Been there…

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Been there…

My life so far has been interesting to say the least, I don’t consider myself better than anyone else, but I am different and have a lot of experience, experience that has helped a great deal over the past 65 years and as I’ve got lots of plans for the future they will help guide me through the next thirty years or so because I plan to be around and do so much more.
I was born in Liverpool in 1955 when it was very tough for every family to survive and more so for us as my mum had 7 kids and we lived in a two bedroom house with no bathroom.
School was hard and even more so than normal as the knuckle dragging morons would beat up those that had raised their hands and answered teachers questions or didn’t participate in the monthly fights between my school, Litherland High and Warwick Bolum…
I left school at 15 yrs old to go to the Army Apprentice College in Chepstow, South Wales.
I qualified with a City and Guilds in Carpentry and Joinery, I also got my degree in Building construction and building science which qualified me as a clerk of works.
Being in the Royal Engineers I also became a Combat Engineer, so bridging, demolition and minefield clearance was another skill.
After leaving the army I ran my own little business doing small building work but I also took my HGV class 1, 2 and 3, thats Heavy goods vehicle licence, so I can drive every vehicle from cars, small vans right up to the juggernauts you see with 40 foot trailers thundering down the motorways. From a recreation point of view I also have my motorbike licence.
Because it sounded like good fun, I took a parachute course then went on to free fall, skydiving was a major part of my life and I did 834 skydives and was #2 on the 60 man formation in 1989 which was in the Guiness book of records until 1997 when it was beaten.
I’m also a SCUBA diver, hang glider and I have my PPL, private pilots licence.
I know I’ve said most of this before, don’t worry, I’m not going doolally.
I worked in the I.T. industry for 25 years and as I’ve previously mentioned I’ve driven more that 1.5 million miles for work, going to and from appointments around the country.
I lived and worked in Colorado in the USA for nearly 11 years, 10 yrs and 10 months to be precise.
I was the Client Service Director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing, Dr Hal Huggins. I sat in on many, many of his consultations, I studied all his work and learned so much from him. I wanted to take my doctorate but he told me I’d learn so much more genuinely useful information from him.
I’ve been back in England since November 2012, and sadly am not able to physically work..yet
Since being a part of the special group whos intention is to heal from multiple sclerosis, I’ve also written and published two books with a third on the way so I have been busy.
I’m closely following the Ann Boroch Protocol, I truly believe that I will once again be running the streets, not as quickly as I once did, but it will happen.
Everything I do during the 20 hours I’m awake is a challenge, since my fall last March, I’ve been in bed, I am in the same sitting or slightly leaning back position for 23 plus hours everyday, the other 45 mins I’m on the commode or having a shower.
So when chatting or talking with people far less experienced in life, (not you honey) but people that ….tut and roll their eyes, please have some patience and emember that..
I’ve been there, done that and have the T shirt and video.

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