Over the past 15 or 20 years there has been several very special people that have gone out on a limb to help the millions suffering from what the so called experts say is an incurable disease, I’m referring to multiple sclerosis here, Dr. Terry Wahls and Ann Boroch R.I.P. to name two, because of my direct experience, I’m biased towards Ann Boroch.
I think for anyone initially experiencing the frustration and humiliatings symptoms, it’s almost a relief to be diagnosed by a neurologist and told that there are drugs that can help them.
What “They” also say is that there is no cure for the disease, so basically you’ll go downhill from now on and be taking pharmaceutical drugs for as long as you’re a customer, oops my bad, patient.
It’s strange really because western medicine is so much more advanced now than it was 50 or 60 years ago but the general attitude of most medical professionals these days is primarily based on addressing symptoms as opposed to locating and correcting the root cause of why a person is suffering.
The human body is an amazing thing and is constantly trying to function correctly, this involves regeneration of old and damaged cells, so why is it that the” experts ” don’t use the self diagnostic system every human has, why do they insist on using completely unnatural pharmaceutical drugs that do nothing good to the body while fooling the brain into thinking its helping,
oh, I know why.. massive profits…
I know for a fact that a blood test and urine test will show exactly what’s in the body, the components, and the percentages of what should and shouldn’t be there. MS diagnosis is different from many other illnesses in that there isn’t a specific marker of pathogen that when seen and identified doesn’t immediately show as multiple sclerosis, a blood test doesn’t reveal MS specifics.
Diagnosis is made when other bodily functions aren’t working correctly, and they don’t understand why, so they lump all the symptoms together and call it MS.
Getting back to blood tests, a perfectly health. y person’s results will differ from a person who’s sick. In my mind, it seems logical to help the sufferer remove the toxins and replace them with good nutrients.
But if that were done, then the multi billions in profits extorted fom suffering people wouldn’t be billions but only millions, Ahh poor Big pharma.
So, getting back to healing the body with the proven, tried, and tested way of eliminating multiple sclerosis which they say is not possible, and they are right, if your sole aim is to build your customer base, and make massive profits, but it is when the sufferer makes the commitment to not take side effect laden pharmaceutical drugs and by following
The Ann Boroch Protocol…