Not….what you aren’t going to do…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Not what you aren’t going to do.
To a certain extent most people, including me have been going about this the wrong way….
People often say..”I’m not going to eat dairy anymore, or I’m not going to eat sugar anymore or whatever they decide is bad for them…. sadly this is the wrong way to go about achieving a goal…
My goal for instance is the be healthy again, my goal is to no longer have Multiple sclerosis…
There are four S’s involved..
Sacrifice… going without certain foods.
Struggle…more of a mental thing, constantly justifying to yourself.
Suffering…the pain and frustration..
The first three are painful and often make you doubt yourself, your thoughts and what you’re doing, but the fourth… oh the fourth… Success.. wow… that is worth all of the first three put together.
The way to go about this, is to firstly make a commitment to yourself, not to anyone else, just to you… the commitment is to never use excuses, there’s no ” I could have if only..” or “if it wasn’t for them or it, I’d have done this…
Then believe…. not hope or wish… that doesn’t come into play, it’s just 100% belief. Your goal.. my goal is not going to be that I’m stopping this or that…my goal is I Will be Healthy, I Will be free of disease and in order to do that,
l Will do Whatever is necessary..

So what’s easy…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

So what’s easy?…eating your favourite meal or snack or chocolate bar, or drinking that really tasty can of coke or Pepsi or mountain dew or whatever appeals to your tastebuds… “so what” people say ! “If it’s not good because those weird people say so, big deal !!! we’ve all got to die sometime, so might as well enjoy life until it happens”….. So what else is easy?…. getting sick is so easy, you don’t even have to plan or do anything special, it just happens… the weird thing is, that when it does, the person will more often be shocked and surprised and feel hurt because this disease, this incurable disease, according to doctors has struck them totally out of the blue… People say, “I haven’t done anything different lately, and yet I woke up this morning and felt bad, it just happened”.
Well you are right and wrong… huh!!. Right it happened, but wrong in that it didn’t just happen…. it was actually festering and growing day by day for years while you were feeding it with junk foods and masses of sugar until it became strong enough to create symptoms that were noticeable…
Very few people are interested in preventing it from happening and are more than willing to “take a pill” as prescribed by the drug pusher, oops sorry, the doctor…
It’s also easy to do that, to just take a pill, nine times out of ten you’ll feel better almost instantly… ever wondered why that happens? More often than not, a disease is in the body, not just one area, but it is affecting one area, one organ more dramatically than other areas, you have specific receptors associated with each function that’s taking place automatically to keep you alive. Pharmaceutical companies make drugs to address symptoms, they numb the receptors so the body doesn’t know you have a problem, you initially feel better, but that’s only a temporary thing, which results in lifelong medication that often has to be increased on a regular basis. Pharmaceutical companies don’t make cures….. it’s not in their best financial interest, they just create more customers….
So getting sick, taking pills is easy, but truly….. truly getting healthy takes mental strength, determination, focus and an unbreakable commitment because it takes time…


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Am I better than you or anyone else….a resounding No…. but I am unique, not better just uniquely different….. My name is Stefan….. not a common name but certainly not unique… I was born in Liverpool, lots of those even born during the 50’s…. gosh I’m old….. 4 brothers and two sisters, again not unique… ex army… not that…dashing good looks, well I do when I look in my bathroom mirror…. (you know I’m joking). Stupidly married three times and no I’m not in a religious sect throws that allows as I’m divorced three times three times as well.
So what makes me unique? Simple… I’m the only person named Stefan born in 1955 in Liverpool that’s been in the Royal Engineers and has a wicked sense of humour, has 4 brothers and two sisters that….. was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2004, struggled for 13.5 years but then started the ABP and 4 years later was healed…
So I’m not better than anyone else, but I am so lucky and very, very grateful

Change happens….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Change happens…
I’m a firm believer in being positive and not allowing negativity into my life, of course things happen outside of my own personal control, and when that happens, there’s no benefit in being annoyed or p’eed off, it’s happened, just accept it, if it can’t be changed and get on with life.
The reason I absolutely know I will be completely healed, not just better than I was, but healed is because I’ve been on a high in life, I’ve also been on a low, so low I really couldn’t see any way out…. I loved one and hated the other, now I know about and following an already proven method… the ABP and I will never, ever give up.
Winners make it happen and quitters make excuses…
I’m in the first group.
Think about your life, your struggles, your pain…
Change happens, when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of making the change.

Either one or the other…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Either one or the other.
I write several times each week and have done since I started my blog more than seven years ago, originally it was called Optimalnutritions but in November 2012 I moved back to England after eleven wonderful years in Colorado, in the USA it was renamed Ratherbehealthy… So as I said, I write several times each week and more so after I started this special, challenging journey attempting to heal my burdened body. Rarely do I dwell on ideas or thoughts about this illness, multiple sclerosis is one of the world of medicine’s mysteries, they, you know the defeatist bunch that have literally been brainwashed into believing it’s incurable. Some of us know more than the experts in the multi billion dollar/pound conglomerates, ok sorry that’s not perfectly true, because they also know it’s nutrition and all things natural that can heal, but there’s no extortionate profit in that, so they lie and spend millions and millions on advertising and promoting drugs that cost them very little in comparison to the drug money they make…. see!! I get slightly carried away… oops sorry.
I decide to write and the words just come out, no preconceived idea…. The subject line… One or the other…. That’s referring to your view, your choice, and mine obviously because I write with the aim of motivation and inspiration, for myself and anyone reading this with MS or a different health challenge. Just about every illness and so called incurable disease can be eased or even healed when the true cause is addressed, by constantly filling the body with chemicals, non natural additives, herbicides, pesticides, E numbers and garbage the internal organs simply can’t cope with, then the body fails.
So knowing this, and most people do but choose to ignore it, you have a life choice….. live healthy and have a life or don’t..
If you want to, you’ll make it happen.. if it’s not important, you’ll make excuses.

It’s worth it….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

It’s worth it……
Everyday I follow the guidelines and recommendations outlined in “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” and incorporate the parts of The Plant Paradox by Steven Gundry providing they don’t compromise what I believe to be 100% correct, as in the ABP. So as I approach my first full year and contemplate the improvements I’m experiencing daily, and trust me when I say there are many, many changes. I think because I’ve never taken any of the medication, the drugs most doctors want their patients to take, (apart from Betmiga to help bladder control and Levothyroxin for my thyroid) I believe my body hasn’t had to cope with the long term negative effects that exacerbate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. So a year ago my overall feeling then wasn’t that much different to how I’m feeling now, but the first two months were damn hard and as we all do, I struggled big time and it was inevitable that I’d have doubts as during those months I actually felt much worse and really questioned my decision. But as the second month became the third, fourth, fifth and especially the sixth, any doubts or questions I had totally faded away. The small, subtle improvements I feel everyday are testament to her recommendations and my own personal justification.
I’ve previously mentioned that I live alone so apart from my one hour daily carer and the regular visits by my much loved and appreciated sister Suzie, I’m on my own and that lump of grey matter in my head spends a lot of time in thought, wondering and trying to work out if I’m doing enough. I’m not perfect, far from it but in those quiet night and early morning hours I analyse my daily, weekly and monthly actions, should I have eaten or done that? could I be more strict with myself? of course there’s a couple of things I could do better and slowly but surely those actions will be incorporated. But in reality I have only positive thoughts about what I’m doing, I had horrible days last year which makes me so proud of myself now, I didn’t give up, I learned from my mistakes, and I made a few. I’m so lucky to have been told about this by my friend Mary in Wisconsin and so, so, so lucky that Janet stepped in to help, encourage and guide me on this journey, I’m not healed…. yet, but I am 100 % sure that I will be, I just have to be diligent, focussed and determined, it might take three more years, it might be less but however long it takes, it’s worth it.

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

My opinion…
Consider these…. Multiple Sclerosis and Stefan….
Okay, looking at each, firstly multiple sclerosis: a disease of the central nervous system, in fact, and please excuse my language, a shitty, selfish, hideous, debilitating, painful and frustrating one at that, with no thought or consideration to the person it lives in or the close family or friends.
Secondly: Stefan, now obviously I’m a little biased as its me, but I don’t think I’m wrong in saying that during my life, all 62 yrs and 11 months I’ve been on the plus side of being a good guy, yes I’ve made mistakes, but nothing really bad and I’ve done lots of good things and helped many others.
Now I’m not saying I’m a better person than anyone else, but I know for a fact that in comparison to multiple sclerosis, that hideous disease that I’m a damn site better than it…
Does “it” deserve to live rent free in my body, absolutely not, and I will do anything and everything I can to remove that inconsiderate shitbag from its comfortable squat, as in me.
In 2004 I was happy, recently married, a very well paid job and a beautiful house in the Rocky mountains in Colorado when that life sucking disease took over me, I struggled big time especially at 6,000 feet above sea level where the air is a bit thinner. It was made worse two years later when my wife didn’t just have an affair but she divorced me, took me to the cleaners and left me $120,000 in debt… oh crap….
But the way I saw it was I’m better than the disease and I knew I was better than that woman, the only way to go from being so low, was to get up, so that’s what I did, I focused on my work with Dr Huggins and remained positive about getting my life back, oh and very much on MS and beating “it”..naturally..
I have no room in my life for negativity or anything that doesn’t help me, I intend to live again and the only one that can…Will make that happen, is me!!!!!.

Just my opinion….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Just my opinion…
Consider these…. Multiple Sclerosis and Stefan….
Okay, looking at each, firstly multiple sclerosis: a disease of the central nervous system, in fact, and please excuse my language, a shitty, selfish, hideous, debilitating, painful and frustrating one at that, with no thought or consideration to the person it lives in or the close family or friends.
Secondly: Stefan, now obviously I’m a little biased as its me, but I don’t think I’m wrong in saying that during my life, all 62 yrs and 11 months I’ve been on the plus side of being a good guy, yes I’ve made mistakes, but nothing really bad and I’ve done lots of good things and helped many others.
Now I’m not saying I’m a better person than anyone else, but I know for a fact that in comparison to multiple sclerosis, that hideous disease that I’m a damn site better than it…
Does “it” deserve to live rent free in my body, absolutely not, and I will do anything and everything I can to remove that inconsiderate shitbag from its comfortable squat, as in me.
In 2004 I was happy, recently married, a very well paid job and a beautiful house in the Rocky mountains in Colorado when that life sucking disease took over me, I struggled big time especially at 6,000 ft above sea level where the air is a bit thinner. It was made worse 2years later when my wife didn’t just have an affair but she divorced me, took me to the cleaners and left me $120,000 in debt… oh crap….
But the way I saw it was I’m better than the disease and I knew I was better than that woman, the only way to go from being so low, was up, so that’s what I did, focused on my work with Dr Huggins and remained positive about life and very much on MS and beating “it”..naturally..
I have no room in my life for negativity or anything that doesn’t help me, I intend to live again and the only one that can…Will make that happen, is me!!!!!.

Three things….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Three things. .
Since originally reading “The book”, then rereading and actually starting on the ABP last September, I can honestly say there have been numerous improvements. In fact over the months I’ve been very pleasantly surprised as those improvements have gradually merged together and have materialized as “The norm”… it doesn’t shock me each morning to feel good, and believe me, that’s a great feeling.
The strange thing is that although I feel great for the majority of the day, there seems to be a huge transformation everyday at 12.15 or close to that, then again about 5.30, I know I’ve been moving about a lot getting up and going to the bathroom or into the kitchen, but it doesn’t seem right to experience such dramatic changes. Yesterday at 12 ish.. I got up to go to the bathroom and found it ridiculously difficult to move my legs, so much so that a 10ft move totally exhausted me and took several minutes to complete.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what’s causing it… I must be doing or eating something that’s causing my body to react so differently, the change is as radically different as night and day, it frustrates the hell out of me… I’ve said before that I thought three specific things were affecting me and that I’d address them and see how things changed. I thought I had done, but obviously not because it’s still happening. One of the things it could be is that I’ve been having fruit at lunchtime, either an orange or a portion of pineapple, the percentage of fructose isn’t massive but… but it’s still fructose, regardless of the amount being 4 or 5 grams, it’s sugar and my body seems to be a little more negatively affected than most others, so as of today, Thursday the 16th, no more fruit for a while at least.
As I said, I believe there are three things, fruit being one, I’ll make adjustments one at a time a few weeks apart to see if I can identify the specific culprit….

My view….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

My view..
Well I’m just two weeks away from reaching the anniversary of my first year following the Ann Boroch Protocol, obviously the guide suggests complete healing in four years, I’ll clarify that by saying, it’s a guide, an estimation not a promise or guarantee, and that is based on the person adhering to the protocol. The ABP is the strictest of the strict, if one strays and deviates it isn’t all over but it will mean taking a few steps back in terms of the progress you’d made and getting back on track… I’m sure we all make mistakes, errors of judgement, succumbing to that evil thing…. temptation, it’ll happen and as long as we learn from them and resolve to not give in to that nagging voice telling us it’s ok to stray, then we’re good.
I’d like to say that I’ve been perfect, and I’d not been weak or strayed…. I’d like to say that, but I can’t because that selfish unforgiving demon has taken over two or three times and I’ve suffered because of it,  the frustrating thing is that I’ve known it’s wrong, but there’s been part of me that’s provided a compelling argument and justified why I wasn’t “really straying” and it surely couldn’t be that bad…. DUH!!!!!…. I’m reasonably intelligent, I know a fair amount about nutrition, I know lots about safe dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing after working with Dr Hal Huggins. But, and it’s a big but, is that I only know what’s been written by Ann Boroch, not the millions of things she didn’t write in her books, so in reality as long as I follow the plan, the proven, tried and tested protocol, I’ll be in safe hands.
So as far as following the protocol is concerned, yes it’s been hard, yes I’ve made mistakes, yes I’ve struggled on occasions, but has it been doable? and will it be worth it long term….. in my view…Absolutely….100% yes…