But, what if…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

But, what if…..
Over the many years I worked for Dr Hal Huggins, who in his last twenty years of life was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing, I talked with more than 17,000 people, not all, but many of them did become patients, his success rate was 86%, meaning 86% had either complete healing or a significant improvement.
I often asked a question about their particular illness and if they’d had dental work done prior to diagnosis. Not a question asked by traditional doctors and dentists, an MS patient never went back to their dentist and told them they’d been diagnosed with MS after having fillings, placed or removed, or having root canals… they just had no reason to think the two were connected.
The work done by Dr Weston A Price and subsequently Dr Hal Huggins proved 100% that there are dental proceedures, work still being done to this day that causes very damaging problems long term, as I said, patients don’t go back to their dentist and accuse them for their health problems. Dentists don’t know about them, but I did… do.
I previously mentioned that prior to 1976 an amalgam filling was 52% mercury, zinc, copper, tin and 8% or 10% silver, the combination of dissimilar metals creates a mini battery that emits an electrical signal measured in micro amps.
The removal of amalgam fillings has to be done in a very specific sequence. Using a device called a RITA meter or an Amalgameter which isn’t quite as good but can significantly help, the amalgam’s are removed starting with the filling that recorded the highest negative frequency, then the remaining in that quadrant. If the next highest recoding after that quadrant was in the other side of the mouth crossing the midline then there has to be a minimum of 48 hours before they’re done, that same rule applies to the following three quadrants.
There are other rules that must be followed but I don’t want a dentist reading this to think they’ve been trained in the Huggins Protocol and then dismiss it because it didn’t work .
When the correct sequential removal isn’t followed precisely then it’s been proven that 63% of patients develop an autoimmune disease, it might not be the next week, next month but it did happen.
I can understand that a dentist will probably dismiss my words as anecdotal evidence, but… but What if I’m right…

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