Better than.
Okay let’s be realistic here, and I’m talking to the ones like me reading this, when you were diagnosed with MS, mine was Feb 04, the neurologist probably told you in a matter of fact, not necessarily an understanding of sympathetic way that after the multitude of testing, the MRI, the CAT scan, ultrasound, lumbar puncture and EEG said that you had Multiple Sclerosis, an incurable disease and you’d have to start and be on medication for life, however long that might be. By the way I refused to take the addictive treat a symptom drug and was chastised by the neurologist and told I’d be in a wheelchair in six months, it’s nearly fourteen years and I’m not there and have no intention of letting that happen. I think that statement is exactly the right one to use….. listen to the drug pushers, A.K.A. doctors and neurologists and live a life of depression and negativity or…. or don’t let that happen by following a proven, tried and tested method of healing your diseased body. Do your own research and look up the many diseases that are rife today that never existed 75 years ago, and No, it’s not anything to do with more advanced research it’s simply down to the pharmaceutical giants creating disease through the side effects of drugs. Google any drug and you will see a huge list of possible side effects.
Anyway the point of this post is this, compare how you are now to how you were pre ABP, you might not be cured…. yet.. but there is no doubt in my mind that I’m better than I was before.