Am I….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Am I….
During my 63 years on earth there’s been times that my job or a sport I’ve been involved in or my family when I was married that I’ve been quite passionate about… my job when I was the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins I was very passionate about, his work helped thousands. The problem was that his method required someone to pay a great deal of money, firstly to have serious dental work and then to sit through a week of classes on his protocol, it wasn’t unusual for the financial implications be more than $50,000 plus two weeks off work, so I had to be dedicated because it was my job to help others.
The difference now is that I’m personally on the Ann Boroch Protocol, it’s changing my life, as it has done for thousands of others, there’s no financial involvement, by or for me or anyone wanting to do this, just a commitment to do it properly, the fact that the protocol isn’t only for MS sufferers but so many other so called incurable diseases make it such an incredible opportunity to restore life that I feel blessed and its not my job but my responsibility to share with others.
So for twenty months I’ve stuck religiously to the protocol, the differences aren’t necessarily obvious to others but they are to me, what is incredible about this is that the improvements are slow to appear but they’re permanent. It doesn’t happen overnight, the changes are inches on a ten mile scale, I don’t notice changes in comparison to yesterday or last week or last month so it’s easy to think it’s not happening. But the improvements to me are very clear in comparison to 6, 12 or 18 months ago. So, am I passionate about doing and sharing the knowledge with others……
Damn right I Am..

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