Am I stupid………

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Am I stupid.

Am I stupid or just arrogant or both? Knowing I fell and twisted my knee on Sunday I told myself that after my lovely carer Megan left just after 12.15 that I’d go to bed and just rest. I knew that the time doing nothing, just resting and meditating would be the best thing I could do. But no, arrogant Stefan thought it okay to get up and try to carry on as normal, if being me could ever be considered normal of course. Anyway the buzzer rang letting me know my delivery from Amazon had arrived, so numb head me attempts to answer the phone across the room. This is where my legs buckled under me, massive pain as my left leg was completely bent under me as I fell backwards cracking my head on the table and knocking a half pint of swamp juice on my head and the floor. It’s not really swamp juice it just looks like it. Needless to say the door didn’t get answered and it was a good 30 minutes later that I managed to get to my bed, no food for me. Lesson….. Don’t be a stupid arrogant git..


Note: I wrote to Don Croft the maker of my Zapper and asked if he’d come across the same problem of extreme weakness while using the Zapper, he very kindly responded with an answer that made absolute sense. What frustrates me is why I didn’t see the answer myself…  The Zapper is killing parasites and removing pathogens, so what’s happening.? Detoxification duh!!!! Of course I’d go through this, it’s just proving its working.

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