My starting point….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Uncategorized


I often write about my current situation, my health and my daily challenges, I say this as a plural simply because that’s what it is or they are in my case. I normally wake between 5 and 6 a.m. even though I’m often still awake to after midnight. I’ve had to take something to help me fall asleep and it’s been that way for 20 plus years, my body seems to be ok with about 5 hours or just a bit less.

After the half hour in the bathroom then getting dressed I normally spend 30 or 40 minutes getting a light breakfast and my supplements for the day. Once that’s sorted I usually spend about 30 minutes doing my first of three exercise periods. Obviously the exercises would seem quite basic to most people but at the end of each session I am totally exhausted. That’s not a bad thing feeling absolutely exhausted compared to just very weak as my starting point.

I’ve completed two sessions so far today and it’s 1.45 in the afternoon, my routine today was different than normal and I think this is going to be how it is from now on. It can be a little frustrating knowing how weak I’ll feel for the rest of the day but not exercising would only speed up the weakening process so as tiring and frustrating as it is I know I have to persevere.

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The three worst foods…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food

I know this is going to upset a lot of people but it has to be said, the three

worst foods you can put into your body are as follows:

Sugar, alcohol and caffeine, in that order.

All carbohydrates consumed will at some point be converted into sugar in the body;

the average consumption of sugar worldwide is more than 43 lbs per person per


That isn’t the case for Americans where sugar is consumed at a much higher level; in

fact it’s closer to 140 lbs per person per year.

The problem is that sugars will imbalance the chemistries of carbohydrate

metabolism and it does this more dramatically than anything else.

Sugar affects the balance of calcium and phosphorus these two should have a ratio of

2 ½ to 1, an ideal balanced ration is 10 mg% to 4 mg% of calcium to phosphorus.

When this balance is upset you may experience calculus on the teeth, cataracts in

the eyes, kidney stones, gallstones, arthritis or arterialsclerosis. However, correcting

this imbalance has shown a reversal in these problems.

A good alternative to sugar is not the sugar substitutes like Aspartame or high

fructose corn syrup, but honey or agave nectar.

I’ll mention this now before I forget; aspartame is probably in close to 9,000 food

and drink products. Aspartame has been shown to mimic the

detrimental effects of multiple sclerosis. It affects the pancreas negatively,

believing it has to deal with sugar and addressing the insulin issue when in

reality that isn’t a problem so the pancreas is overworked. It’s the “cry wolf”

syndrome so when the pancreas is actually called into play it simply can’t do

its job properly.

Aspartame is converted into methanol, then into formic acid (fire ants inject formic acid

when they bite) then into formaldehyde which as you know, is embalming fluid,

not nice for the living body.

Alcohol, most populations around the world have alcohol built into their social life, in

fact when a person doesn’t drink alcohol he or she is often seen as a strange


I’ll not go into depth on this subject because I believe most people already know of

the detrimental effects alcohol can have on your liver and kidneys.

I think you all know that spirits are harder on your body than beer or wine,

wine is probably the easiest for the body to assimilate and has less harmful

effects on your chemistries. White wine is closer to the body’s natural ph so

is easier to deal with. I suppose if you are going to drink when you socialize

then white wine would be considered more acceptable.

Caffeine, looking back on my time with Dr. Huggins I distinctly remember him talking more

negatively about caffeine than anything else. In fact I remember him telling me

that if caffeine disappeared off the face of the earth then probably 40% of

doctors would be out of work.

One cup of coffee requires roughly 3 units of insulin to metabolize; a doctor had a

relative with diabetes who was taking 18 units of insulin per day. He asked how

much coffee he drank and was told about 6 cups per day. He put two and two

together as in 6 cups of coffee each requiring 3 units of insulin equaling 18

units. He explained his understanding and suggested not drinking coffee as a

way of eliminating the diabetes. He stopped drinking coffee but continued with

the insulin at the same dosage which resulted in insulin shock. I’m not suggesting you take this action believing it will rid you of diabetes however it should be considered

and discussed with your medical professional.

There are about 30 mgs of caffeine in the average candy bar (chocolate), you’ll find

about 125 mgs in a cup of coffee, however a regular Starbucks contains around

250 mgs and their Grande has approximately 550 mgs.

Starbucks also put other ingredients in their coffee (excitotoxins) which make you crave

a “Starbucks” not just a coffee.

You’ll also find caffeine in most tea’s plus soft drinks; this can vary from as little

as 34 mgs to more than 70 mgs.

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What I’ve longed for…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

Over the last few years my food choices have become rather limited, the first change happened when I became gluten intolerant followed by lactose intolerance. When I started working for the late Dr Huggins and read the in depth research on the No 1 addictive contaminant used in the western world, sugar I eliminated that from my diet as well.

So no gluten, no milk and no sugar meant that desserts where now a thing of the past and I’ve been comfortable with that. So over the years I’ve changed to coconut milk which I really like and prefer to the other alternatives like almond or rice milk. To me the taste is better but more importantly the health benefits are substantially more. Almond and rice milk are advertised much more heavily because its much cheaper to produce and far more profitable to the companies that have no interest in the health of the uninformed public.

A couple of weeks ago, my wonderful niece Debbie told me about a new company making gluten free and sugar free desserts, my initial thoughts where that it sounded good but like all the others they probably used artificial sweeteners that do as much harm as sugar.

I went to their site and was proven wrong, actually I was blown away….. because they are using all natural ingredients, no synthetic crap.

I thought then that it sounded too good to be true and waited till Debbie got some for me to try. What do they say “The proof is in the pudding” well that was literally the truth.


I can honestly tell you that they taste fantastic, I’ve tried several and the taste and textures are to die for (not literally).



At Fit Kitchen we use the most natural, clean, unprocessed and healthy ingredients possible without comprimising on taste!

All our cakes and treats are gluten free, grain free, sugar free and dairy free without any nasty additives. We believe in using highly nutritious ingredients that benefit the body and satisfy your sweet tooth for longer!

We use coconut flour in our cakes which is packed with dietary fibre and protein to provide a much more filling cake. The high fibre content also keeps sugars from being absorbed into the bloodstream making it low on the glycemic index.


Refined white sugar has no nutritional value and is bad for your health as well as your waist line! We use a variety of natural sweeteners that have less of an impact on your blood sugar levels leaving you less likely to binge after 1 bite! You can read more about what goes into our cakes and treats on the ‘Our Ingredients’ page.

All our cakes are freshly made to order so feel free to let us know if you have any specific requirements and we will try our best to cater to you!

A link to their site..


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If you’d like to help me as I am now disabled and operate this site on my own then please consider donating, you can do this by going to then click on Send money.

You’ll be asked to enter the email of the person which is me and my my email is [email protected]

Bread, healthy……Nah…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

The Most Dangerous Lies

You’ve Been Told About Bread

Is Bread Really the Staff of Life… or the Stuff of Disease?

The (Definitive) Answer Below…


Written by: Kelley Herring, Editor, Healing Gourmet


For most us, there are few foods more comforting than bread.

Fluffy biscuits, crusty baguettes, flaky croissants… even a simple slice of toast topped with melted butter can taste like heaven.

And that smell… few scents are quite as pleasant as fresh bread baking in the oven.

But there is a lot of confusion as to where bread fits into a healthy diet.

The Bible practically commands followers to eat it: “Give us this day our daily bread…”  The government put it at the base of the food pyramid. And for centuries, it has been called “the staff of life.”

Of course, there are some who disagree…

Well-known cardiologist, Dr. William Davis, calls wheat “the perfect chronic poison.”

And for a poison, we sure eat lots of it…

The average American consumes 55 pounds of wheat flour every year, making refined flour the #1 source of calories in the American Diet – a situation that nutrition expert Chris Kresser describes as, “a public health catastrophe.”

So, what is the truth about bread and wheat?

  • Is it the perfect poison… or an essential daily food?
  • Is “gluten-free” bread better for you than regular bread?
  • And can you still eat bread… while maintaining a lean body and optimal health?

The answers to these questions may surprise you!

So, let’s get right to it and discuss the 5 most dangerous lies you’ve been told about bread… and be sure to read #5 – the biggest surprise of all!

Loaf Lie #1: “Whole Grains & Whole Wheat are

an Essential Part of a Healthy Diet”

If you’ve set foot in a grocery store or read a newspaper in the last 50 years, you’re familiar with the message that whole grains are healthy… and the more you eat, the better off you’ll be.

This is a LOT more than a “little white lie” invented to sell cheap agricultural products at huge markups… it is the biggest health scam ever perpetrated on the public!

Of course, this message comes to you from the same corporate interests and government health nannies who urged you to replace farm-fresh butter with heart stopping trans-fat (in the form of industrially-manufactured margarine).

The truth is that there is nothing “essential” about whole grains. In fact, they are among the unhealthiest foods you can consume.

One of the most important reasons is that…

Whole Grains Spike Your Blood Sugar

You probably know that high glycemic foods cause a rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin.

This triggers a cascade of inflammation and increases your risk for cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, fatty liver and diabetes.

And it doesn’t make you look very good either…

High insulin levels promote the storage “visceral” belly fat, which surrounds your organs and sends metabolic messages that promote disease.

High blood sugar also causes the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) – nasty little compounds that speed up the aging process and damage tissues (especially the skin, in the form of wrinkles and lost elasticity).

And guess what?

And it’s the specific TYPE of carbs in bread that are to blame.

About 75% of the carbohydrates in wheat are in the form of amylopectin A – a compound that is unique in just how rapidly it is transformed into glucose.

This is why wheat spikes your blood sugar higher than almost all foods – even when the same number of carbohydrates is consumed!

And that’s not all this health-harming carb can do…

“Heart Healthy” Whole Wheat… Causes Heart Disease!

The medical establishment has greatly exaggerated the role of cholesterol in heart disease.

But there is one type of cholesterol closely linked to this killer – small dense LDL particles.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Associationshowed that people with high levels of small dense LDL have a 300% greater risk of heart attack!

Many doctors believe it is the number one risk factor for heart disease in the U.S.

And guess what triggers these dangerous compounds to form more than any other food?

It is the amylopectin A found in wheat!

Think about that the next time you see the American Heart Association “Seal of Approval” on a package of whole grain bread.

And to think they recommend you eat this food AT LEAST three times per day!

In fact, if you are eating grains this often, it might not be your fault…

Are You High on Bread?

The Addictive Properties of Wheat

You’ve probably heard that sugar triggers the same pleasure centers in the brain as drugs of addiction. That’s why it can be so hard to “just say no” to sweet treats.

But wheat has drug-like properties even more powerful than sugar!

That’s because in addition to the rapid sugar rush wheat provides, it also produces specific compounds that bind to morphine receptors in the brain.

In addition to subtle euphoria, these opiates cause a repetitive cycle of cravings – for more grains!

It’s no wonder a study published in the journalPsychosomatic Medicine showed that people who eat wheat consume an average of 400 calories more per day.

So, let’s move on to the next dangerous misconception about bread (as well as cookies, crackers, cereal, pasta and cake)…

Loaf Lie #2: “Gluten-Free Bread is Healthier than Bread Made from Wheat”

If you’ve already given up traditional grain-based foods, you’ve made a wise decision!

But if you replaced these foods with their commercial gluten-free counterparts, reconsider.

You see, most gluten-free breads, cereals, pastas, crackers and cookies use ingredients that are not much better (and in some cases, worse) than those made with wheat!

Like any processed junk food, these products usually contain chemical preservatives, soy protein, dough conditioners, industrial seed oils, corn and rice syrup… and often, GMOs.

And that’s not all, because…

The Ingredients in Most Gluten-Free Products Will Also Send Your Blood Sugar Soaring!

In place of wheat flour, most gluten-free products – and many online recipes for that matter – use flours with glycemic values that are off the charts, including:

  • Corn Starch
  • Rice Flour
  • Potato Starch
  • Tapioca Starch
  • Sorghum flour
  • Millet

Here’s what Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, has to say about these unhealthy alternatives…

“These powdered starches are among the few foods that increase blood sugar higher than even whole wheat. It means these foods trigger weight gain in the abdomen, increased blood sugars, insulin resistance, diabetes, cataracts, and arthritis. They are NOT healthy replacements for wheat.”

Take a look at how some common gluten-free foods impact your blood sugar…

It should come as no surprise that…

Most people GAIN WEIGHT on a gluten-free diet. In fact, one study showed that 81% of people who adopted a gluten-free diet had gained weight after two years!

You should also know that…

Some Gluten-Free Products Contain 90 Times More Arsenic Than the EPA Allows for Drinking Water!

Of course, you know that arsenic is a deadly poison…

But you might not know that many gluten free baked goods contain potentially toxic levels of it!

The problem comes mostly from brown rice flour and brown rice syrup, often major ingredients in gluten-free baking mixes, breads, crackers, chips and pasta.

In fact, analysis conducted by Consumer Reports showed that some popular gluten-free products contain up to 90 times the arsenic allowed in drinking water!

Of course, the same risk applies if you’re using brown rice products in your recipes at home.

Chronic arsenic exposure – even at very low levels – can lead to headaches, fatigue, brain fog and digestive issues… not to mention heart disease, cancer, respiratory illness and diabetes.

Keep this in mind the next time you hear that “gluten-free bread is healthier than bread made with wheat.”

Loaf Lie #3: “If You Don’t Have a Problem with Gluten, You Don’t Have a Problem with Wheat”

Most people are aware that a little protein in wheat can cause BIG problems for some people.

For those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity (two completely different conditions), even a small amount of gluten can cause serious digestive problems… systemic inflammation… autoimmune disease… and the list goes on.

At least 300 health-related issues have been linked to gluten.

But here’s the thing…

Gluten is a REAL Problem…

But the Problem is NOT Just Gluten!

Most doctors (mistakenly) believe that any problems with wheat are problems with gluten. In other words, if you don’t have a problem with gluten… you don’t have a problem.

However, the protein we call “gluten” actually consists of hundreds of smaller compounds. Any ONE of these could trigger an inflammatory or immune response.

And that’s not even a fraction of the whole story, because…

According to a study published in Plant Physiology, modern wheat is capable of producing at least 23,788 unique proteins!

This would explain the studies where people have shown a severe reaction to wheat – and no reaction at all to gluten itself, even in high doses.

The problem is that conventional lab testing looks for just two antibodies related to gluten.

If you test negative for these two, most doctors will give you a clean bill of health – and probably tell you that any symptoms you’re experiencing are “all in your head.”

But science has found numerous compounds in grains – besides gluten – which can cause serious long-term health issues…

The Powerful Chemical in Wheat

That Protects it from Being Eaten

Unlike animals, plants cannot escape being eaten. That’s why many plants have defenses to discourage predation. Thorns on a cactus are an obvious example.

But wheat and grains have defenses too, including compounds which can deprive you of vital nutrients and slowly leak out toxic effects. (This is called a HINT!)

One of these is wheat germ agglutinin (WGA).

Studies show that WGA can have direct toxic effects on most tissues in your body, including the heart and brain.In fact, it enters the brain so easily that scientists are hopeful it can be used to deliver Alzheimer’s drugs.

Like gluten, WGA can also disrupt your hormonal system, weaken immunity, cause digestive problems and promote systemic inflammation (the cornerstone of degenerative disease).

And the highest concentrations of it are found in whole grains – including supposedly “healthy” sprouted grains!

Loaf Lie #4: “If Wheat Doesn’t Cause You

Digestive Distress, then it’s Safe to Eat”

When some people eat the tiniest bit of wheat or gluten, they can be doubled over in pain or running to the bathroom within minutes.

In a way, these people have an advantage… at least they can identify the problem and its source.

But just because you feel fine after eating a bagel, doesn’t mean it is not damaging your body.

What You Don’t Know (or Notice) Can Still Hurt You…

Studies show that even if you are NOT “gluten intolerant” these foods can cause inflammation and perforations in the gut – allowing unwanted substances to “leak” into your bloodstream.

And you might not feel the slightest gurgle in your belly. In fact, almost 50% of newly diagnosed celiac patients have no noticeable abdominal distress.

Yet, with each bite you are causing damage to nearly every tissue, system and organ in your body.

Here are just a few of the symptoms this can cause:

  • Headaches and fatigue
  • Chronic sinus issues and lowered immunity
  • Arthritis, bone and joint pain
  • Nutrient deficiencies, and
  • A VERY long list of skin conditions, including everything from acne to wrinkles.

More troubling is that…

This Can Set the Stage for an

Astonishing Variety of Diseases

Research shows that wheat can trigger a variety of autoimmune conditions (where the body attacks itself), including: type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.

It can also cause chronic disease…

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a report showing that gluten sensitive people who still consume grains increase their risk of death up to 75%!

The New England Journal of Medicine lists 55 conditions that can be caused by eating gluten, including:

  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Irritable Bowel Disease
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Anemia
  • Epilepsy
  • Canker Sores
  • Lupus

And it doesn’t just affect your body…

Bread Madness:

Don’t Destroy Your Brain with Grain

More than 50 years ago, doctors discovered that some mental patients made spontaneous recoveries when bread was not available to them.

The term “bread madness” was even coined to describe schizophrenia.

Recently, doctors at Duke University reported on a woman who had a 50-year history of delusions, hallucinations and suicide attempts. Within a week of stopping wheat, her symptoms disappeared!

Now, I’m sure you’re perfectly sane…

But if you (or someone you know) has ever suffered from depression… insomnia… anxiety… dementia… or nearly any other psychiatric or neurological condition – there’s a good chance a grain-free diet would help.


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The shameful power of advertising…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food

I think everyone on the planet will have heard of Mo Farrah, so watching TV if you are in the UK you will I’m sure have seen Quorn advertised by Mo Farrah. I think seeing that incredible athlete promoting Quorn has had a tremendous influence on sales.

You’ll listen to the advertising and be convinced that this synthetic food is healthy and good for you because Mo Farrah is telling everyone that he eats it.  But that very clever advertising is filling your head with as much crap that its made from. 

Read this informative article written by Dr Mercola..



If you want to stay healthy, the simple rule is to avoid processed foods and this is certainly true for meat substitutes. There are a number of meat substitutes on the market, but some appear to be more unsavory than others, in terms of safety.

The Quorn brand meat substitute falls into this category. Quorn is a fungus-based ferment. Its advertised claims include being 75 percent lower in fat and 50 percent lower in calories compared to regular meat. It’s also high in fiber and protein, and low in cholesterol and salt.

That may sound all well and good, but there are lingering questions about its ability to cause severe reactions in some people. In an August 18 press release,1 the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) writes:

“Of the several shortcomings of the Food and Drug Administration’s oversight of food additives exposed in today’s Washington Post,2 none is more glaring than the agency’s lack of curiosity in the safety of Quorn-brand meat substitutes…

The fungus at issue, Fusarium venenatum, had never before been used in human food before it became Quorn. (‘Venenatum,’ inauspiciously, is Latin for poisonous.)”

Adverse Effects Reported

Launched in 1985, Quorn is now sold in 16 countries around the world. It’s been on the US market since 2002.

It was originally developed by one of the largest chemical companies in Great Britain called Imperial Chemical Industries, and this in and of itself could serve as a clue as to its health potential…

The fungus, Fusarium venenatum, is first grown in large fermentation vats, where it is fed with oxygen, glucose, and other nutrients. Once the water is removed, what is left is a paste-like biomass, which is then processed into various food products.

Since its inception, several studies have raised concerns about Quorn’s safety—especially in people with food and/or mold allergies. A CSPI survey also found that mycoprotein is more likely to cause adverse reactions than other common allergenic foods such as shellfish, milk, and peanuts.

So far, CSPI has collected more than 2,000 reports of adverse reactions to Quorn.34 Adverse effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Forceful vomiting
  • Anaphylactic reactions

Two deaths5 are even suspected to have resulted from eating the Quorn brand meat substitute. In a previous post,6 CSPI also noted that an early study done by the manufacturer found that 10 percent of 200 human subjects developed nausea or a stomachache after eating Quorn.

This might be expected if the name of the fungus is in any way indicative of its health effects. After all, the Latin word venenatum means “filled with venom.”

Should You Eat Meat?

While I certainly sympathize with those who choose to abstain from meat for ethical reasons, there isn’t a single meat-substitute on the market that I would recommend, and that includes soy protein, which may even be worse than Quorn.

There are health benefits to eating meat and other animal products that simply have no equivalence in the plant kingdom. However, the KEY is to choose your meat wisely. Doing so can eliminate many of the ethical objections as well.

Animals raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are best avoided, both for health and ethical reasons. CAFO cows are fattened for slaughter in gigantic feed lots as quickly as possible (on average between 14 and 18 months) with the help of grains and growth promoting drugs, including antibiotics.

This routine practice, which is done predominantly for financial reasons, has led to the current scourge of antibiotic-resistant disease, which now kills at least 23,000 Americans each year.

Besides raising your risk of antibiotic-resistant disease, regularly consuming small doses of antibiotics is also a surefire way to destroy your gut health, which in turn will have a detrimental effect on your overall health and immune function.

Organically raised, grass-fed or pastured animal products on the other hand can provide valuable nutrients that your body requires for optimal functioning, such as high-quality protein.

Cattle raised on their natural diet of plain grass typically also contain three to five times higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) compared to CAFO cattle. CLA is a valuable nutrient known for its health benefits, from fighting cancer to decreasing insulin resistance and improving body composition.

Grass-fed beef also tends to be leaner, and have higher levels of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It also has a healthier ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats.

But perhaps the most crucial factor that makes grass-fed beef better than CAFO is that it doesn’t contain antibiotics and hazardous growth-promoters, and hasn’tbeen fed genetically engineered and /or glyphosate-contaminated grains.

California Slaughterhouse Charged with Selling Condemned Meat

I firmly believe we have to stop supporting our current CAFO practices for meat production and focus on more health- and environmentally-friendly options. CAFO products really have little if any redeeming value, besides being slightly cheaper at the checkout line.

This lower cost comes at a high price, however—a price that many people fail to take into account. Case in point: the California slaughterhouse Rancho Feeding Corporation in Petaluma was recently charged with “knowingly processing and distributing meat from cancerous cows,” according to a CNN report.7

Four former workers at the slaughterhouse, including the general manager and co-owner Jesse J. Amaral Jr., have now been indicted on charges of conspiring to sell and distribute “adulterated, misbranded, and uninspected” meat.

Authorities recalled nearly 10 million pounds of meat from the slaughterhouse in February. Nestle also issued a voluntary recall for its Philly Steak and Cheese Hot Pockets, which contained meat from Rancho. According to CNN:

“Prosecutors allege that Amaral directed Corda and Cabrera to circumvent inspection procedures for certain cows with signs of epithelioma of the eye, also known as ‘cancer eye.’ This included directing employees to carve ‘USDA Condemned’ stamps out of certain cow carcasses and to process them for sale and distribution, despite having been rejected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture veterinarian.

Corda and Cabrera are also alleged to have replaced the heads of sick cows with those of healthy ones, placing the healthy heads next to the bodies of cows whose eyes had signs of cancer. The switch occurred during the inspectors’ lunch break, prosecutors said.”

If convicted, the four workers could face up to 20 years imprisonment and $250,000 in fines. In February, Rancho Feeding was sold to Marin Sun Farms, which specializes in pasture-raised livestock, so chances are the facility may be properly rehabilitated. As noted by the LA Times,8 it’s now the last remaining beef slaughterhouse in the Bay Area.

CAFO Meats Also Contain Drugs Banned in Other Countries

Besides antibiotics, CAFO livestock are also given a number of other drugs, including drugs that are banned in other countries for suspected adverse health effects. Ractopamine, for example, is a beta-agonist drug that increases protein synthesis, thereby making the animal more muscular. This reduces the fat content of the meat and increases the profit per animal.

Beta-agonist drugs have been used in US cattle production since 2003. The drug is administered in the days leading up to slaughter, and as much as 20 percent of it can remain in the meat you buy. This is disconcerting when you consider that the drug label warns: “Not for use in humans,” and “individuals with cardiovascular disease should exercise special caution to avoid exposure.”

Ractopamine is banned from food production in at least 160 countries around the world, including countries across Europe, Russia, mainland China, and Republic of China (Taiwan), due to its suspected health effects. Animal research has linked ractopamine to:

  • Reductions in reproductive function
  • Birth defects (Canadian researchers9 found that, in rats, the drug produced a variety of birth defects, including cleft palate, protruding tongue, short limbs, missing or fused digits, open eyelids, jaw abnormalities, limb abnormalities, and enlarged heart)
  • Increase of mastitis in dairy herds
  • Increased disability and death

In pigs and cattle, FDA reports10 link the drug to: excessive hunger, anorexia, bloat, respiratory and hoof problems, lameness, stiffness, stress and aggression, and death. In fact, of all reported side effects, death tops the list as the most reported problem associated with ractopamine. In humans, ractopamine is known to affect the human cardiovascular system, and is thought to be responsible for hyperactivity. It may also cause chromosomal abnormalities and behavioral changes.

Zilmax is another beta-agonist drug used in the US, and this drug has also been linked to horrific side effects in cattle. In August, 2013, Tyson Food Inc issued a statement saying it would no longer purchase Zilmax-fed cattle for slaughter due to animal welfare concerns.11 The company had noticed that many of the cows that had been fed the drug had trouble walking. The cattle also displayed other behavioral issues. FDA records show at least 285 cattle unexpectedly died or were euthanized after receiving Zilmax between 2007 and 2013—many of them had lost their hooves. Other reported adverse effects in cattle following the administration of Zilmax include:

Stomach ulcers Brain lesions Blindness Lethargy and lameness
Bloody nose Respiratory problems Heart failure Sudden death

Rethink Your Shopping Habits to Protect Your Family’s Health

When a feed or feed additive makes an animal sick, infirm, or dead, is it really wise for you to eat the meat from it? I would suggest the answer is a firm no. Hence, when it comes to animal products, the closer you can get to the grower, the better. Ideally, you’ll want to get all your animal products, including meat, chicken, and eggs, from smaller community farms with free-ranging animals that are organically fed and locally marketed.

This is the way food has been raised and distributed for centuries, before the era of corrupted politics and corporate greed took over. Small-scale butchering facilities are also more humane, which is an important concern from an ethical standpoint. The following organizations can help you locate farm-fresh foods in your local area, raised in a humane, sustainable manner:

  • Local Harvest — This Web site will help you find farmers’ markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats, and many other goodies.
  • Farmers’ Markets — A national listing of farmers’ markets.
  • Eat Well Guide: Wholesome Food from Healthy Animals — The Eat Well Guide is a free online directory of sustainably raised meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs from farms, stores, restaurants, inns, and hotels, and online outlets in the United States and Canada.
  • Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) — CISA is dedicated to sustaining agriculture and promoting the products of small farms.
  • FoodRoutes — The FoodRoutes “Find Good Food” map can help you connect with local farmers to find the freshest, tastiest food possible. On their interactive map, you can find a listing for local farmers, CSA’s, and markets near you.

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Science Destroys the Saturated Fat Myth

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

By Dr. Mercola

The nutritional myth that saturated fat is bad for you continues to fall apart as a steady stream of new books and studies on this topic hit the media. The latest work to challenge the old dogma is a book called The Big Fat Surprise by journalist Nina Teicholz, interviewed above.

Her book comes alongside new research that raises questions about the long-held but false belief that cardiovascular disease is related to fat and cholesterol intake.

Teicholz points out the flaws in the original Ancel Keys study; how saturated fat has been a healthy human staple for thousands of years, and how the low-fat craze has resulted in excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates, which has resulted in increased inflammation and disease.1 Teicholz tells the Wall Street Journal:2

“There has never been solid evidence for the idea that these [saturated] fats cause disease. We only believe this to be the case because nutrition policy has been derailed over the past half-century by a mixture of personal ambition, bad science, politics, and bias.”

Are We Seeing the Cholesterol Myth in a Scientific Free-Fall?

The cholesterol myth has suffered a bit of a triple whammy of late, making it harder and harder for heart specialists to uphold the company line. This information is just the latest in a long line of science disproving the need for the saturated fat phobia.

    1. In 2012, researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology examined the health and lifestyle habits of more than 52,000 adults ages 20 to 74, concluding that women with “high cholesterol” (greater than 270 mg/dl) had a 28 percent lower mortality risk than women with “low cholesterol” (less than 183 mg/dl).

Researchers also found that, if you’re a woman, your risk for heart disease, cardiac arrest, and stroke are higher with lower cholesterol levels.3

    1. In 2013, a prominent London cardiologist by the name of Aseem Malhotraargued in the British Medical Journal that you should ignore advice to reduce your saturated fat intake, because it’s actually increasing your risk forobesity and heart disease.4
    2. Then in March 2014, a new meta-analysis published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, using data from nearly 80 studies and more than a half million people, found that those who consume higher amounts of saturated fat haveno more heart disease than those who consume less.

They also did not find less heart disease among those eating higher amounts of unsaturated fat, including both olive oil and corn oil.56

Fat Has Been Blamed for Sugar’s Evil Deeds

What do these journalists and scientists know that your physician might not? Going back forty years or more, fat has been misidentified as the culprit behind heart disease, when all along it’s been sugar.

A high-sugar diet raises your risk for heart disease by promoting metabolic syndrome—a cluster of health conditions that includes high blood pressure, insulin and leptin resistance, high triglycerides, liver dysfunction, and visceral fat accumulation.

Insulin and leptin resistance is caused by factors inherent in our modern lifestyle, including diets heavy in processed carbohydrates, sugars/fructose, refined flours, and industrial seed oils.

Making matters worse, the average American gets inadequate exercise, suffers from chronic stress and sleep deprivation, is exposed to environmental toxins, and has poor gut health (dysbiosis). This is the perfect storm for chronic disease.

Cholesterol Is Not Only Beneficial for Your Body—It’s Absolutely Mandatory

About 800,000 Americans die from cardiovascular disease annually. A quarter of these deaths could be prevented through simple lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, and managing insulin and leptin levels.

By reducing your cholesterol, you may actually be increasing your risk for cardiovascular disease. Your body needs adequate cholesterol to perform a number of critical functions, and there is strong evidence that people have a higher risk for heart attacks by having their cholesterol levels driven too low, as is being done by drugs like statins.

Cholesterol plays important roles such as building your cell membranes, interacting with proteins inside your cells, and helping regulate protein pathways required for cell signaling. Having too little cholesterol may negatively impact your brain health, hormone levels, heart disease risk, and more. Therefore, placing an upper limit on dietary cholesterol, especially such a LOW upper limit as is now recommended, is likely causing far more harm than good.

The Truth About Saturated Fats

Just as your body has requirements for cholesterol, it also needs saturated fats for proper function. One way to understand this is to consider what foods humans consumed during their evolution. Many experts believe that since the Paleolithic Era, we evolved as hunter-gatherers. Paleolithic nutrition states that we have eaten animal products for most of our existence on Earth. To suggest that saturated fats are suddenly harmful to us makes no sense, especially from an evolutionary perspective.

As recently as 2010, the current recommendations from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) call for reducing your saturated fat intake to a mere 10 percent of your total calories or less. This is astounding, and quite the opposite of what most people require for optimal health! The latest science suggests healthy fats (saturated and unsaturated fats from whole food, animal, and plant sources) should comprise anywhere from 50 to 85 percent of your overall energy intake. Saturated fats provide a number of important health benefits, including the following:

Providing building blocks for cell membranes, hormones, and hormone-like substances Mineral absorption, such as calcium Carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K
Conversion of carotene into vitamin A Helping to lower cholesterol levels (palmitic and stearic acids) Acts as antiviral agent (caprylic acid)
Optimal fuel for your brain Provides satiety Modulates genetic regulation and helps prevent cancer (butyric acid)

Seven Good Tests for Assessing Cardiac Risk

The best indicators for heart disease risk are outlined in the table that follows. Be aware that these same indicators have also been found to be fairly accurate in predicting your dementia risk.

1. HDL/total cholesterol ratio: HDL percentage is a very important heart disease risk factor. Just divide your HDL level by your total cholesterol. This percentage should ideally be above 24 percent. Below 10 percent, it’s a significant indicator of heart disease risk.
2. Triglyceride/HDL ratios: Divide your triglyceride number by your HDL. This ratio should ideally be below 2.
3. NMR lipoprofile: Possibly the most powerful test for evaluating heart disease risk, this test determines your proportion of smaller, more damaging LDL particles. Small LDL particles get stuck easily, cause more inflammation, and are tied to insulin and leptin resistance. This test is not typically ordered, so you might need to request it from your physician or order it yourself through a third-party. (For more information on the NMR Lipoprofile, please watch my interview with Chris Kresser, above.)
4. Fasting insulin: A normal fasting blood insulin level is below 5, but ideally, you’ll want it below 3. If your insulin level is higher than 5, the most effective way to optimize it is to reduce or eliminate all forms of dietary sugar, particularly fructose, and processed grains.
5. Fasting blood glucose: Studies have shown that people with a fasting blood glucose of 100-125 mg/dl had nearly three times the risk of coronary artery disease of people with a blood glucose below 79 mg/dl.
6. Waist-to-hip ratioVisceral fat, the type of fat that collects around your internal organs, is a well-recognized risk factor for heart disease. The simplest way to evaluate your risk here is by simply measuring your waist-to-hip ratio. (For further instructions, please see the link to my previous article.)
7. Iron level: Excess iron can exert very potent oxidative stress, so if you have excess iron in your blood, you can damage your blood vessels and increase your risk of heart disease. Ideally, you should monitor your serum ferritin level and make sure it is below 80 ng/ml. The simplest ways to eliminate excess iron are blood donation and therapeutic phlebotomy.

What REALLY Constitutes a Heart-Healthy Diet?

The following table outlines my version of a “heart-healthy diet,” which minimizes inflammation, reduces insulin resistance, and helps you reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. If you want further details, I suggest reviewing my Optimized Nutrition Plan, which will guide you through dietary changes in a step-by-step fashion, moving from beginner to intermediate to advanced.

1. Limit or eliminate all processed foods
2. Eliminate all gluten and highly allergenic foods from your diet
3. Eat organic foods whenever possible to avoid exposure to harmful agricultural chemicals, such as glyphosate
4. Avoid genetically modified ingredients (GMO), which wreak biological chaos on a cellular level and are linked to abundant health problems, including chronic inflammation and heart disease
5. Eat at least one-third of your food uncooked (raw), or as much as you can manage; avoid cooking foods at high temperatures
6. Increase the amount of fresh vegetables in your diet, locally grown and organic if possible
7. Eat naturally fermented foods, which help optimize your gut bacteria and prevent inflammation-causing superantigens from pathogenic bacteria, as well as providing valuable vitamin K2, B vitamins, and other nutrients
8. Avoid all artificial sweeteners.
9. Limit fructose to less than 25 grams per day from all sources, including whole fruits. If you have insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease, you’d be well advised to keep your fructose consumption below 15 grams per day until your insulin resistance  has normalized
10. Swap all trans fats (vegetable oils, margarine etc.) for healthy fats like avocado, raw buttercheese, and coconut oil; avoid consuming oxidized cholesterol (cholesterol that has gone rancid, such as that from overcooked scrambled eggs)
11. To rebalance your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, take a high-quality animal-based omega-3 supplement, such as krill oil, and reduce your consumption of processed omega-6 fats from vegetable oils
12. Drink plenty of pure water every day

Five Other Heart-Healthy Moves

In addition to following the heart-healthy plan discussed above, there are several more strategies that can be profoundly helpful in reducing chronic inflammation and thereby lowering your cardiovascular risk:

  1. Exercise regularly. One of the primary benefits of exercise is that it helps normalize and maintain healthy insulin and leptin levels. Exercise also boosts HDL, increases your growth hormone production, helps curb your appetite, and improves your mood and sleep.
  2. Intermittent fasting. Fasting is an excellent way to “reboot” your metabolism so that your body can relearn how to burn fat as its primary fuel, which helps you shed those excess fat stores. Intermittent fasting has a far greater retention and compliance rate compared to conventional all-day fasting regimens. Another version is alternate-day fasting.
  3. Grounding yourself to the earth. When you walk barefoot, free electrons are transferred from the earth into your body, and electrons are some of the most potent antioxidants known. Grounding (also called Earthing) helps alleviate inflammation, as well as thinning your blood and causing your red blood cells to repel each other, making them less likely to clot.
  4. AVOID statin drugs. Statin drugs can reduce your cholesterol to dangerously low levels, while doing nothing tomodulate LDL particle size. Statin drugs may even accelerate heart disease. A 2012 study showed that statin use is associated with a 52 percent higher prevalence of calcified coronary plaque compared to those not taking them.7 And coronary artery calcification is the hallmark of potentially lethal heart disease. Antidepressants have also been associated with heart disease.
  5. AVOID chemicals whenever possibleBPA, for example, has been linked to heart disease: adults with the highest levels of BPA in their urine are more than twice as likely to develop coronary artery disease as those with the lowest levels.

Vitamin D3..It’s so important..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food

One of the first conversations I had with Dr.Huggins when I started working for him in 2007 was about natural sunshine, I’d been reading in a magazine about the dangers of exposing the skin to the sun and possible skin cancer. I, as most people do, enjoy getting some colour instead of looking pasty white. I remember one of my first trips to Z Hills in Florida. The Mecca for skydivers around the world, this was back in “84”, my brother and I parked the car and walked up to the seasoned and very experienced sky-god. He looked at the two of us walking over wearing obligatory skydiving t-shirts, shorts and Teva’s   and said “whoa, have you got your legs on high beam”. Ever since then I made every effort to get a tan as soon as possible and to avoid the typical Brit look of white with sun burn patches.

Anyway over the years I’d become aware of the dangers of over exposure and to slather factor 15 on whenever I walked around in the sun. The inquisitive side of me was very curious so when I got the opportunity I talked to doc about it and to be honest was quite surprised by his response.

He went into great length about the importance of natural sunlight, however he did point out that 20 to 30 minutes per day was more than enough for the uncovered skin to absorb the necessary Vit-D. He explained the dangers of over exposure and just as importantly about sunscreen.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, it’s quite amazing really and often overlooked and taken for granted. Doc explained that you should never cover your skin with anything you wouldn’t put in your mouth, the skin absorbs it, so when you put a chemical synthetic product all over your skin then 20 minutes later it’s in your body. It will contaminate your blood and then every organ which in turn fails to function correctly. And guess what, you are laying the foundations for a sickly unprotected body.

The merits of regular sun exposure for optimal health have been reiterated by one of the most comprehensive studies yet to look at the connection between vitamin D and early mortality. Researchers from Sweden, after compiling the results of a 20-year research project they started back in the early 1990s, found that avoiding natural sunlight, or slathering yourself with sunscreen every time you go outside, can actually double your risk of premature death.

The study out of the Karolinska Institute in Solna evaluated nearly 30,000 women over the course of two decades, tracking their outdoor behaviors in conjunction with rates of cancer and early mortality. During this time, the women were asked to fill out questionnaires at certain intervals indicating how often they went to tanning salons or spent time outside in direct sunlight without sunscreen.

At the end of the study period, a total of 2,545 women died, and many of these women had previously admitted to spending little or no time outdoors in the sun. On the flip side, women who regularly spent time in the sun, allowing their skin to absorb vitamin D from the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, had much lower rates of early death. Overall, women who avoided the sun were determined to have a doubled risk of dying early.

“The results of this study clearly showed that mortality was about double in women who avoided sun exposure compared to the highest exposure group,” stated lead study author Dr. Pelle Lindqvist about the findings. “Sun exposure advice which is very restrictive in countries with low solar intensity might in fact be harmful for women’s health.”

Skin melanomas caused by too little sunlight, reveals study

Though often blamed as the most prominent cause of skin cancer, sun exposure was also found in the study to have protective benefits. Fewer women in the sun-exposed group developed skin melanomas, according to the study, and these same women were also 10 percent less likely to die from skin cancer compared to women who avoided the sun.

This flies in the face of government recommendations from both the U.S. and Canada that urge people to avoid the sun to protect against skin cancer. Not only does avoiding the sun actually increase skin cancer risk, but it also puts people at an increased risk of developing other conditions associated with vitamin D deficiency, including supposedly eradicated conditions like rickets.

“As the authors comment, our bodies need sunlight to make essential vitamin D, which can help us resist some cancer types,” said Professor Dorothy Bennett from St. George’s University in London to The Telegraph. “Those who normally avoid the sun and/or cover most of their skin are advised to take vitamin D supplements.”

With more than half of the world’s population now believed to be vitamin D deficient, the new recommendations could not be more timely. Every system of the body requires vitamin D at levels far higher than the average person likely receives on a daily basis, a message that groups like the Vitamin D Council are spreading far and wide in the interest of public health.

“Vitamin D deficiency causes growth retardation and rickets in children and will precipitate and exacerbate osteopenia, osteoporosis and increase risk of fracture in adults,” explains a 2008 study on vitamin D and health published in the journal Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. “The vitamin D deficiency has been associated pandemic with other serious consequences including increased risk of common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular disease.”

Sources for this article include:

The merits of regular sun exposure for optimal health have been reiterated by one of the most comprehensive studies yet to look at the connection between vitamin D and early mortality. Researchers from Sweden, after compiling the results of a 20-year research project they started back in the early 1990s, found that avoiding natural sunlight, or slathering yourself with sunscreen every time you go outside, can actually double your risk of premature death.

The study out of the Karolinska Institute in Solna evaluated nearly 30,000 women over the course of two decades, tracking their outdoor behaviors in conjunction with rates of cancer and early mortality. During this time, the women were asked to fill out questionnaires at certain intervals indicating how often they went to tanning salons or spent time outside in direct sunlight without sunscreen.

At the end of the study period, a total of 2,545 women died, and many of these women had previously admitted to spending little or no time outdoors in the sun. On the flip side, women who regularly spent time in the sun, allowing their skin to absorb vitamin D from the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, had much lower rates of early death. Overall, women who avoided the sun were determined to have a doubled risk of dying early.

“The results of this study clearly showed that mortality was about double in women who avoided sun exposure compared to the highest exposure group,” stated lead study author Dr. Pelle Lindqvist about the findings. “Sun exposure advice which is very restrictive in countries with low solar intensity might in fact be harmful for women’s health.”

Skin melanomas caused by too little sunlight, reveals study

Though often blamed as the most prominent cause of skin cancer, sun exposure was also found in the study to have protective benefits. Fewer women in the sun-exposed group developed skin melanomas, according to the study, and these same women were also 10 percent less likely to die from skin cancer compared to women who avoided the sun.

This flies in the face of government recommendations from both the U.S. and Canada that urge people to avoid the sun to protect against skin cancer. Not only does avoiding the sun actually increase skin cancer risk, but it also puts people at an increased risk of developing other conditions associated with vitamin D deficiency, including supposedly eradicated conditions like rickets.

“As the authors comment, our bodies need sunlight to make essential vitamin D, which can help us resist some cancer types,” said Professor Dorothy Bennett from St. George’s University in London to The Telegraph. “Those who normally avoid the sun and/or cover most of their skin are advised to take vitamin D supplements.”

With more than half of the world’s population now believed to be vitamin D deficient, the new recommendations could not be more timely. Every system of the body requires vitamin D at levels far higher than the average person likely receives on a daily basis, a message that groups like the Vitamin D Council are spreading far and wide in the interest of public health.

“Vitamin D deficiency causes growth retardation and rickets in children and will precipitate and exacerbate osteopenia, osteoporosis and increase risk of fracture in adults,” explains a 2008 study on vitamin D and health published in the journal Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. “The vitamin D deficiency has been associated pandemic with other serious consequences including increased risk of common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular disease.”

Sources for this article include:

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Foods that cause Faster Aging..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food

The #1 WORST Food that CAUSES Faster Aging(beware!)

Do you eat these foods that HARM your blood sugar and age your joints and skin faster?  Some are even deceptively marketed to you as “healthy” by giant food corporations.  Avoid or minimize these and look 5-10 years YOUNGER than your real age.

by Mike Geary – Certified Nutrition Specialist
& Catherine Ebeling – RN, BSN

Due to biochemical reactions in your body that occur with every type of food you eat on a daily basis, some foods age you FASTER than your real age, while other foods help to FIGHT aging.

Eat the wrong foods regularly, and you can look and feel 10 or more years OLDER than your real age (not fun!) … but eat the right foods, and over time, you can start to look 5-10 years YOUNGER than your real age.

Three of the processes that go on inside your body that have a MAJOR impact on your rate of aging are called “glycation”, “inflammation”, and “oxidation”.

When we talk about aging, we’re not just talking about wrinkles on your skin or how thick your hair is… we’re also talking about factors that you can’t see, such as how well your organs function, and whether your joints are degrading.

Yes, I’m sure you’ll agree this is much more important than just how you look superficially (although we’ll show you how to improve BOTH below!)

With the title of this article, you might have guessed that obvious answers like sugar or trans fat would be what we talk about in this article.  Yes, we all already know those are bad, but I want to discuss another food that ages your body faster than normal… and it’s one that you might not expect!

So let’s dig right in and I’ll show you how your rate of aging can be directly related to the foods you might eat every day, and how to protect yourself…

The #1 WORST food that ages you faster:

Wheat based foods (yes, even “whole wheat”)

Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let’s clarify some simple biochemistry in your body…

This deals with “glycation” in your body, and substances called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).  These nasty little compounds called AGEs speed up the aging process in your body including damage over time to your organs, your joints, and of course, wrinkled skin.

So with that said, what is one of the biggest factors that increase production of AGEs inside your body?  This may surprise you, but high blood sugar levels over time dramatically increase age-accelerating AGEs in your body.  This is why type 2 diabetics many times appear that they have not aged well and look older than their real age.  But this age-increasing effect is not just limited to diabetics.

So, let’s get back to how “whole wheat” relates to this…

Here is a little-known fact that’s often covered up by the massive marketing campaigns by giant food companies that want you to believe that “whole wheat” is healthy for you… but the fact is that wheat contains a very unusual type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called Amylopectin-A, which has been found in some tests to spike your blood sugar HIGHER than even pure table sugar.

In fact, amylopectin-A (from wheat) raises your blood sugar MORE than almost any other carbohydrate source on earth based on blood sugar response testing that’s documented in studies.

This means that wheat-based foods such as breads, bagels, cereals, muffins, and other baked goods often cause MUCH higher blood sugar levels than most other carbohydrate sources.  If you don’t believe me, here’s something you should know… I ran personal blood sugar tests on myself using a blood glucometer about 45 minutes after eating 2 slices of wheat bread vs eating a bowl of oatmeal, with equivalent grams of carbs.

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These powerful anti-aging superfoods are proven to Heal your joints, prevent diabetes, normalize your blood pressure, protect your brain health, fix your digestion, and boost your sluggish metabolism

The blood sugar test results:

2 slices of whole wheat toast:
45 minutes after consumption:  Blood sugar spiked from 86 fasting level to 155.

1 Bowl of Oatmeal (equivalent grams of carbs to 2 slices wheat toast)
45 minutes after consumption:   Blood sugar raised from 86 fasting level to 112

As you know now, the higher your average blood sugar levels are over time, the more AGEs are formed inside your body, which makes you age FASTER.  Clearly, the whole wheat spiked blood sugar MUCH higher than the oatmeal, and if you don’t know, 155 is a massive blood sugar reading that will certainly contribute to faster aging if you eat wheat frequently.

You’ve probably also heard about the potential health-damaging effects of gluten (another problematic compound found in wheat that can cause inflammation in your digestive system) in the news recently, but this blood sugar aspect we just covered is not talked about that often, and is yet another reason to reduce or eliminate wheat-based foods in your diet.  Your body will thank you by aging slower and looking YOUNGER!

And losing bodyfat is typically another fun side effect of eliminating or reducing wheat in your diet!

Yet another problem with wheat-based foods and aging…

As it turns out, baked wheat products contain carcinogenic chemicals calledacrylamides that form in the browned portion of breads, cereals, muffins, etc.  These carcinogenic acrylamides have been linked in studies to possible increased risk of cancer and accelerated aging.  Note that acrylamides are also found in high levels in other browned carbohydrate sources such as french fries or any other browned starchy foods.

Don’t worry though… There’s a trick that you can use to protect yourself from these carcinogenic acrylamides, and it has to do with eating the RIGHT foods that COUNTERACT damage from these nasty chemicals.  I’ll show you how to find theEXACT foods that protect your body on the next page!

Other foods to watch out for that can increase aging in your body include corn-based foods that also disrupt blood sugar highly (corn cereals, corn chips, corn syrup), soybean oil and other “vegetable” oils that contain excessively refined and processed fats that cause inflammation in your body, and also excess sugars from candies, cakes, and sweetened drinks.


My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

True cost of cheap food…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health


By Dr. Mercola

America is as obese as it possibly can be, yet the government and media refuse to take responsibility for this tragic problem.  Although obesity rates among American preschoolers declined by 43 percent in the past decade, teenage and adult obesity are deplorable and show no signs of improvement.1

These findings were broadcast on all of the nation’s major news stations and in most major newspapers234 with many claiming “victory” in the fight against childhood obesity. While this all sounds like good news, I disagree with such proclamations.

The study, published in JAMA,5 found that obesity rates among two- to five-year olds dropped from 14 percent in 2003 to eight percent in 2012. The researchers suggest that decreased consumption of high-calorie drinks and higher rates of breast feeding might account for the decline.

No reduction in obesity rates was found among any other age group, however. And obesity rates for women over the age of 60 actually rose by about 21 percent. Eventually, nearly all Americans end up obese which contributes to a lifetime of chronic disease.

Americans Have Far from Conquered Obesity

One-third of American children and teens (aged two to 19), and more than two-thirds of adults are still either overweight or obese. One out of eight preschoolers is still in the obese category, along with 18 percent of kids aged six to 11—up from seven percent in 1980.6

From my perspective, we’re still FAR from being in a position to jump for joy or pat ourselves on the back. The study authors themselves concluded:

“Overall, there have been no significant changes in obesity prevalence in youth or adults between 2003-2004 and 2011-2012. Obesity prevalence remains high and thus it is important to continue surveillance.”

While it may sound promising that overall obesity rates have “stabilized,” what that REALLY means is that we have maxed out, we are as fat as we can possibly be as a nation, and show no signs of improvement.

Other statistics clearly show that Americans, including children, are sicker than ever, and it’s absolutely obvious that this is a direct result of corrupted federal policies and the junk food industry marketing to kids, getting them addicted to sugar as soon as possible with famous cartoon characters and flashy images.  Don’t be fooled by this latest PR stunt to make you think they’re finally getting something right.

The anti-obesity campaign is NOT working. And while some reporters have stated that the drop in obesity among toddlers is due to successful physical fitness programs, such as First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Campaign (which launched in 2010), I fail to see this connection.

Improved breastfeeding rates are the most likely primary factor contributing to the decline seen in this age group (two- to five-year olds).  This is the one area I can appreciate, after decades of disastrous infant formula marketing to new moms, it appears we are finally acknowledging the critical value of breastfeeding.

According to the CDC,7 the percent of babies breastfeeding at six months increased from 35 percent in 2000 to 49 percent in 2010, and infants still breastfeeding at 12 months increased from 16 percent to 27 percent during that same time period.  While most infant formulas are about 50% carbohydrates, breast milk is naturally around 18%, which is the obvious problem that contributes to infant obesity.

Federal policies have not budged when it comes to issues that matter the most, or could have the greatest impact. Subsidizing the growing of genetically engineered (GE) corn, soy, and sugar beets continues to fuel the production of cheap, processed junk food that fatten us up and cause cascading health problems, courtesy of the insulin resistance such a diet brings.

Subsidizing the growing of GE soy and corn for hydrogenated vegetable oils is the primary source of clogged arteries leading to countless unnecessary heart attacks.

The combination of junk food manufacturers, pesticide producers’ agriculture lobbying, and the willingness of our federal politicians to be lobbied because of their greed for money and power has not changed one bit in the past decade. If anything, it’s only gotten more insidious.

New USDA Rule May Stop Soda and Junk Food Advertising in Schools

As a general rule, the beverage industry also still denies or strongly downplays its role in the childhood obesity epidemic, despite the fact that beverage companies spend over $1 billion annually on youth-targeted marketing—especially in school settings—and sodas have been repeatedly shown to massively promote obesity in study after study.

Hopefully, we’ll soon see a reduction in junk food advertising in schools at least. First Lady Michelle Obama recently announced a new US Department of Agriculture (USDA) rule that would phase out advertising of sugary drinks and junk food on school grounds.  Historically, the junk food industry always finds a way to buy their way back into schools as a desperately needed source of revenues. As reported by NBC News:8

“US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the new rules would eliminate marketing for products that cannot be sold in schools. ‘If you can’t sell it, you ought not to be able to market it,’ Vilsack said. He said companies spend $149 million a year on marketing food and drinks to kids in school…

The Federal Trade Commission says the heaviest marketers are candy and snack food manufacturers, beverage companies, and fast food restaurants, which make use of posters and scoreboards. They also give students coupons, for instance offering pizza as a prize for students who read a certain number of books, and they place advertisements in school television programs and other educational materials. California banned sodas and junk food from public schools in 2005 and Connecticut did in 2006, but most states don’t have policies.”

True Cost Accounting—Understanding the Real Cost of Cheap Food

I was in the Philippines last month and over there fresh fruits and vegetables are inexpensive and processed junk food is costly. So there are strong economic incentives for them to eat healthy. However, the converse is present in the US. For some families, access to fruits and vegetables is very limited, forcing them to rely on the heavily subsidized processed foods at their local markets. Others realize they can get a value meal at numerous fast-food restaurants for far less money than it takes to purchase foods to cook from scratch. But all this cheap food comes with a hidden price tag.

The featured video discusses a number of principles associated with food, such as the principle of true cost accounting,9 which helps you understand the real cost of the food you buy. When you make purchasing decisions based solely on price, without asking why the food is so inexpensive, you’re actually supporting a long list of social and environmental ills that, ultimately, you still end up paying for in one way or another.

While Americans pay less for their weekly grocery bill than people in most other nations, the true cost of all this cheap food is staggering. Declining health and rising health care costs are two of the most obvious considerations. Parents need to wake up and face the reality that processed foods have dramatically changed over the years. The level of processing and chemical additives has increased exponentially, and today’s pre-packaged convenience foods have been processed and altered to the point of being virtually unrecognizable, nutritionally, from real food.

Processed food is typically NOT interchangeable with fresh whole food, no matter what it says on the bag. Unfortunately, many still do not know that the “natural” label is completely worthless, as foods bearing the “natural” label can still, legally, be chockfull of chemicals, additives, and genetically engineered ingredients.

Children Are Highly Susceptible to GMO Side Effects

In the US, parents also have to contend with the fact that a vast majority of this cheap food is genetically engineered and heavily contaminated with the toxic herbicides like glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup. Experts like Dr. Don Huber strongly believe that glyphosate is actually more toxic than DDT.

Compelling evidence now suggests that glyphosate residues, found in most commonly consumed foods in the Western diet courtesy of GE sugar, corn, soy, and wheat, enhance the damaging effects of other food-borne chemical residues and toxins in the environment to disrupt normal body functions and induce disease. Glyphosate also severely disrupts your gut flora, thereby further exacerbating metabolic havoc and poor health. Children are clearly at greatest risk here. The sooner their gut flora becomes severely compromised, the sooner their health will begin to fail. If they’re fed GE foods from infancy, they may be facing serious health issues by the time they’re in their teens!

This is a valid concern, as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can even be found in infant formulas, and no one really knows what the health risks of such ingredients might be, especially long-term. It’s important to remember that pound for pound, infants experience greater exposure to chemicals than adults, and have immature and porous blood-brain barriers, which allow greater chemical exposures to reach their developing brains. Hence, an all-organic diet is really crucial for infants and young children.

Breastfeeding is clearly the best option. Besides lacking the full arsenal of critical nutrients obtained from breast milk, many infant formulas also contain far too much sugar (your baby doesn’t need any). But it’s not just a matter of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats that makes breast milk far superior to formula. Breast milk also contains substances that may significantly enhance your baby’s gut and support the healthy development of her entire nervous system.

Teach Your Kids the Basic Tenets of Optimal Health

Do not make the mistake of underestimating the power of your influence as a parent when it comes to laying down potentially lifelong habits. Leading by example is one of the most effective teaching tools there is. Children will simply not know which foods are healthy unless you, as a parent, teach it to them.

Remember, wholesome food is “live” and typically raw food, and the hallmark of live food is the fact that it will wilt and decompose. The fact that fast food burgers, buns, and fries show no signs of decomposing, even after a decade, is a clear indication that it’s not real food and serves no beneficial purpose as part of your child’s diet.

If you’re unsure about how to get your family on the right track, my optimized nutrition plan offers a step-by-step guide to feeding your family right. You can find even more help in the book I wrote on the subject, called Generation XL: Raising Healthy, Intelligent Kids in a High-Tech, Junk-Food World. As a quick overview, here are some of the most important lifestyle strategies you can teach your child that will serve him or her well for the rest of their life:

    1. Proper food choices: For a comprehensive guide, see my free optimized nutrition plan. Generally speaking though, you’ll want to focus your diet on whole, ideally organic, unprocessed or minimally processed foods. For the best nutrition and health benefits, you will want to eat a good portion of your food raw.

Avoid processed sugar, and refined fructose in particular. All forms of sugar have toxic effects when consumed in excess, and drive multiple disease processes in your body, not the least of which is insulin resistance, a major cause of chronic disease and accelerated aging. I believe the two primary keys for successful weight management are severely restricting carbohydrates (sugars, fructose, and grains) in your diet, and increasing healthy fat consumption. This will optimize insulin and leptin levels, which is key for maintaining a healthy weight and optimal health. Sources of healthy fats include:

Olives and olive oil Coconuts and coconut oil Butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk
Raw nuts, particularly macadamia Organic pastured egg yolks Avocados
Grass-fed meats Palm oil Unheated organic nut oils


    1. Regular exercise: Even if you’re eating the healthiest diet in the world, you still need to exercise to reach the highest levels of health, and you need to be exercising effectively, which means including high-intensity activities into your rotation. High-intensity interval-type training boosts human growth hormone (HGH) production, which is essential for optimal health, strength and vigor. HGH also helps boost weight loss.

So along with core-strengthening exercises, strength training, and stretching, I highly recommend that two to three times a week you do Peak Fitness exercises, which raise your heart rate up to your anaerobic threshold for 20 to 30 seconds, followed by a 90-second recovery period.

    1. Stress reduction: Your emotional state plays a role in nearly every physical disease — from heart disease and depression, to arthritis and cancer. Meditation, prayer, social support, and exercise are all viable options that can help you maintain emotional and mental equilibrium. I also strongly believe in using simple tools such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to address deeper, oftentimes hidden, emotional problems.
    2. Drink plenty of clean pure water.
    3. Maintain a healthy gut: About 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut, and research is stacking up showing that probiotics—beneficial bacteria—affect your health in a myriad of ways; it can even influence your ability to lose weight. A healthy diet is the ideal way to maintain a healthy gut, and regularly consuming traditionally fermented foods is the easiest, most cost effective way to ensure optimal gut flora.
    4. Optimize your vitamin D levels: Research has shown that increasing your vitamin D levels can reduce your risk of death from ALL causes. Sun exposure is the best way to optimize your vitamin D levels as your body has built-in “fail-safe” mechanisms that prevent detrimental side effects from occurring. For more information on how to safely and effectively optimize your vitamin D levels, please see my previous article, “How Vitamin D Performance Testing Can Help You Optimize Your Health.”

If you opt for oral vitamin D supplements, make sure you use D3, not prescription D2, as the latter may do more harm than good. Also, if you take supplemental vitamin D, you’re creating an increased demand for K2—not K1 that is typically in vegetables as it will not work synergize with vitamin D. Vitamin K2 deficiency is actually what produces the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity, which includes inappropriate calcification that can lead to hardening of your arteries. Together, vitamin D and K2 help strengthen your bones and improve your heart health.

  1. Avoid as many chemicals, toxins, and pollutants as possible: This includes tossing out your toxic household cleaners, soaps, personal hygiene products, air fresheners, bug sprays, lawn pesticides, and insecticides, just to name a few, and replacing them with non-toxic alternatives.
  2. Get plenty of high-quality sleep: Regularly catching only a few hours of sleep can hinder metabolism and hormone production in a way that is similar to the effects of aging and the early stages of diabetes. Chronic sleep loss may speed the onset or increase the severity of age-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and memory loss.

More Tips for Creating a Healthy Eating Environment for Kids

Ultimately, teaching your child the importance of healthy foods and exercise is the key to maintaining health. With that in mind, here are a few more tips to foster a healthy view of food and self-esteem in your child:

  • Lead by example and seek to maintain optimal body weight for yourself and your spouse
  • Refrain from making jokes about your child’s weight, even if no harm is intended
  • Explain the health risks of being overweight to your child, but avoid comparing your overweight child to other children, including thinner siblings
  • Cook healthy meals for your family, and let your child be involved in making dinner, but avoid making your child eat different food than the rest of the family
  • Encourage your child to make healthy food choices and praise them when they do instead of putting your child down about weight or eating habits
  • Instead of using food as a reward or punishment, have healthy snacks available at all times, and explain to your child the benefits they’ll get from eating these fresh, whole foods; use non-food items, such as stickers or special outings/activities as rewards instead


My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Wheat – A Bane of the Modern Diet..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

By Dr. Mercola

Three decades ago, the food available was mostly fresh and grown locally. Today, the majority of foods served, whether at home, in school or in restaurants, are highly processed foods, filled with sugars, harmful processed fats, and chemical additives.

During that same time, obesity rates have skyrocketed, and one in five American deaths are now associated with obesity. Obesity-related deaths include those from type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, cancer, dementia, and depression, as nearly all have metabolic dysfunction as a common underlying factor.

The featured1 article contains 11 telling charts and graphs, illustrating how the modern diet has led to an avalanche of chronic disease. As its author, Kris Gunnars says:

“The modern diet is the main reason why people all over the world are fatter and sicker than ever before. Everywhere modern processed foods go, chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease soon follow.”

Sugar Consumption, Especially Soda and Juices, Drives Disease Rates

Of all the dietary culprits out there, refined sugar in general, and processed fructose in particular, win top billing as the greatest destroyers of health. The amount of refined sugar in the modern diet has ballooned, with the average American now getting about 350 calories a day (equivalent to about 22 teaspoons of sugar and 25 percent of their daily calories) from added sugar.

This level of sugar consumption has definitive health consequences. One recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Internal Medicine,2 which examined the associations between added sugar consumption and cardiovascular disease (CVD) deaths, found that:

  • Among American adults, the mean percentage of daily calories from added sugar was 14.9 percent in 2005-2010
  • Most adults (just over 71 percent) get 10 percent or more of their daily calories from added sugar
  • Approximately 10 percent of American adults got 25 percent or more of their daily calories from added sugar in 2005-2010
  • The most common sources of added sugar are sugar-sweetened beverages, grain-based desserts, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, and candy

According to this study, those who consume 21 percent or more of their daily calories in the form of sugar are TWICE as likely to die from heart disease compared to those who get seven percent or less or their daily calories from added sugar.

Needless to say, with all this added sugar in the diet, average calorie consumption has skyrocketed as well, having increased by about 20 percent since 1970.

A primary source of all this added sugar is soda, fruit juices, and other sweetened drinks. Multiple studies have confirmed that these kinds of beverages dramatically increase your risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and mortality. Diet sodas or artificially sweetened foods and beverages are no better, as research reveals they appear to do even MORE harm than refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), including causing greater weight gain.

Abandoning Traditional Fats for Processed Vegetable Oils Has Led to Declining Health

Fats help your body absorb important vitamins, including vitamins A, D, and E, and fats are especially important for infants and toddlers for proper growth and development. Moreover, when your body burns non-vegetable carbohydrates like grains and sugars, powerful adverse hormonal changes typically occur. These detrimental changes do not occur when you consume healthy fats or fibrous vegetables.

As explained by Dr. Robert Lustig, fructose in particular is “isocaloric but not isometabolic,” which means you can have the same amount of calories from fructose or glucose, fructose and protein, or fructose and fat, but the metabolic effect will be entirely different despite the identical calorie count. Furthermore, saturated fats, although supplying more calories, will NOT actually cause you to get fat, nor will it promote heart disease.

Unfortunately, the healthiest fats, including animal fats and coconut oil, both of which are saturated, have been long portrayed as a heart attack waiting to happen. Meanwhile, harmful hydrogenated vegetable oils such as corn and canola oil have been touted as “healthful” alternatives. Ditto for margarine.

Boy, did they get this wrong. Nothing could have been further from the truth. The hydrogenation process creates incredibly harmful trans fats, which the US Food and Drug Administration is now finally considering banning altogether. (I’ll review the health hazards of trans fats in further detail below.) Clearly, switching from lard and grass-fed butter—which contains heart-protective nutrients—to margarine and other trans-fat rich hydrogenated oils was a public health experiment that has not ended well.

Low-Fat Fad Has Done Unfathomable Harm

Conventional recommendations have also called for dramatically decreasing the overall amount of fat in your diet, and this fat aversion is yet another driving factor of metabolic disease and chronic ill health. As I and other nutritional experts have warned, most people (especially if you’re insulin or leptin resistant, which encompasses about 80 percent of Americans) probably need upwards of 50-85 percent of daily calories from healthful fats. This is a FAR cry from the less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fats recommended by the US Department of Agriculture.3 As stated in the featured article:

“The first dietary guidelines for Americans were published in the year 1977, almost at the exact same time the obesity epidemic started. Of course, this doesn’t prove anything (correlation does not equal causation), but it makes sense that this could be more than just a mere coincidence.

The anti-fat message essentially put the blame on saturated fat and cholesterol (harmless), while giving sugar and refined carbs (very unhealthy) a free pass. Since the guidelines were published, many massive studies have been conducted on the low-fat diet. It is no better at preventing heart disease, obesity or cancer than the standard Western diet, which is as unhealthy as a diet can get.”

There’s no telling how many have been prematurely killed by following these flawed low-fat guidelines, yet despite mounting research refuting the value of cutting out fats, such recommendations are still being pushed.

Increased Vegetable Oil Consumption Has Altered Americans’ Fatty Acid Composition

The increased consumption of processed vegetable oils has also led to a severely lopsided fatty acid composition, as these oils provide high amounts of omega-6 fats. The ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats is 1:1, but the typical Western diet is between 1:20 and 1:50. Eating too much damaged omega-6 fat and too little omega-3 sets the stage for the very health problems you seek to avoid, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes, just to name a few. To correct this imbalance, you typically need to do two things:

  1. Significantly decrease omega-6 by avoiding processed foods and foods cooked at high temperatures using vegetable oils
  2. Increase your intake of heart-healthy animal-based omega-3 fats, such as krill oil

The Dangers of Hydrogenated Soybean Oil

About 95 percent of soy is genetically engineered to have resistance to glyphosate and is loaded with this highly toxic herbicide. But even if you have organic soy, most of it is hydrogenated. Hydrogenated soybean oil has, like sugar, become a major source of calories in the US diet. Americans consume more than 28 billion pounds of edible oils annually, and soybean oil accounts for about 65 percent of it. About half of it is hydrogenated, as soybean oil is too unstable otherwise to be used in food manufacturing. In 1999, soybean oil accounted for seven percent of consumed daily calories in the US.

Part of the problem with partially hydrogenated soybean oil is the trans fat it contains. The other part relates to the health hazards of soy itself. An added hazard factor is the fact that the majority of soybeans are genetically engineered. The completely unnatural fats created through the partial hydrogenation process cause dysfunction and chaos in your body on a cellular level, and studies have linked trans-fats to:

Cancer, by interfering with enzymes your body uses to fight cancer Chronic health problems such as obesity, asthma, auto-immune disease, cancer, and bone degeneration
Diabetes, by interfering with the insulin receptors in your cell membranes Heart disease, by clogging your arteries (Among women with underlying coronary heart disease, eating trans-fats increased the risk of sudden cardiac arrest three-fold!)
Decreased immune function, by reducing your immune response Increase blood levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad” cholesterol, while lowering levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good” cholesterol
Reproductive problems, by interfering with enzymes needed to produce sex hormones Interfering with your body’s use of beneficial omega-3 fats


Besides the health hazards related to the trans fats, soybean oil is, in and of itself, NOT a healthy oil. Add to that the fact that the majority of soybeans grown in the US are genetically engineered, which may have additional health consequences. When taken together, partially hydrogenated GE soybean oil becomes one of the absolute worst types of oils you can consume. Unfortunately, as stated in the featured article:4

“[M]ost people don’t have a clue they’re eating this much soybean oil. They’re actually getting most of it from processed foods, which often have soybean oil added to them because it is cheap. The best way to avoid soybean oil (and other nasty ingredients) is to avoid processed foods.”

Wheat – A Bane of the Modern Diet

Modern wheat is not the same kind of wheat your grandparents ate. The nutritional content of this staple grain has been dramatically altered over the years and is now far less nutritious than the varieties of generations past. As Gunnars states:5

“Modern dwarf wheat was introduced around the year 1960, which contains 19-28 percent less of important minerals like Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, and Copper. There is also evidence that modern wheat is much more harmful to celiac patients and people with gluten sensitivity, compared to older breeds like Einkorn wheat. Whereas wheat may have been relatively healthy back in the day, the same is not true of modern dwarf wheat.”

Wheat lectin, or “wheat germ agglutinin” (WGA), is largely responsible for many of wheat’s pervasive ill effects. WGA is highest in whole wheat, especially sprouted whole wheat, but wheat isn’t the only grain with significant lectin. All seeds of the grass family (rice, wheat, spelt, rye, etc.) are high in lectins. WGA has the potential to damage your health by the following mechanisms (list is not all-inclusive):

Pro-Inflammatory: WGA lectin stimulates the synthesis of pro-inflammatory chemical messengers, even at very small concentrations Neurotoxic: WGA lectin can pass through your blood-brain barrier and attach to the protective coating on your nerves, known as the myelin sheath. It is also capable of inhibiting nerve growth factor, which is important for the growth, maintenance, and survival of certain neurons
Immunotoxic: WGA lectin may bind to and activate white blood cells Cardiotoxic: WGA lectin induces platelet aggregation and has a potent disruptive effect on tissue regeneration and removal of neutrophils from your blood vessels
Cytotoxic (toxic to cells): WGA lectin may induce programmed cell death (apoptosis) Research also shows that WGA maydisrupt endocrine and gastrointestinal function, interfere with genetic expression, and share similarities with certain viruses

Flawed Assumptions About Eggs Have Worsened Health

According to USDA data, Americans ate more than 375 eggs per person per year, on average, in 1950. Egg consumption dipped to just over 225 eggs per capita between 1995 and 2000, and as of 2007, it was just over 250 eggs per capita per year—a 33 percent decline since 1950.

Like saturated fats, many naturally cholesterol-rich foods have also been wrongfully vilified. Eggs, which are actually among the most nutritious foods you can eat (provided they come from organically raised, pastured hens) have long been accused of causing heart disease simply because they’re high in cholesterol. But dietary cholesterol has little to do with the cholesterol level in your body, and numerous studies have confirmed that eating eggs does NOT raise potentially adverse LDL cholesterol in your blood. Studies have also failed to find any evidence that eggs contribute to heart disease.

Testing6 has confirmed that true free-range eggs are far more nutritious than commercially raised eggs. The dramatically superior nutrient levels are most likely the result of the differences in diet between free-ranging, pastured hens and commercially farmed hens. In a 2007 egg-testing project, Mother Earth News compared the official U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient data for commercial eggs with eggs from hens raised on pasture, and found that the latter typically contains:

  • 2/3 more vitamin A
  • Two times more omega-3 fatty acids
  • Three times more vitamin E
  • Seven times more beta-carotene

Barring organic certification, which is cost-prohibitive for many small farmers, you could just make sure the farmer raises his chickens according to organic, free-range standards, allowing his flock to forage freely for their natural diet, and aren’t fed antibiotics, corn, and soy.

You can tell the eggs are free range or pastured by the color of the egg yolk. Foraged hens produce eggs with bright orange yolks. Dull, pale yellow yolks are a sure sign you’re getting eggs from caged hens that are not allowed to forage for their natural diet. offers a helpful organic egg scorecard that rates egg manufacturers based on 22 criteria that are important for organic consumers. According to Cornucopia, their report “showcases ethical family farms, and their brands, and exposes factory farm producers and brands in grocery store coolers that threaten to take over organic livestock agriculture.”

People Eat More Processed Food Than Ever Before

Overall, about 90 percent of the money Americans spend on food is spent on processed foods.7 This includes restaurant foods (i.e. food away from home) and processed grocery foods that require little or no preparation time before consuming at home.

When looking at the ratio of money spent on store-bought groceries only, Americans spend nearly a fourth of their grocery money on processed foods and sweets—twice as much as they did in 1982—according to Department of Labor statistics.8 Pricing of meats, sugar, and flour has had a great influence our spending habits. These items have actually seen a decrease in price per pound, which has had an inverse effect on Americans’ spending habits, in that cheaper prices encourage people to buy more.

The result is obvious. Compared with shoppers 30 years ago, American adults today are twice as likely to be obese, and children and adolescent three times as likely to be overweight. Pediatric type 2 diabetes—which used to be very rare—has markedly increased along with the rise in early childhood obesity. According to previous research, early onset type 2 diabetes appears to be a more aggressive disease from a cardiovascular standpoint.9

Take Control of Your Health

Research coming out of some of America’s most respected institutions now confirms that sugar is a primary dietary factor driving chronic disease development. Sugar, and fructose in particular, has been implicated as a culprit in the development of both heart disease and cancer, and having this information puts you in the driver’s seat when it comes to prevention. A diet that promotes health is high in healthful fats and very, very low in sugar and non-vegetable carbohydrates.

Understand that excessive sugar/fructose consumption leads to insulin resistance, and insulin resistance appears to be the root of many if not most chronic disease. So far, scientific studies have linked excessive fructose consumption to about 78 different diseases and health problems,10 including heart disease and cancer.

Many also eat far too little healthy fat, and the combination of too much sugar and too little fat is driving disease rates through the roof. If you’re still unsure about what constitutes a healthy diet, please review my free optimized nutrition plan, which starts at the beginner level and goes all the way up to advanced.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99