Being selfish….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Being selfish….
I think in life, whenever we’ve come across people that seem like spoilt kids always wanting things that seem not comfortably available, we’ve thought of them as not very nice people, people that we don’t want to mix with, and rightly so. However, that attitude is perfectly justifiable when the “I want, I want” attitude is referring to living or dying. I’m now referring to the strict dietary requirements of the ABP. Being alone in my particular situation makes these difficult choices easier. I’m not having to take family members into consideration, I just decide what’s best for me and if I want to live or just survive, my choice will always be to live.
So for all the others interested in following this life changing protocol, it’s as much of a commitment for your loved ones as it is for you, you have to have them understanding what this is and to agree to help you, they can’t be saying, “oh just have a small portion of a sweet creamy cake, it’ll be ok”. Temptation is hard enough to deal with on its own, you don’t need others justifying it’ll be ok to just have a little bite.
I know this has been an easier thing for me to do for a number of reasons, to start with I was a very physically active person and have been since my teens. Playing football, rugby and being active in athletics, I was in the Army so discipline was a way of life.
I was diagnosed with MS two years after I’d moved to the USA, I’d been very knowledgeable in nutrition and despised the way Big Pharma had transitioned into a selfish money grabbing heartless behemoth, from their roots of helping mankind.
Nearly four years of being an integral member of Dr Huggins organization and studying his work and several others dedicated to natural health helped me make the commitment to save my life. I’m not sure that everyone else realises that in order to succeed at taking your life back, you have to have discipline, you have to be like that spoilt little kid, you have to have specifically what You want, and regardless of the likes and wants of anyone else… Anyone !!! you have to focus on being selfish..

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