A future…

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A future worth…

2020 will be remembered for all the wrong reasons, the world experienced a pandemic creating more deaths than most countries had ever experienced outside of the two world wars.
It was a frightening time for everyone, just reading or hearing about the thousands being diagnosed everyweek, the emergency hospitals being built then being filled by patients, some on ventilators for weeks and weeks.
From my own personal level it was terrible, a week before Lockdown in March I had a fall in my bathroom which resulted in me being in bed for the remainder of the year…
In September I experienced all coronavirus symptoms including the worst sticky glue like flegm, I was extremely weak, even more so than just having multiple sclerosis. I quickly adopted my self preservation mode and started taking masses of Lipospheric vitamin C. I went through three bottles of 250ml in 9 days, a bottle is normally a months supply.
I know the majority of people will not believe it was covid19 or that the lipospheric vit c could help so much, but trust me, I’m telling the truth, lipospheric vit C will kill all known virus, and that has been scientifically proven.
If only the governments of the world would stop believing in the pariah’s. a.k.a. Big pharma.
Here in England we all owe a massive debt of gratitude to all the amazing staff of the NHS.. they have put their own lives at risk and worked tirelessly to keep us safe…. Thank you…
The strain on the prime minister who also was struck down with that hideous virus, the pressure to keep the country afloat must have been terrible. I know some will disagree and have a completely different opinion, but thats how I see it..
As far as the negative filled year is concerned, it created problems, thats true and sadly lots of people lost their lives, there’s nothing we can do about that now other than remember them fondly and move on.
2021 has just begun, let’s learn from the past and make the necessary adjustments to our lives and safeguard our future.
My 2020 was crap in so many ways…
I spent 10 months in bed, my lockdown was limited to my bedroom, my knees were badly damaged in the fall I had which has seriously restricted all movement, my thighs are so weak so 99% of exercise and movement is so limited, on top of that I’m not over it….yet..
On top of those issues I’ve had to drink about a gallon of water everyday or I have serious problems. Drinking so much creates other problems in that every 45 minutes I’m given roughly a one minute warning that I Will pee regardless of where I am or what I’m doing.
Nothing any doctor or…. has helped me combat this issue, until something I’d read last week then bought another supplement has made a difference.
It seems that for ten plus years, Ten years!!!! I’ve had a urinary tract infection. I say had, because I think its been addressed…. Yay!!!!
I’m still 100% on the Ann Boroch Protocol and I am confident that my 100% healing will happen its just been delayed, it might appear to other people be a pipedream, a fantasy but I’m not other people, I’m me and I intend to live and have a future worth living…

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