But a lot…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

But a lot…
Trying to grade the way I feel in comparison to how I was in August 2017 prior to starting on the ABP is difficult because on these days, more than 20 months on, each day is very similar to the previous day, so comparing how I am on a specific day could be said as similar to how I was yesterday. That description probably gives the impression that I’m not overly impressed, but trust me when I say that the ABP has saved my life, it’s changing my physicality little by little but at this time it’s my mental attitude, my confidence and optimism for the future that’s taken massive strides forward. I’m filled with positivity, it’s given me a genuine desire for life because now I know without a shadow of doubt that I really have a future worth living.
When I started the protocol in September 2017, I’d had this hideous disease for thirteen years and although I’d been working full time and treating myself naturally until 2012 I’d started to go downhill and returned to England and needed help for a couple of hours everyday.
The first three months are tough and not everyone starting the protocol get’s through that really hard time… but after that the improvements happen on a regular basis, some only stay for a few days but their regularity melds into consistency in time, you just have to be strong mentally and believe it will happen. In order to succeed there is in my opinion three things that are more important than anything else… dedication, determination and being honest with yourself…..
There’s no point in saying you’re doing the right things and complaining that it’s just not working if you truly know that you’re cheating, the little things that you just can’t do without, might seem inconsequential and not important, but they are…. and following the guidelines that are written in black and white are there for a reason.
I’m writing these words as much for me as for everyone else…
There have been more significant improvements this month primarily because of “She who knows best” putting me straight… thanks m’dear.. I’m feeling great.
How am I feeling in comparison to yesterday, it is similar….
But a lot better….

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