Because, we know…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Because we know….
In less than two weeks I’ll have completed twenty two months on the Ann Boroch Protocol and I have to say making the decision to start is possibly the best decision I’ve ever made, of course at different stages of my life there’s been things at the time that I thought were very important, but in hindsight were just “things”….
As I’ve mentioned before, the first forty six years of my life included participating in sports and hobbies that most normal people wouldn’t think about… it was after this that “living” became just desperately looking for an answer to reversing a so called incurable disease that has now taken control of my body.
Starting the protocol which although had had thousands of successes… was for me a little daunting, but twenty two months later, as my “scouse” self would day… “I’m dead chuffed”.. which for the non brits reading this means… Very, very happy…
I haven’t healed myself yet, I’ve still a very long way to go, but I’m in far less pain now, I have greater control of my limbs, I have improved fine motor skills, I can exercise for short periods and not suffer with total exhaustion for hours, I do get very tired but it’s nowhere near as bad. Contrary to what 99% of western medicine practitioners will tell you, multiple sclerosis is beatable.
The Ann Boroch Protocol works… she did it in four years but she was in her twenties and hadn’t suffered with it for many years as most of us have before starting the protocol, this basically means that although we now have a very detailed and strict plan to follow, we also have a much harder job ahead of us, so four years might be five, six or seven years and will probably need to be a lifetime commitment to prevent those damn evil little shitbags getting a hold again.
The world of medical professionals, doctors, neurologists and scientists all stand together and state that millions of hours in research has been spent by specialists but non of them have ever found a solution to the hideous disease called multiple sclerosis, so how is that thousands of sufferers of MS have healed their body and no longer have any symptoms….
The “experts” say one thing and encourage MS-ers to take pharmaceutical drugs that treat symptoms and create long term debilitating problems… we don’t take them and our lives are slowly but surely improving… Why?

Because we know the truth.

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