Better health…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Our goal…

Obviously there are people with desires and ambition and that is great, it’s what has enabled the world to move forward and develop but sadly some people have hidden agendas in that they don’t care about the damage caused in their quest.

I’ve so much to say that sometimes I realize that I’ve strayed from my original intentions.

Okay, let’s look at health, in order to achieve almost any goal it’s always going to be reached easier if the person trying is healthy.

When anyone is sick or suffering with a health condition, if it’s serious enough most people will go see a doctor.
The problem with most medical practitioners is that they ask what symptoms they have. A good place to start, yes, but… the problems in most cases can escalate from here because in most cases, not all but most, the doctor will use what knowledge and experience he or she has to apply guesswork as to which drug will work best, if that drug doesn’t help after a couple of weeks or a month if they’ve prescribed an antilife pill, oops sorry it is anti-life but they refer to it as an antibiotic.

I think I’ve got the Ronnie Corbett syndrome.. haha.

Okay as we all know the human body is an amazing thing with the ability to heal itself over time, sadly because we as humans consume a great many complex man-made and synthetic additives, the natural process of self-healing is hindered.But what is in or excreted will always tell us what’s genuinely wrong.So a Blood test, a Urine test and examining fecal matter will reveal genuine answers.No it won’t tell you exactly what is wrong but it will give a far more accurate indication of how the health condition can be addressed.Attempting to correct the cause of the problem rather than prescribing drugs to treat symptoms.So if people in general had a little more patience and stop demanding a “pill” which would in turn enable the medical professionals to do what they were trained to do and abide by the Hippocratic Oath…To do no harm…If they examined what is in, I.e. Blood and lymphatic fluid.What comes out, as in Urine and fecal matter then work backwards they would genuinely solve the problem.It would minimise the constant lines of patients at doctors surgeries.It would massively reduce the sick days and massively improve production.It obviously would reduce the disgustingly high profits of big pharma, in reality the most important thing is better health for mankind. That should be Our Goal…

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