle and really nice changes.
So after 46 weeks and 3 days of following this strict dietary program and living with the sacrifices, the frustrating never ending temptations, the early falls, the constant daily 3 hour weakness, how would I describe this… Strange..Yes.. Different… Yes…. worth pursuing….ABSOLUTELY..
Say what I do..
I’m one of those people that has strong beliefs, I’m sure there are people that either love my attitude or really dislike it but I am who I am.. I’ve gained a good understanding of natural health and nutrition because of who I worked for, I was very fortunate to have worked very closely with Dr Hal Huggins when I lived in Colorado, someone I had the utmost respect for and loved like a father, he could be cantankerous on occasions but he was a brilliant man.
Some of my knowledge and experience has stood me in good stead in my lifelong quest for healing, however, I seemed to be in a holding pattern to a certain extent, the disease wasn’t progressing as conventional doctors had predicted but it just didn’t seem like there was any genuine possibility of actually healing.
That was the case prior to September last year which is when after reading “Healing multiple sclerosis” by Ann Boroch and chatting with Janet Orchard I started the Ann Boroch Protocol (ABP) and quite frankly, my attitude, my opinion and my life has changed so much.
The weather here in England has been fantastic for 99% of the population but horrible for me, the heat and humidity transform me from someone feeling great in the morning to having the strength of a baby in the afternoon. It’s at those times when I struggle big time, it’s as if what strength I had was sucked out of me, trying to get to the bedroom which would take an able bodied person 5 seconds can take 10 minutes, 10 minutes that totally exhaust me. I’m not complaining or making out that it’s harder for me than anyone else with MS because it’s not.
I know that with the knowledge and experience gained in Colorado and studying the Ann Boroch Protocol, I have what it takes to beat this. There’s no room for procrastination or to stray from what works… no “woe is me” or “I’ll just do this or that once, it’ll be ok”, no, in order to succeed, which I will, I have to say what I’ll do and do what I say….
Still Stefan.
I’m a dad, a brother, an uncle, a friend and many other things, I’ve lived an interesting life so far, travelled to many countries around the world and had some incredible experiences with those people, we’ve laughed a lot and cried a bit as well. I was 48 when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a disease that took away the life I had, so yes I do have a life threatening disease and it’s horrible to think I’ve struggled big time and lost fifteen years of my life, but guess what… I’m still a dad, brother, uncle, friend… I’m still Stefan….