But to me, it was…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Something that I’m very passionate about is what it is and how it’s possible to genuinely enable the body, mine specifically to actually “Live” again. I say “live” because I’m not talking about opening my eyes in the morning and staying in the same place until they close again for five hours at night. No… I’m talking about getting up and actually doing things during the day, going outside in the fresh air, driving in a car, going to a restaurant and a million other things. So in order to make that happen, contrary to the worlds so called medical experts I’ve been an avid follower of the tried tested and PROVEN way of doing this which is the Ann Boroch Protocol…
Since reading her books specifically on the subject of doing this I have to say that I’m a believer..

Some of you may have read one of my previous posts regarding an addition that I’m doing.
I’m obviously not going to talk about that specifically here as it’s not P.C

Anyway today was a very important day for me because after 15.months in bed for 23 hours per day because of serious knee damage, I did something my carers and knee surgeon didn’t think was likely to happen. I transfered from my commode to standing at my walker. I wasn’t able to walk, but just standing and stretching my legs weight bearing felt soooo good. I know for the able bodied readers here that may not seem like a big deal, but trust me when I say…to me that was.

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