Being alone…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Being alone..

No not me, it’s strange in that yes I live alone and in my flat in the main for 24/7 but I’m never lonely, I never feel depressed or despondent, maybe I’m just weird or maybe I am the one in a million I talked about yesterday but for different reasons. Whatever…. the difference with me is not just that I feel I know the truth about so many things that everyone else should know but don’t, inside the very core, the deepest part of me I know that I will be healthy again and that there is life to be lived ahead of me.

I’m talking about this because for some strange reason I was reminded of a woman I talked to when I worked at Huggins Applied Healing in Colorado. I think it was in 09 when she  called as a last resort, she had the worst of the worst diseases, ALS or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the same disease that the incredible Stephen Hawking has. During my years with “Doc” I probably talked with fifteen or twenty people with it. Normally people with ALS live for as little as 3  to 5 yrs, Stephen Hawking is an anomaly. The woman that called and talked with me for an hour or more on three occasions, as I said she knew it was her last hope as the doctors had given her their prognosis that she’d be dead in a few years and it was likely going to be a very painful and difficult time. Sadly she had no family and no close friends and no way of raising enough money to attend a clinic with Dr Huggins and Dr Nunnally in Texas. Sadly I never talked with her again, this was one of the many times I sat outside the office a cried like a baby. I often think about my own situation and to be quite honest looking at my circumstances having a so called incurable disease and living on disability benefits probably looks like a desperate situation, but I really don’t feel like I’m alone, I have family, friends and an unbreakable faith.

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