Always got..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Always got.
A question that was asked of me a couple of days ago was “Is going through all this hassle, all the food changes and supplementation worthwhile”, I can understand why someone that doesn’t have MS would say that, I really can. I mean I have to drink so much water, probably twice as much as even a healthy and concerned adult drinks everyday, I have to be really careful about the foods I eat and even more so about the ones I never eat even though it would be so nice to have them. My life is totally focused on when, what and how much, there’s no room in my life for compromise, I do it right… simple.
No one else lives in my body, just me, so having a disease the world’s medical experts say is incurable and will only make me weaker, sicker and in more pain every day could be a little depressing to say the least.
September when I started the ABP and the next three months were difficult, obviously September was the hardest, then a little easier each of the following months, but in reality 2018 has been different, I haven’t had “bad days” as such, there’s just been occasions that were a little harder but that’s not been an issue because I’ve known, yes known 100% that after rest or a nights sleep I’ll be better.
I have to say thanks to Juergen Meixner for his enthusiasm on cannabis oil because I’ve started taking it daily and gradually increased the dosage and I must say thay these past 4 or 5 days I’ve been feeling great.
So to answer the question, “Is this worthwhile?”….
Damn right it is.
It all comes down to this…If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got”….
In reality, drugs, the so called medication and not wanting to offend Dr Paolo Zamboni or any CCSVI patients, (I’m one) they all treat symptoms and have various limitations. The ABP is a lifestyle change… get it…. life, but it works for life as long as you do.

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